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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f5jdkadr4hwdezm/Buffy.S02E10.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




On your question about how the slayer thing works. There are some bits about it that are explained in the movie that is set before this series and there are some things that you aren't supposed to know yet. I'll avoid describing any of that stuff. At this point in the show there are really 3 episodes that explain slayers. In 1x01 we are given the "In to each generation a slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a chosen one." speech meaning there is only one at a time. From 1x12 Buffy has the line "I know the drill. One slayer dies, another is called." showing that the "In to each generation" line is really not about a literal generation but a metaphor of sorts for one at a time. Then in this episode, as you noticed with Kendra, it's treated as sort of a birthright. You are correct in Buffy's calling being different from Kendra's. Given that the movie is set before the series I don't think it'd be a spoiler to say you'd probably find the answer to that part there.


I love the Xander + Cordelia hooking up. It's so funny. It's so touching at the end when Kendra says that Buffy is no longer the only "freak". That must be a huge weight off Buffy's shoulders to have that backup.

Cheryl Coffin

I think in the Buffyverse, a vampire is only more powerful than other vampires if they are “ancient”, so hundreds of years older. Angel is only about a hundred years older than Dru and Spike, so essentially they are equal.


They will explain to a degree how Kendra knew about being a slayer from a young age but it will still be a little vague and you’ll forget you wanted to know this by that time as the series progresses. Haha Also, this won’t be a spoiler but I really like how when Buffy tells Kendra “you have potential” its foreshadowing season 7. Which is I think more so when you learn how Kendra might know about slayers... Anyone else catch that?


The parts that need to be known for the show are explained in the show, but some things exist only in the movie. It’s nothing that changes the story or anything but for a full picture you’ll want to check the movie out at some point. There’s a lot of baggage around the movie, though, and some of the references made in the tv show reference the original scripts, not what ended up being shot as the actual movie so it a bit of piecing everything together. There is a comic series (Buffy The Origin) that retells the movie following the original script Joss had wrote.


I don't mean to be 'that person' but did anyone else feel like the representation and treatment of Kendra was a little insensitive?

Dennis Bryant

This seems basically correct, but there are some vampires that have something extra, like Spike and Dru have, and Angelus had, that just makes them something more than your run of the mill vampire. I think Angel lost some of that in translation to having a soul, and has not been able to get it back. Still loving your reactions, and I have been binging them lately to get caught up. Looking forward to many more!

Nichole Hutchison

I always think that in Kendra’s culture they practice magic and stuff and maybe the slayer is more of a common knowledge thing there than how it is in other places. Maybe they could cast a spell and see if someone would one day be a slayer and when the answer is yes they are given to a watcher. Idk just my theory