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PS: I'm sooo biased towards Buffy this episode😅.

And sorry about the audio still working on it.

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/611vqznjkdvezkf/Buffy.S03E02.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Before I even watch it, I'm gonna say I'm totally on Buffy's side also... although, it probably would've made all her friends' lives easier if she just sent a postcard saying she was alive. I get their point... but sometime we just gotta deal with stuff on our own. Where I disagree with you, is when you say she wanted to talk to them but they were ignoring her. Buffy's "you wouldn't understand" when Willow said she'd like to know what Buffy was going through kinda told us that Buffy wasn't exactly being forthcoming with them either... and unfortunately, if she's not going to tell them anything about what she had to deal with, it's going to be very hard for them to understand and empathize with her. They have literally no idea what happened. For us, the viewers, we saw what Buffy had to deal with so we understand it... but they don't have that insider knowledge. I honestly think if she would've told them what happened, their reaction would be quite different.

Mattisen Walter

This episode is just so heartbreaking every time without fail. I'm assuming a lot of people in the comments are going to take sides hard but it is both of their faults. Both sides feel that the other isn't thinking about them but sooner or later someone has to listen to the other. The Scoobies didn't know what happened to Buffy and Buffy wasn't thinking about the effect her leaving could have on others; which is a very teenage way of thinking. The hardest part is that she was trying and they weren't. As well, Joyce choosing the worst time to bring everything up and everyone else just piling on without space and time to process everyone's emotions. Buffy was their punching bag and they weren't giving her any time to adjust to what they were saying. And XANDER IS SO HEARTLESS here. It's so upsetting :( One thing I can appreciate this episode for is the realism of arguments like this. I know that the details aren't real (monsters, and killing an evil ex and such) but the way it all came out, running away, expulsion, listening to others, misunderstanding, and bad timing, are all so realistic. I know that similar confrontations have occurred in my life when I was a teen. Overall, a very hard episode to get through.


I didn’t like Buffy’s “friends” in this episode at all. Xander was completely incentive yet again (what a surprise), and I found Willow to be completely annoying, not only was her side of the story self absorbed, it was pathetic. She turned it around to make it all about her when she knew what Buffy had to do in regards to Angel. Joyce proves once again that she doesn’t know what she’s doing, atleast she admitted she her mistake. I don’t think Buffy’s the one that needed to apologise there at the end to Willow. The only characters I like up until this point are Buffy and Giles. Up next is personally a highly anticipated episode for me so I’m so excited! 😀


Yeah but because of Xander she thinks no one will sympathise with what she had to do, or hear her cry over Angel. So i understand why she didn’t tell. “ she feels she has no right to cry over him to her friends after what happened so”. And she did ask Willow if everything’s ok and she told her no so Willow was running from her.


So happy you loved the Giles line which is one of my favorites of the show: "Do you like my mask; isn't it pretty? It raises the dead!"


Now that I finished the reaction, I agree, Buffy's friends suck at times. Also, still love how this show uses metaphors of monsters to discuss the real life monsters. Burying issues will just make them come back to life and eat you alive if you don't talk about them 😉

Raven Dark

Does Willow know, though? At the end of the last episode of season 2, she said maybe Angel is alive. There's nothing to say she's learned different at this point. I'm not trying to be argumentative, it's just that I always thought she has no clue what happened, and neither does anyone else at this point. And until Buffy says it in the argument scene, they also don't know that Buffy's mom kicked her out, or that she was expelled from school.


“Good bye stray cat who lost its way, we hope you find it.” I just realized after watching this today with you that this was notice for the viewers that Buffy is basically like a stray cat trying to find her way home....back to her life she left. Should have known from that moment on that everything was gonna be a hot stinky mess lol. Great reaction. Buffy deserved better. They knew like you said, that she was going to have to fight Angel. If she left town, they should know better to assume it’s because something awful happened with Angel. Yes, she could have said something but they know what she goes through on a regular basis ...to all of a sudden pretend they forgot that she has to do shitty things to save the world and that takes a tole on her. I get they wish she knew she was ok and wanted to act like nothing happened but ...something did happen and they should know better by now.


When I saw this I thought, ok we have something evil from Africa, seriously ... every tribal thing in Africa has an agenda which includes demons and dead people. Then we get to Xander., I’m struggling to find the right errr any, polite, words for him here. I would not act the way they did to another friend, my friends would never dream of acting that way towards me. We would close ranks in the room and have a chat later. Said chat would mostly be.. are you ok.. glad you’re back...we’re here if you need us,.. now you want to help kill things? She shouldn’t need to tell them everything that’s going on, until she’s ready and then just what she wants. The whole idea with friends is that you’re just there for them when they need you and vice versa. ‘Explantations are reserved for when you actually do something to them. She didn’t. Did her leaving mean they had to go out killing vampires? Hmmm maybe but, it’s a big maybe, they were already way down that path. Her friends are acting like her parents. That whole ‘did you think what it would do to us?’ line is way more common from parents than from friends. She left because in her life she gets wanted for murder, she nearly dies every night, her Mum tells her never to come back, she actually has to kill the love of her life. FFS she is what 17!! Meanwhile Cordy is shopping at Bergdorf, Willow is reading computer books and Xander is cuddling his teddy bear wishing it was Buffy. As far as I can see they are lucky she came back at all. I bet she didn’t expect their reaction. It broke my heart when Buffy said, in tears, I get I screwed up, Where was the cavalry, we got the Calvary. I disagree she screwed up it was probably the best thing right then. Her running away was completely understandable, their reaction on her return was .. I hope... unrealistic. In the end it’s a show so .. Also, tbh I’m British and as i found out when I moved to the US there is -huge- difference in how ‘friend’ is defined in the US and the UK. I may have said this before, depending where and how you grew up, ‘friend’ is very binary.. I’m struggling with this whole idea of ‘friend as long as it is not an inconvenience’. I am not very good with character arcs, although even I can spot a nosedive (Xander). I think I’d be better off sitting on the couch with a whole load of popcorn yelling he’s behind you! And Boo! When Xander appears. If you all yelled ‘yup’ right there... did anyone think about me when they wrote this show? What about how I felt when they started including complex things like arcs and then wrote characters off at a tangent? I’m traumatized, where’s my teddy bear? 😂😂 Partially tongue in cheek peeps.

Jim Greer (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:18:00 I agree entirely with you SoFie ,I have hated Xander from the very beginning & Willow is very clingy . The only ones i would want as friends are Giles & Cordelia at least she is honest .
2021-03-16 08:58:22 I agree entirely with you SoFie ,I have hated Xander from the very beginning & Willow is very clingy . The only ones i would want as friends are Giles & Cordelia at least she is honest .

I agree entirely with you SoFie ,I have hated Xander from the very beginning & Willow is very clingy . The only ones i would want as friends are Giles & Cordelia at least she is honest .


Your reaction to how Xander/Joyce/Willow were acting is the same as how I feel. I'm more angry with Joyce and Xander but I didn't like how Willow was acting either.