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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sf1taluo5qct5bx/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E09.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Looking back on this episode... it is good that the plan failed or the whole of the TVD universe had ended right here :D


The face off between klaus and Mikael is definitely a top 5 Vampire diaries moment, and I think the only time we see klaus cry in the entire Vampire diaries universe, originals included...(correct me if I'm wrong lol)

Futuristic Girl

The way the plan was plotted, the execution, the whole strategy of it all was soo good! I loved it!


Sofie:- omg elena is so sweet Elena:- *stabs Rebekah* Sofie:- *surprised Pikachu face*

Jasmine Reigns

Joseph Morgan did his thanggggg this episode ✨✨


I love this episode it is so well done, and Joseph Morgan acting is spectacular as usual. Damon and Elena don't know what happen; they think that Stefan betrayed them. The desperation in Damon eyes to the prospect of losing Stefan for good is priceless and Stefan allowed himself to feel only for Damon. Those two brothers love each other infinitely. The humanity switch. Damon in the first season had his humanity off, but it was not totally off, they can chose what to feel or not, according to what they want to feel. What is too much to handle, like guilt, pain, remorse, painful memories etc. or anything that is inconvenient to them, they can block it, and they can prevent themselves from feeling certain things. Stefan is at the same stage, on a dimmer switch. A vampire on a dimmer switch can be more open to reasoning with, but it is still as dangerous as a humanity off vampire, because what make us human is being aware of the consequence and the pain that our actions can cause to us and to others and if you don’t feel that, you are still not human.

Sade L.

Stefan’s humanity is a dimmer switch at this point lol he cared just enough to want to save Damon’s life but has not completely turned his humanity all the way back on...instead he channeled it into anger/revenge against Klaus 😩


Oh yes Katherine loves those two and recognise that they care about her, they are the only two that cares and she knows that.


Klaus actor is really good. Not just in the scene with his father but in general he seems a little bit angsty and on edge so that you never just think he's a generic villain but you almost pity him. Don't think the character would even work with someone who couldn't show that.

Futuristic Girl

I really like how Katherine came through in this episode. She was a part of Damon's secret contingency plan. Katherine risked her life and forfeited killing Klaus all to save to the Salvatores. Damon doesn't even know.

Idun V

So many moments in this episode I knew I was gonna love seeing your reaction too~ But the next episode though... let's just say, I can't wait!

Idun V

Can I pay you to post your reaction to 3x10 early? 🤣


Something tells me , we may have a whole lot more rewinds coming up.......


Sofie: Why did he do that, does he like Klaus? Me: If only


This is the second time I haven't received a notification about a new reaction. It's a good thing I decided to check out patreon. I'm glad to finally see Katherine. I wonder where she's been all this time since she woke Mikael up. In any case, she was a great part of Damon's plan, which almost no one knew about. Even Elena found out just before the event, trusting Damon. By the way, the conversation about trust was great. Elena didn't think for a second about the answer. And that's great. But if I were Elena, I wouldn't trust him so blindly. Based on the story, Damon's plans are always great, but there are usually problems with implementation. However, this time the implementation of the plan was at the highest level, if not for Stefan. Katherine played on two teams today: Stefan and Damon. This time, she sacrificed Klaus ' death to save Damon. It doesn't sit well with season two, when she didn't tell Damon that the blade kills the vampire who uses it. Then she was ready to sacrifice Damon. I'm glad she's reconsidered her actions and motives. But I'm sorry Mikael was killed so early. I think he would make an interesting character.


I don't think Elena was really ready to let Stefan go. She said it to calm Damon down. He was in a furious and frustrated state and needed to be calmed down before he destroyed the whole house. And Elena did a fine job of it, cooling Damon's temper. She was right in saying that they always survive and will be able to cope with it. But they need to think with a fresh head, and not when emotions are boiling. They need to calmly understand the situation and find out Stefan's true motives. Sofie, it's good to see you. I'm really looking forward to the next episode!


By the way, did I mention that I love how Damon rips out hearts? 😁No hybrid is going to stop Damon from going to the party. And Mason shouldn't have confided in Damon in one of the previous episodes. If it wasn't for Bonnie, Tyler would be dead by now.


😂😂😂 Klefan, that would have been definetelly an interesting twist 🤣


Well the consequences of Tyler biting Damon, after he save his life, were devastating for the Salvatore brothers and for Elena too. Not that I want Tyler dead, I like him, but I understand why Damon doesn't care much about Tyler's life and I can't blame him.

Sunny Sudles

P:S damon would still have died anyway because vampires cant kill an original without dying remember ?

Futuristic Girl

I feel Damon would've still tried to kill Klaus even if he knew he would die.


Why do I have a job that doesn’t allow me to just stop and watch TVD reactions whenever I want?

Andrea Dcosta

Aww Libby I second that :( If I could I would just watch TVD reactions all day everyday.

Andrea Dcosta

Joseph Morgan is such an amazing actor. His face off with Michael was epic. His dialogue delivery and the way he emotes and talks is just so fascinating. Can’t watch him cry though :( I truly feel he likes Stefan and takes him as his friend/ brother the way both of them look at each other is adorable 🙈 Poor Rebekah just wanted to go for a school dance and gets stabbed in the back that too the way it happens is so twisted. I know Elena did it cz they couldn’t trust her but that was harsh :( We are finally on episode 10 just can’t wait for it pls post it sooner u won’t be disappointed I’m sure 😉


@Gokul I can't think of ANY reactor or person including myself that wasn't like omfg shocked when Elena stabbed her. It's weird for me because I never really liked Rebecca in my first or even second viewing of TVD. It took another reactor who really liked her and commented on her a bunch before I really saw the depth of Rebecca's character. (another huge reason I watch reactions I just LOVE other perspectives that make me question my own) I just thought she was a brat and felt kinda meh about her. Now, I nearly cry watching her in this scene getting ready for a high school dance that to us feels like a trivial thing but is so important to her. I find myself wanting Elena to be friends with her. I think Rebecca really BELIEVED she had made a friend in Elena, it just kills me. It's sad because I think she and Elena really could have been friends. At the same time... I can't blame Elena even a little.


@Mariya What you are saying about Katherine in season 2 vs now made me think... what's changed? I think I know why. I think the difference is Stefan. In Chicago she witnessed him teetering over the edge and didn't like what she saw. Then when he turned his humanity off entirely just like she said "let's just say I like the old you better" and she knew if Damon died, she'd never get the other Stefan back.


An underrated part of this episode is the theme of 'brotherly love' Bonnie talks to ELena about Jeremy saying "you can't be mad like I'm mad and you shouldn't have to be" I think after this is where Elena realizes that REBECCA is a liability. Elena knows how she feels about her brother and knows she could NEVER stand by and let her brother be killed no matter what he had done. She realizes Rebecca shouldn't have to have that on her conscious either. Then of course we have Damon and Stefan. Stefan cares enough to save Damon and as someone else pointed out the devastation in Damon's face when he thinks he's lost Stefan forever gets me in the feels.


I think Patreon ate my comment again. Patreon likes to eat my comments and randomly put them back lol so this is a repost: @Mariya & @Patpet ACTUALLY I think you guys may not be reading that Damon/Tyler scene very well. Here is how I saw it: The reason Damon tried to kill Tyler really was cause Tyler was trying to bite Damon. It was never Damon's plan to kill Tyler, just neutralize him. Notice he pushes Tyler into that room and then talks to Tyler, NO stake out. He just pushes him by his neck. Tyler tries to bite him and THEN Damon fights him for a few seconds again with NO stake out yet. BONNIE didn't just show up at the right time by coincidence. Damon pushed him into that room so Bonnie could do her witch mind migraine thing and knock Tyler out. Damon says "you weren't supposed to witchy mind migraine ME" and she responds "you weren't supposed to kill Tyler". SO, there was a plan previous to this whole encounter which was for Bonnie to knock him out so Tyler couldn't help/warn Klaus. Which he WOULD have by his own admission to Matt when he had Matt take Caroline home. Tyler said "he just KNOWS he has to protect Klaus"


i dont know if its just me but i feel like elena and rebekah couldve become really good friends. rebekah really opened up to elena and showed her a whole other side to her. i feel so bad for rebekah and elena clearly didnt WANT to stab her but she didnt have much of a choice. that scene is so beautiful :( well until elena stabs her that is lmao. but shes right, rebekah clearly wouldnt have gone through with the plan, despite everything klaus is her brother. so i cant blame elena for doing that, i dont know why no one else thought of it and thought itd be fine to just let rebekah go to prom? anyway again i feel like there really was potential for rebekah and elena to develop a beautiful friendship.


I'm sorry for you. I also work, which does not give me the opportunity to see the reactions at a convenient time. But what can you do, life is like this. But now I'm on vacation for the whole of January and I'm enjoying the opportunity.


Don't worry, honey, I saw your comment. And I'll repeat my answer again just in case. I realized that Damon hadn't intended to kill Tyler in the first place. And it is clear that they had a contract with Bonnie, because she completely knocked Tyler unconscious, and left Damon conscious. But Tyler's reaction was also defensive. Damon grabs him so roughly and drags him into an empty room. And he's a new hybrid who doesn't control his emotions yet. It would have been much better if Damon had called him on the pretext that they needed to talk, and then Bonnie would have done her job.


@Libby dear you know how many comment I wrote that desappear? At the beginning almost all of them, not even retouched and edited, untill very kindly Sofie enquired for why that was happening to me. I think you should write to Patreon and tell them. Apparently it reads some people post as spam....wierd. So since then it hasn't happen that much anymore, But now if I had to write something long, when I can, I write it on Word and copy and paste. I know is very annoying.


By the way I agree about Tyler, but becuase Damon had already been bitten by Tyler he was extra reactive about it, like "fool (bite) me one shame on you, fool me twice..... I'll flipping kill you" 😂

Lynell Twiner

Ok I normally love your reactions but this stopping every 3 mins to watch a scene over and over us annoying. All that stop, start, rewatch was awful. Most the time you did it over and over with no comment! This episodes is one of the best in series and your sloppy edit ruined it.


Please realize that most of us actually like that she does that. It's really not a big deal. There's always an option to go forward to the next scene either way. I rather she does this than talk over a scene and misses important dialogue


@Lynell Twiner None of us mind that at all, and to be honest I prefer it. She is the best reactor around becuase she doen't miss a single thing. This show is not like other shows, it requires 100% of your attention and concentration, So I much prefer for her to repeat the scenes, rather than how most of other more sloppy reactors talking over most of the dialogue and miss crutial points. That is how she manages to connect things that have been hinted many episodes before, or foreshadowing, or clues, that's how she manages to remeber everything and it is very interesting to see how she get there. This is exactly the correct way to do this show. Plus remeber that even though her English is brilliant, she is not mother tongue, and even though she is still the best.

Lynell Twiner

I guess we will agree to disagree on this reaction. Like I stated I normally love her reactions but not this time. A couple of stops I get but this was too much for my taste.


I don't agree with you. I like Sofie's reactions because she goes into every frame, every dialogue. It annoys me, on the contrary, when some reactors miss important points for the plot. These are uncut reactions, the reactor watchs in such a mode in which it is convenient for it. And if Sofie needs to rewind a scene a hundred times to understand it, then so be it. That's why we love her. You can always fast-forward if you are annoyed or watch a cut reaction on the YouTube channel. Sofie, keep it up.

Lynell Twiner

Trust me if I get annoyed enough I will leave and she will continue to be successful. I support her channel because I like her but when I don't like something I will voice my dislike too. That's how you grow. You accept feedback from customers good and bad.

Lynell Twiner

I don't care who she listens to. I voiced my opinion it was that simple. It's a TV show peeps. No real life. Don't get your feelings all out of place because ,1 person disagree with you the majority. It's ok..really. life goes on.


This is a public comment area. We're ALL allowed to voice our opinions. Our feelings are fine. You're the one upset that we simply responded to your opinions with our own. So, yes... same can be said with you... life goes on.


i agree with everyone above me. i love when sofie rewatches scenes because it means that she either enjoys them or that she needs to rewatch to understand and process what was said and i appreciate that so much. i used to be a patron of a guy who wouldnt even always look at the screen. i dont know if he was using his phone or what he was doing but that on the other hand was annoying, not what sofie is doing. hed miss important things during scenes and then complain and say things dont make sense when they in fact did, he just missed it cause he wasnt looking. if you get annoyed by it thats your opinon but i dont understand why you cant just skip forward in the reaction? these comments werent really needed imo. keep doing what youre doing sofie! youre genuinely the best reactor ive ever watched :)


i also really appreciate how she pauses when she talks and always goes back about 10 seconds. sofie doesnt miss anything and thats really rare among reactors.


I agree with you Lynell. I was getting a bit irritated with the number of times Sofie replayed an entire scene but I also put myself in her shoes and remembered that I do the same thing with my favorite shows. I rewatch my favorite scenes over and over sometimes so I just fast forwarded. But I do understand your stance on this video. I think you could've delivered it differently and not called Sofie's editing sloppy because she leaves it in to show us her genuine reaction.

Lynell Twiner

Point taken. Perhaps my words should have been different. Like I said I have enjoyed her reactions but this one just didn't work for me. It's all good though.


I may have stopped too much this episode. This happens when I'm so excited, there was so much happening and I wanted to take it all in without missing anything. Didn't think I'll annoy someone.

Linda Moore

Not annoying at all, SoFie!! Some of my favourite parts of your reactions are when you rewatch a scene because you love it. I also appreciate you going back over a scene a couple times to make sure you got everything. Sometimes this show moves incredibly fast. As others above have said, one of the reasons I love your reactions so much is because you DON'T miss things. It drives me a bit batty when reactors talk over things that are happening and later get confused. Especially if they then act as though there were plot problems. It's like, "No, you were just TALKING over that part!" LOL! You never do that, and I so appreciate it. Keep up the amazing reactions!!


Sofie keep doing what you’re doing, I’m pretty sure only this one person is annoyed. They can get over it, we all enjoy when you pause and don’t miss important things. Don’t let this affect the way you react <3

Keith Engel

They don't know that Klaus gave Stefan back his freedom. Damon ran before he saw that Klaus gave him his freedom back.