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Sorry guys for the Audio still working on it. That scene though OOOOOMMMMMGGGG!!!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1j0qi09zgjm0yb4/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E04.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




The dance scene between Damon and Elena is my favorite scene of the whole series. It makes me feel so happy every time I watch it ❤️


I love Bonnie but she really did ruin the moment LMAO


When I see that scene I always imagine the writers/directorial instructions "You have 30 second to make the scene looking sexy, to express lust, to look high on blood, to be carefree and dance together as one thing, truly connected" And boy they did it superbly. I've never seen a short scene like that one conveing such a level of sensuality and I must say it works because Ian is naturally gifted with sex appeal, he has sensuality down to a science it comes so natural to him specially when he dances. Great iconic scene!! But also what he said after is so true to Elena and she is crying because she is realizing that he said something she doesn't want to give in to, but she knows to be true, she is like Damon, she has so much more in common with him then with Stefan, that if she is willing to let go and pass all that silly jugment, she can be joyful again. The last scene when the song is playing expressing preciselly what is happening while she is embracing Stefan makes me feel so sorry for him "whatever is happening is happening here and I'm a fool for thinking otherwise". She is holding on to her past, but as J. Lennon said "life is what happens while you are busy making other plans". Life is happening to Elena the sooner she realizes that the better for everybody.


Im not a delena fan but goddamn....also this entire cure plot is probably the best in the series after "the curse of the sun and moon"... Thickens the plot so much and this plot especially has direct impact on all of our characters, cant wait for the rest of the season!!


The cure has two sides, could be a cure for vamparism or could be use as a weapon against Klaus to make him human and kill him. That is why he doesn't want anyone to know. But poor Rebekah, Stefan and Klaus did her so dirty, she get stabbed at any slitest sign of rebellion or inconvenience. No wonder she is full of spite and frustrated anger.


The vervain blew up with the council when they exploded.

Gokul (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:18:06 I would really love too see your post reaction analysis on something other than the damon,elena and stefan situations lol.....everyone takes this love triangle way too seriously, there is so much more to this episode and the series itself, the cure,the origin of hunters, shady professor etc....everyone is too fixated on delena and stelena imo...love your reactions though!!<3
2021-03-02 10:11:48 I would really love too see your post reaction analysis on something other than the damon,elena and stefan situations lol.....everyone takes this love triangle way too seriously, there is so much more to this episode and the series itself, the cure,the origin of hunters, shady professor etc....everyone is too fixated on delena and stelena imo...love your reactions though!!<3

I would really love too see your post reaction analysis on something other than the damon,elena and stefan situations lol.....everyone takes this love triangle way too seriously, there is so much more to this episode and the series itself, the cure,the origin of hunters, shady professor etc....everyone is too fixated on delena and stelena imo...love your reactions though!!<3


When you see a reactor not react to something... that is their reaction.


Im talking about the post reaction analysis, I really wanna know how she feels about the whole cure thing,and the professor shane thing, I enjoy listening to her,and that's why I want her to talk about more stuff from the episode after she has done watching the episode. What's wrong with saying that I want to hear more of her on different topics?


@gokul the point is that right now, she cannot say much about the cure, the hunter, Shane, because there are not enough information, and also because all of that is pretty straigh forward. On the other hand the feelings of the main three characters right now are much more complex and need discussing. It is a crutial turning point for Elena, Stefan and Damon, ignoring that would make the reaction look silly. It is right now in these episodes the main story, Elena's confusion and refusal of her vamparism is what motivates Stefan to get the cure, to lie about it, Elena is what motivate Klaus, Elena and Damon being in the dark is what makes them close, because Elena start to feel that she has face vamparism the way Damon see it or else. So what's happening between the three of them is, right now, central to everything. I don't like reactors that repeat plainly what is going on on the screen, with long winded recaps and nothing else, we can all seen that already without paying. I prefer them to anylise what is happening, to give opinions, to express feeling, to figure out the dynimics between characters, to give me food for thoughts etc. Like Sofie does.


"Rebecca, eat your veggies" is one of the funnier one-liners in the episode. They've been dead for a thousand years I doubt it'll help 😂


I’ll analyse the whole cure/ professor shane/Vamp hunter as the episodes continue. i don’t have more informations so i can’t really say much And I’m just gonna repeat what happened ( don’t think you’ll be interested in that).


There is not enough credit given to whomever selects the music for this show. Its really important to listen to with the scenes since it usually conveys the unsaid feelings of characters in the show. You just have to make sure you are assigning the song to the correct character's inner monologue. Lol I remember thinking All I Need was such a weird choice for the 1x19 Selena dance cause for some reason my dumbass initially assigned it to Elena, probably cause it was a female singer (I watched tv very differently back then lol it was stupid) Anyways clearly it was about DAMON. Duh...


@Libby The musician that wrote some of the score for TVD, TO and Legacies and has been in charge for selecting the songs during these shows is Chris Mollere, a genius in my opinion. Never seen a show so jam-pacted with songs all so fitting with the situation in the scene, that seems like certain songs are written for the show and they are not. Only thinking about the amount of work that must have gone into it and the knowledge of songs this man must have is mind blowing. He also did Pretty little liars, Roswell New Mexico, Scream, Kylie XY (Julie Plec) and plenty more.


@Sofie absolutelly. No worries you are doing great.


I love the fact that Bonnie went to college with Elena and Damon. Bonnie and Damon's attitude is great, even though they are very rarely in the same scene together. But it's a bit of a pity that Bonnie interrupted such a hot dance. Still, Elena didn't lose control. She didn't kill anyone, and she was pretty good at controlling herself. Although I feel bad for the people who are being used as a bag of blood, but nevertheless these people remained intact and not torn apart. And Damon was right when he said that Elena was afraid to admit that she is like him. And if we take a closer look at the flashbacks and hear what Elena's friends say, it will become clear that Elena was able and loved to have fun before her parents ' death, she could let herself go. But all the subsequent events forced her to become more serious and responsible. And she's acting like this now, not because she's a vampire, but because she was once. Vampirism does not change a person, but strengthens his character traits. I just wanted to clarify this, because the show has already mentioned several times (including by Damon) that she became like Damon because she became a vampire. But this is not quite true.

Andrea Dcosta

That dance scene yes so very sexyy 😻😻Reliving watching these moments with you is the best!! Rebekah eat your veggies I don’t think even papa original Michael would have ever told her that haha. Rebekah really broke my heart this episode she just wants to be loved is that asking for too much? I love Klaus but he pissed me off for treating her this way Stefan too 😒

Andrea Dcosta

I love bonnie and she’s one of my favourites but at times she really pisses me off what does she expect Elena to do she knows she can’t drink from blood bags and only from the vein so she has to snatch eat and erase and that’s not possible without having fun relishing in it and Learning how to control it or else if she keeps having guilt she might risk becoming like Stefan the Ripper. I know it looks weird and Bonnie is seeing her best friend changing but she needs to accept that this is her now if she wants to survive she has to enjoy and not be ashamed of who she is.


@Andrea Dcosta You are so right so about everything Except the part about it "Looking weird" Cause it doesn't. Can someone please explain wtf is up with Bonnie when she sees Elena having fun? Cause All Elena is doing is what millions of other people have done in their lives. Gotten drunk/high, danced their ass off, flirted with people who aren't entirely good for us and had FUN. Elena is not killing people. How does Bonnie see her dancing and think OMG she's completely out of control?


Amen!! 👏👏👏 I love Bonnie, Jeremy and you know who (I can't say because of spoiler) but their bias jugmental attitude is so out of place.


I love Bonnie so much and I understand that she is worried that her friend might be losing it but like ... she doesn't know what its like to be a vampire, she doesn't know what it means when a vampire loses control vs behaving like a normal vampire. Just like a vampire cant talk to Bonnie about what its like to be a witch cause they dont know how it feels physically, emotionally and mentally. Elena was doing what a normal vampire should be doing which is feeding and compelling them to forget. She didn't kill anyone and she was having fun for the first time in a long time. And it is things like this that is keeping Elena from actually accepting herself as a vampire and realizing that she can do this cause you have her best friend judge her for it.

sbrianna46 .

A little late but i have to defend my girl Bonnie this was her first time seeing Elena feeding on humans, and let alone enjoying it and "having fun", so i think she deserves to be cut some flack. And yeah i know Bonnie knew Elena came to learn how to feed, but its different for seeing it to hearing it. Whats was here reaction suppose to be. And if you think about Bonnie is not really around when the vampires on the show are feeding on humans so she not desensitized to it as we as an audience may be.

I Am Not Chamari

Just a little take on the hunter thing as it currently stands: We know that Connor is one of The Five, meaning, in theory, that there are probably four other hunters out there. I took this to mean that there are only five, which would explain why Jeremy is a potential hunter, but not one yet. Maybe once the tattoo is fully spread, on one hunter, it gets passed over to another? At least, that’s what I thought at the time I watched this episode!

Keith Engel

Elena and Damon Road Trip # 5 College.

Keith Engel

Season 4 drinking game, take a shot/drink each time The Cure is mentioned!

Keith Engel

All I will say is that within everything they have shown previously concerning Elena, it goes back to the first Road Trip between Elena and Damon. Sure we see her being "happy" with Stefan, but Stefan carries around all this baggage, brooding, and depression with him as well. Stefan doesn't know how to be happy or have fun, he tries his best, but it still gets the best of his character, because he is too busy trying to fight his nature as a vampire, something Damon if you notice has been trying to get him to learn how to accept. Meanwhile, what do we see with Damon, a certain acceptance of both sides of his characters, a willingness to have fun, and enjoy the moment. We see this the most in the Dances in previous seasons as well. Where Elena has to beg Stefan to dance or show of his moves, while Damon well, we see him Dance with Elena, Bonnie, and even other people. Damon, in some cases, despite the circumstances, knows how to be happy, to make lemonade out of the Lemons, something that broody Stefan lacks. This brings us back to the point in Stefan fighting his nature as vampire vs Damon accepting his nature as vampire, something he is trying to help Elena with.

Keith Engel

I agree, I have been looking up song lyrics and stuff during my rewatches here. It's also interesting to note how sometime they'll keep the song playing lower in the background were the lyrics are barely audible at times. It's a great way of hinting what is to come. They doe this with Delena quite often as the seasons progress the lyrics can be heard better.

Keith Engel

Stefan would eat the entire party. One of the best reactions ever to that line!