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There it is! 😍

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gil1bllbc3ezfst/One%20tree%20hill%20S1xE19encode.mp4?dl=0




I started to follow One Three Hill with you too. I don't comment because is a pretty straightforward show, not much to understand or to clarify and your comments are always, as per anything you comment, very on point. It is a good show, I remember I liked it very much when it aired but since then I forgot most of it so it feels kind of fresh.


My favorite character on the show was Jake when I watched. I know he isn’t a main focus but I liked most of his story except the end but we’ll get there when we get there.


Same here, its really straightforward, sometimes there’s not much to say. I’m kind of doing a rewatch with Sofie because its been a while since I’ve watched and I randomly stopped on like s3 or 4, so it should be fun to watch it all the way through this time! Shit goes down in certain episodes that I believe will have everyone commenting soon enough. Can’t wait for more episodes! :)


I LOVE Jake and how much he cares for his daughter, he’s such a sweetheart. I hate that bitch Nicki with a passion, you can clearly see how manipulative she’s being when she’s talking to Peyton versus Lucas. I’m very much like Jake when it comes to her, I would want absolutely nothing to do with her and would never let her around MY kid. She decided to leave when she had support and that’s her own damn fault. I think everything that comes out her mouth is a lie, she doesn’t truly care imo.

Kristen Maddox

You hate his daughter? Haha, his daughter's name is Jenny. The mom's name was Nicki.


I have only seen that show to like a bit into season 2 and I am liking your reactions and rewatching the first season with you but I don't really comment cause as Patpet and Savannah said there isn't a lot to talk about. I can watch this show and do something else at the same time and not really miss things. There isn't alot of lore or mystery to it at all so I don't have a lot to talk about. The characters are also written without many shades of grey and so again there is less perspective to share. I really love Hailey and Nathan but like Peyton and Lucas is just kinda Meh to me. Brooke is probably my favorite character. I also really really don't like Lucas. I really wish he was written differently in season 1 and we got to SEE and not just be TOLD that he's the 'good one' ya know? Cause all I see is self righteous judgement and hypocrisy from him and since so much of the story revolves around him I find it hard to get too into the show. LoL well I guess I had more to comment no then I thought. I hate being negative but a couple of other things about the show that bother me is the friendships and the manufactured outrage. A good example being Lucas thinking Peyton is making out with Nathan on that date night kiss thing. I mean come on... the ONLY explanation for him thinking that should have been directed toward Peyton and not Nathan. I mean she has proven that she's willing to sneak around and be the other woman and if she'd do it to Brook, she'd do it to Haley.


Lucas looks just like my little brother and behaves a lot like him, so seeing Lucas cry always makes me so sad!


Love your reaction! im sorry people dont comment a lot. I usually dont comment because English is not my first language, so im a little scared to comment.

I Am Not Chamari

Maybe this is a controversial opinion, but I don't think Lucas was out of line when he questioned whether or not he was the father. You questioned it yourself, and it is clear that Brooke has slept with other men. The scary part is that she sometimes doesn't remember, which always makes me wonder about how consent plays a role in the sexual experiences for that. And for that reason, I feel for her. But Luke would not have said something like that, if she had not made a point of calling him a slut because he slept with Nicki, especially because he was single when it happened, and she's supposed to not care that it happened. The whole "fathering children" thing, was also a low blow, considering his relationship to Dan. And that Keith/Lucas scene was so beautiful - they clearly love each other so much, but aren't telling each other what is actually going on in their lives to "save each other" essentially. Nathan and Haley consistenly being a bright light at this time in the season is SO refreshing. I had a really hard time with them in like, the first ~8 episodes, but now, they really are becoming really special to me. Finally, that Dan scene in the end just stressed me out even more. I guess it goes to show WHY he felt the need to talk to Luke in this episode but also, what a COMPLICATED man. Gosh.