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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kip47hobqrgatqx/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E08.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Idun V

This episode just makes me feel SO bad for Rebekah. At the end of the day, the main "ship" of the show is Defan, the Salvatore brothers 💕


This episode gives lots of information all at once about the vampire lore, how they were created and I love it. All other fantasy shows talking about this subject will have to compare with TVD and I don't think you can come up with a better more intriguing story then this one. And now we know that the Originals family is over a thousand year old. There is much to explore and still to learn there that is why also they end up having their own show, The Originals. TVD is not about a love triangle, is about family as you pointed out, is about family values, friendship, love of course, but also community, acceptance, the coming of age of our little group of friends.


Elena bedroom is becoming Elena and Damon private place where they really have their own private meaningful conversations about important things and feelings. That scene in bed together where they tell one another how their day was and what happen, feels so intimate, they are so comfortable around each other. Elena would have never let him stay while she was felling asleep in season 2, now she is just totally at ease with him so close in bed with her. Delena is just adorably real. The way Damon looks at Elena at the end.....he is so deeply in love.


Damon and Stefan are brothers, that might get into fighting and rivalry, but ultimately their relationship is base on deep love. Damon wouldn’t leave his brother all chained up: “I couldn’t leave you in a cell to rot”. I love when Damon calls him Stef when he expresses tenderness. The humanity switch could be switch on again all at once, or it could be a gradual process, letting only certain emotion gradually surface, little by little until you can handle again with the feeling difficult to cope with or blocking what is inconvenient. So at the moment Stefan is on that stage, a sort of dimmer switch that can be turn a little just to feel something. I cannot wait for you to get to the next episodes, Sofie you are the best. By the way happy new year!


It's a good point about Stefan actually being kind of worse when he's human. All the guilt and remorse just drives him mad. When he's psycho Stefan he's more callous but at least he's in control.


The point is that Stefan isn't human, he is pretending to be human, by suppressing his vampire side staying away from human blood, and is this repressing that doesn't give him balance nor control at all. He is incapable to “just be” like Damon said, he never really tried, he’s never accepted his condition, like Damon did and tried to make the most of it.


I completely agree,I never watched the show for the love triangles or teen drama,I just watched it for the mythology and villains,..and if you like mythology then season 4 is definitely the season for you

Andrea Dcosta

Sofiee sucha lovely reaction like always. Happy new year to you and all of you here 🤗I love the originals. Rebekah is my favourite original. Felt so bad for her. Though I must say I feel super bad for klaus too. It wasn’t his fault his mom had an affair, his father was always mean and rough with him he didn’t love him. His mother put the hybrid cruse on him and turned her back on him. I mean why wouldn’t he kill her? And as Elena said with the werewolf gene come anger and aggression plus combined being a vampire he couldn’t control his urges probably. When Rebekah says always and forever it always gives me chills..... The mythology and lore in this show is insane you will love it just keeps getting better. I like what Rebekah said about her that she’s stubborn, Elijah is moral and klaus can’t stand those who disappoint him. Very interesting. Going to the brothers I love them soo much. Elena was spot on in telling that Damon will be the one who will save Stefan not anyone else. Loved the way Stefan tells Damon careful brother your humanity is showing. I could see it in Damon’s eyes that he also realised this and so he hits Stefan that was cute. The reason why I like season 3 so much is that it tells us a lot about the originals also with a lot of character development in our main characters who we love. And mainly this season has great Defan moments just like in this episode. Your gonna love the next ones too. But I specially can’t wait for the 10th episode there’s a surprise for u in that one 🙈Obviously won’t spoil you but be ready for it!!! 😁


Hey Sofie, great point about Stefan getting more violent when he has his humanity on. It makes sense since his lack of control comes from a very human place. When he doesn't care and he has no emotions then he can be more calculating. Its kind of ironic actually. I love this episode and the story of the originals. The one thing that I found a bit meh is the fact that we see Alaric work on these symbols the entire episode and then Elena is able to decipher the story better than the history teacher/hunter. I get that she's smart and that she got more of the story from Rebekah but I wish it had been Ric who had put those pieces together. Also the scenes between Damon and Stefan are so great. I love how Stefan's love for Damon is something instinctive. Like protecting him and making sure he doesnt lose him is more like self preservation. The moment Mikaels fist went inside of Damon Stefan flinched and there was nothing in his behavior that told me that he didn't care. Actually it seemed like he was fighting not to care too much. Their relationship is so beautiful.


Defan is what made me feel in love with the show in the first place. The love they have for each other is so beautifully written, Sorry for Dean and Sam (Supernatural's brothers), but the Salvatore brothers story in my opinion, is way more fascinating and ten times cooler.


By the way I love when the brothers walk side by side, same type of walk, same pace, same way of dangling the arms, they so look like real brothers. And the way the Salvatore brothers can pull a leather jacket it's a story on its own. 😂


i dont wanna start a ship fan war but i've seen so many reactors starting off as stelena shippers and then getting pulled in by the chemsitry and compassion with delena. Im just saying lol you cant deny it


FAMILY. EXACTLY. Thats what I love most about the vampire diaries, its about family. When i tell people to watch this show, alot think its just a love triangle and vampires but it's so much more. It's family and the risk and survivual to keep each other safe


i just love that last delena scene, its crazy how much their relationship has evolved since season 1


Sofie, I wish you a Happy New Year! I love your reactions. I wish you to remain as insightful and deep-thinking, as well as health to you and your loved ones. What I love about this show is that everything here has causes and consequences. Vampires do not just exist, but their creation has its own history, which we will learn about in this episode. In this episode, it becomes clear why vampires appeared and who created them, why they are hurt by the sun and vervain. It is so amazing and logically connected in one story. And as angry as I was in season two that Klaus wasn't killed, I'm glad now that it didn't happen. Now he looks not just a villain, but we see why he became so and what drives him. All problems often come from childhood. And we can understand more about the character of Klaus and Rebekah. By the way, really, where are the other original siblings in flashbacks? There were clearly more of them in Elijah's story.


Also, in this show, I like how the creators present the importance of family values. Still, TVD is watched mainly by young people, teenagers. And it is very good that in such a youth show it is said that nothing is more important than family. That despite all the difficulties and injustices of life, you need to stay true to your loved ones, try to understand them and help them if they need help. Finally, Stefan's feelings start to come out. The look of concern on his face when Michael punched Damon in the chest was obvious. Blood relationship means a lot. Damon and Stefan have a very strong bond. And Mikael, whatever his intention, reminded Stefan of that, pushed him on


The scene with Damon and Elena was finally sweet and revealing. It is very noticeable how close they have become to each other. Their intimate conversations, indeed, had become almost a ritual. Falling asleep next to a person is the highest degree of trust. And Damon's gaze on the already sleeping Elena was very deep and loving. It's amazing how Ian can show the full range of emotions bubbling up in his soul with a single glance. Sofie, Happy New Year again! I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Futuristic Girl

The next episode is my favorite of the season!

Futuristic Girl

"All this time I've been telling you how boring you are and now you agree with me." Lol. Love that line.

Futuristic Girl

I agree with how Damon described Stefan's problem with his bloodlust. Stefan operates in two extremes, which makes sense that his sign is scorpio. He feels so strongly about things. He can never just be. Either he's on his best behavior or he's off the rails to no point of return.