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Ok this may be my favorite episode 😍

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2har7yzfwjm02gm/Buffy.S02E07.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




I love this episode, this just made my night😍


Loved your reaction! Yes, this is a great episode. I'm glad you can see how the show is improving already this early into season 2. It only gets better (minus some crappy episodes) from here. The end scene with Giles always makes me tear up when Buffy says "lie to me". Looking forward to the next Buffy reaction!


I'm a fan of the pause and talk method. Not sure why more reactors don't do it, but it's nice to see someone stop the episode to talk about it instead of missing important lines.


Amen. So many people just talk over the show that is keeping going, and they don't realise they might miss something crutial....Sofie is the best!

Raven Dark

The song Buffy mentioned is a 90s song, I Touch Myself, by the Divinyls. It's about masturbation, and the idea was that Willow only just figured out what it was about when she said, "Oh, that's what that song is about?" LOL This isn't explained in the show, but when Buffy says that Ford found out she was the slayer right before she was booted from Hemery High, it's one of the few times they draw directly from events in the movie in order to form the backbone of an episode. In the first episode, Principle Flutie mentioned that Buffy burned down the school gym at Hemery. Buffy starts to tell him that the gym was full of vampires, but stops herself and says it was full of espestus instead. In the film, Buffy faced some vamps, and Flutie saying this implies she burned down the gym to ensure they were dead. The implication in this episode is that Ford saw that happen and put things together. This is the only time in the series when they draw on something from the movie without really explaining it. I think you missed a little joke the writers pulled in the scene with the vampire wannabies. When Angel was saying how they don't know anything about vampires, how they dress, how they act, a guy walked right by Angel who was dressed exactly like him. LOL Drusilla is weak because of the attack on her that happened in Prague, where the mob tried to kill her. Giles mentioned that she was killed by an angry mob in Prague, but the show doesn't ever explain how that made her week. Apparently, there is more of an explanation of that in the comics, but I've never read them. They are still running now, 20 years later. There are a lot of things to love about this episode. The fact that everyone lies in this episode except Giles, until the end when Buffy asks him to lie to her. The fact that Spike really does love Dru even though he's a vampire, so much so that he's willing to give up his chance to kill Buffy in order to protect her, which, IMO, makes him more interesting as a vamp. The excellent job the writers did of giving Ford a strong, understandable motive for doing something so horrible, while still making him the villain. And, for me, perhaps most surprising of all, that Spike did actually turn Ford. He's an evil, soulless vampire, but he kept his word. That last one about Spike might make people tempted to think that is a sign that he has good in him. It also makes some people say that it doesn't fit his character. I think it fits him perfectly. For Spike, turning Ford is a win win. It could have gone one of two ways, as Spike would see things. Either Buffy would kill Ford, which would be poetic justice for his stupidity, or Ford would go after her and kill her, which means the slayer is dealt with. So, Spike's turning him might be a weird quirk, indicating a flicker of goodness, or it might be another way in which we see how smart and diabolical he is. This is such a great episode. Glad you enjoyed it.


I think Spike just made a judgement call on Dru vs. Buffy. Spike lives forever so wouldn’t he think he’s got all the time in the world to kill her? Whereas if Buffy kills Dru he’s lost a companion. It seems to me that Dru is like Spikes pet. She’s a nuisance at times but she worships him. As for turning Ford? Why not? Spike’s not doing Ford a favor. As Buffy said, you die and a demon inhabits your body. It remembers your life etc.. but it’s not you. So when he got turned either Ford ‘as Ford’ would die and be replaced by a demon or he’d live on in someway tormented by a demon existing in him. Either way he’s not living on as him and it would not be the existence Ford thought. Ford’s motive for allowing everyone to be killed may be understandable, but it’s very cowardly. Ford knows they will all die yet he is prepared to convince them that they will be ok just so he can avoid 6 months of dying. The biggest lie here might be the one Ford told himself at that point. That orchestrating the death of many young people to ‘save’ his own was ok. IMO one of the worst things you can do to someone is take away their ability to preserve their own safety. Whether it is directly by attacking them, or indirectly by lying to them. Ford had the option to choose the time of his death. Sometimes that is a cowardly way out too, but sometimes it’s selfish to ask a person not to. Of course the reaction was great! I love all of them. I love this show and it’s great to have watched it and then see it through someone else’s eyes. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🙂

Dennis Bryant

I admit when I first watched this episode, I did not enjoy it too much. But the last interaction between Buffy and Giles went straight to my heart, and I have come to appreciate the whole episode through rewatches. Those last few lines though... Always get me in the feels, hard.