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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oimy5hfe5fl6uxw/One%20tree%20hill%20S2xE02%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bvb50lbqr9v9749/One%20tree%20hill%20S2xE02%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




The thing with Deb is part of her KNOWS she had a large part in driving Nathan away. But accepting that is like losing her son in her mind. But all she really has to do in order to be in his life is be supportive and kind to both him and Haley. That's all he wants. I mean, he clearly wants her in his life still, or he wouldn't have been trying so hard to get her to meet Haley's parents or he would've said he didn't want her at the party. But he clearly wants to still have a relationship with her. But not if she's gonna be toxic. Not if she's gonna be a bitch to Haley. She's really doing this to herself, because if she'd just be supportive and happy for them, or at least try to be, then he'd be more than happy to have her in his life still. I love Lucas wanting to throw them a party and wanting to be supportive and just let them know that they do have people in their corner who believe this can work. I just love that he and Nathan are getting along and really being brothers and friends. Lucas' speech was great as well! He clearly believes in their love and sees how strong it is and really believes they can make this work and I love it. Plus all the little things like Haley calling him BIL and Lucas calling her his little sis in law. They obviously mean a lot in their relationship, but it's also such a testament to how far Lucas and Nathan have come, that being married to Nathan makes them in laws and Lucas is able to say that without feeling weird about that making Nathan his brother. Haley's parents are great! I love them so much! I love that they believe in them too, and that they try to get along with Deb even after she made their daughter cry. And their speech too, about how old do you have to be for your love to be real? I love that so much! Cuz it's true. When can you say you're in love with someone without people immediately thinking "Aw it's sweet but not gonna last."? Whitey bringing them that baby blanket though! Even though there's no baby, it's adorable! He gave them something that you'd usually pass down to your kids when they have kids of their own, and the closest Whitey has to kids of his own is the team, especially Nathan and Lucas. (He more a father to them than Dan will ever be!) Oh, Brooke... Boys are a big part of her life, and that's okay, she likes boys and wants to hook up and all that and that's great for her. She just doesn't quite get that Peyton doesn't feel the same... And boys shouldn't be everything, but she is allowed to care and want them to like her and all that, she just needs to figure out that not everyone feels that way... The way Deb and Dan want to get their son back, it pisses me off so much! All they have to do is BE SUPPORTIVE PARENTS AND MAYBE HE'LL ALLOW YOU INTO HIS LIFE AND NO ONE HAS TO GET HURT! Skills is great! His advice to Lucas was awesome! He doesn't have to change who he is, he just has to go back to being the better version of himself that already exists. :) I love the River Court guys! <333

I Am Not Chamari

I know that the Brooke creating Peyton's online dating profile is presented as a fun and friendly thing, but we sure did just skate by Brooke posting naked photos of Peyton on the Internet without her consent. Oh, this show! Lucas throwing this party was so sweet. I'm glad he's so outwardly supportive and wants to celebrate them so publicly. Regarding him, Brooke and Peyton, I just really wish there was some special feature that just revealed what the letter said. I would like to point out two things - he went to see Peyton, not Brooke, before he left, and although the letter was addressed to both Brooke and Peyton, he left it at Peyton's door. Maybe it's the Leyton in me talking, but I cannot help but to point that out. I don't think the letter acknowledged his feelings for Peyton vs. his feelings for Brooke, but rather that he had feelings for both, and was sorry that his bad decisions got in the way of their friendship. Either way, it's going to be really interesting to see how this ~ friendship ~ develops, especially because Lucas was never really friends with Brooke before.

I Am Not Chamari

Also, totally forgot to talk about Skills! He was such a gem this episode. He's an amazing character, although relegated to the stereotypical Best Friend/Comedic Relief role.

Sophie Gutschlag

So this is like my 5th time watching this show and I am sooo excited for everything to come and everyones reactions haha