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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o15pkh307y9xomq/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E03.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Can't wait for the next episode it's one of the best


Sofie you are so wonderfully perceptive, oh yes Damon is searching for Alaric in Meredith, she is his only connection to him and it is heartbreaking to see Damon hurting and missing his friend so badly. Hayley is here!!! Caroline and Stefan friendship is wonderful. The subject of friendship in this show is so well written, so touching. The problem with Stelena is that they had problems already before she was a vampire, falling in love with someone else means that the realationship you are in isn't the right one. Now that she is a vampire and everything is hightent the issues they have are piling up with the incompatibility of their vampire nature and Elena is in turmoil for having to learn how to manage being a vampire and her feelings at the same time. It is more and more obvious that Stefan is part of the life she had in a period she went through with the loss of her parents, and Stefan wanted someone to pretend to be human with, to feel "normal", they were there for each other and it worked. But things changed since, she is no longer in that frame of mind, and she is a vampire, that is an allegory for becoming an adult, so she had to let go with the past, her teenagerhood, and embrace her present, who she is now. Letting go with the past and embrace adulthood it's scary, it brings with it lots of changes, force you to smooth the edges, compromise, and make choices that will effect the rest of your life. That is the point in which Elena is, she has to face and accept her new self, her new life, her new reality. Oh my! The next episodes...can't wait!!!


I think the biggest plus of this season is that everything is connected...the council fire, the arrival of hunter,and also the other stuff that's about to happen,...everything fits perfectly from the 1st episode to the finale.......and this is honestly the only season that does that, most seasons have at least 3-4 plots, season 2 and season 4 have only 1 plot and are unique in their story line imo.....this season is really a story writing and directional masterpiece


But tbh vampire diaries visual effects are pretty good....they dont overly use the cgi for the most part and when they do its very subtle and therefore looks realistic ( like the vampire veins or eyes)


@Gokul sorry I posted a BTVS post in TVD ...confusion due to early hours, it was 5.00am when I posted it 😴😵😂


It is kind of wierd to see in the same episode Paul's ex wife and his following girlfriend now ex too.


I wish they didn't cancel the secret circle lol. Hayley was also in a show called h2o with Rebekah when they were kids. It's a very wholesome kids show about mermaids. They're still best friends to this day <3


Lol it would appear Patpet and I had the same issue posting something we didn't mean to.


So I think maybe you misinterpreted the scene where Stefan and Elena are making out and She sees Damon. Here is my take: She's not thinking about him in a love/sex way. (I'm not saying she isn't attracted to Damon I'm just saying in this case that is not what was going on) Just like with Rebecca when she was hallucinating Matt, Rebecca is afraid she doesn't deserve love. She was seeing her subconscious worst fears. Elena is afraid to admit she's more like Damon as far as her being a vampire goes. She doesn't want to admit even to herself that she LIKES feeding cause she doesn't want to want that She doesn't want to accept not just her feelings for Damon but for her feelings in general about being a vampire and the person she is becoming. I know you are frustrated with the love triangle thing but that was NOT what that was about. Elena has only been a vampire for like a week. I think we should cut her some slack as she is adjusting to being a vampire. Right now her emotions are on high and she has to be confused by what she feels. Like she said to Stefan " I didn't think I was capable of hate. I hate that I hate her," These emotions or intensity of emotions are new and she needs to sort through it all.

Andrea Dcosta

Yes yes but I didn’t know about this kids show need to have a look now and see baby Rebekah 😻😻

Andrea Dcosta

It’s really sad to watch Damon In this episode you’re absolutely right he is looking for a friend in Meredith to get a drinking buddy to discuss vampire stuff just breaks my Delaric heart even more :((( Rebekah is a queen yes she was bad to Elena but she was so badass this episode. Her telling April she can help her with her dads death was so sweet. I love Rebekah so dam much. Hayley is here she’s also Paul’s ex lol. Clearly Elena is changing and as Libby said I think when she was making out with Stefan and she had a vision of Damon telling her she’s more like him now is in a way telling her that now she’s a vampire and she’s a lot more like Damon yes obviously she has feelings for him but she’s also struggling being a vampire and specially since she cannot drink from blood bags and has to drink from the vein.

Keith Engel

Glad you like your introduction to Haley.....


I just joined on Patreon, having seen your reactions only up to Season 4 Episode 2 of TVD and none of OTH which I love and plan on watching your reactions to, i have a lot of ways to make it to the top lol, too bad i'm so late haha