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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k3sp9wrdqqkkfol/Buffy.S03E01.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Rey Gallogo

If Joyce asked Buffy what was going on which I think she had, Buffy probably continued to hide it from her. She’s supposed to keep her identity secret.


Buffy was the first show that was using fantasy as an allegory to tell real life issues. That is why the feeling of this show are so relatable, and even though the visual effect looks dated, the issues touched never get old, are still very much relevant and universally applicable. That is why Buffy is still very much loved and it is such a great show. Also Sarah Michael Gellar is so charismatic and has such a screen presence, before unseen among women in a TV show. It was pretty revolutionary to see a young girl being so powerful. I loved Buffy when I first saw it and I still do.


It’s an awesome reaction SoFie. Like all of them, and it proves once that you are the best! Did i hear something about a deal with Netflix to stream your reactions? 🙂 In 1996, the number of kids that ran away in California was around 115k, Los Angeles (25k) and Orange were highest. 60% were girls. This does not include the number of kids that ran away from their homes in the rest of the US to go to LA and became a movie star. Many of them fell into drugs, prostitution, trafficking rings. That’s the analogy of the two faced guy and the, “no one will miss you because you’ll age so fast and die.” statements. The idea of how hopeless it all is and the huge fight scene Buffy had. It’s all saying ‘don’t get caught in this kind of thing. You won’t be able to fight hard enough. Since 1996, the figures improved a little until the Californian government changed the way they reported figures. Runaways were counted as kids that returned no kids that left and did not return. Obviously, there was a huge drop and that shoved the whole issue under the radar. That’s a good idea politically. From what I have seen in the reporting from CA, it is still a huge issue. Massive kudos to the writers for illustrating the dangers so well and targeting it at their demographic in a helpful way 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I kind of give up on Joyce here. Let’s say that she thought Giles has driven a wedge between her and her daughter. Why would he do that? Surrogate father figure? She’d go straight to the dark side and given her tendency to call the cops so would they. I understand how they have written the character but her repeatedly refusing to take any responsibility in the events leaves me with not a lot of sympathy for her. Which is a shame because she’s ‘nice’ 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think Dr. Who may have had the jump on the use of fantasy to deal with real issues trope (is that right), From 1963, 862 episodes and counting!! Do not choose this to react to! I think it was somewhere around 1967 that the Daleks (fantasy antagonist race) went nuts and the Brit Government had to issue a 'next day urgent' health warning on TV because kids got hypnotized by the end sequence - for real. Hmmm, I wonder what relevance that could possibly have LOL

Allan Cornett

One of my favorite episodes. My name is Buffy...the vampire slayer..thunk .. The return of the former vampire groupie weeeeee. The scoobie gang keeping Sunnydale safe. OMG so funny.

Allan Cornett

The long one shot starting at the library and going through the school is brilliant.

Tim Pierce

Kind of a moot point, but I feel like if Buffy hadn't returned when she did, Giles would have caught wind of a "teen girl who was ran over trying to save someone else, then popped up like it was nothing."