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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jt83b6zuzvm39mz/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE19%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hltkik96gnyq1wi/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE19%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0





Heather Hollenbeck

Joseph Morgan is amazing as Klaus. I was unsure of the actor at first, but he's definitely charming, and I quickly grew to love him.




Your commentary cut out at the end in Part 2.

Futuristic Girl

KLAUS IS HERE!!! Joseph Morgan is a great actor!!

Futuristic Girl

I still don't get why Elijah held a grudge for so long. If he's mad at her for running, why would he think that she wouldn't run? Anyone would run after finding out you're about to be used in a sacrifice. And you were Klaus's brother. And he never even told her about the sacrifice or his plan. Trevor was the one who told her.

Futuristic Girl

Elijah had feelings for Katherine, but his loyalty was to his brother.

Futuristic Girl

Katherine can't stand her hair being flat because she changed it back to her regular style so quick.

Futuristic Girl

I remember when the Curse of the Sun and the Moon was brought up. I couldn't wait to you figured out it was fake. That was such a great twist. Elijah and Klaus just made that shit up while they was drunk and had both vampires and werewolves looking for the moonstone and doppelganger for them. Genius!!!

Futuristic Girl

Alaric/Klaus in the kitchen scene with Jenna and Stefan was straight comedy.

Dydra Arnold

I always get conflicted in a way with Damon here. I understand he didn’t want anything bad to happen to Elena. However, i think Stefan is right for letting Elena make her own decisions. She is her own person and should have that independence, whether it’s deemed the right decision or not. I have always felt like Stefan has respected Elena’s decisions in a way that Damon never has. He left selfishness out of it. When you are in a relationship you don’t own the actions of your partner. The trust Stefan has in Elena and is a great thing in my opinion. I think sometimes Damon is just so stubborn.

Sade L.

Klaus is here! Literally one of the most iconic episodes! Shit is about to get good😩


KLAUS is here!! I adore Joseph Morgan, they choose him because he is a great actor but also because he has an angel face, he is British, and the combination of all those elements makes him freakily scary and irresistibly charming at the same time, his screaming in anger, you had a taste in this episode, is iconic. I love love love Elijah, he was in love with Katherine and Katherine in this episode was just a 17 years old human girl, before life changed her dramatically. Remember she is the first doppelganger, means that there was another girl before her looking like her from which she originated and Elijah saying “you remind me of someone” is a foreshadowing. Damon and Andy scene, is a very painful to watch. Andy does care about Damon but her being there and saying it on her underwear sounded fake to Damon sounded a painful reminder he isn’t loved, he is just used for sex and their relationship is a distraction isn’t real and with everything going on, her being there was inappropriate. Would her being fully dressed, what she was saying would have had a different impact. Damon is upset for many reasons, he is scared Elena is going to die, he is upset for what Stefan said to him, “you won’t have her respect”, which by the way was a very cruel thing to say, the kind of cruel only siblings can say to each other when they fight knowing precisely what botton to press for maximum damage and last but not list he is upset for the fight he had with his brother. All of this, plus Andy showing up in his bedroom in her underwear, telling him how much she cares was just too much. Still Damon does care about Andy and him attacking her and feeling sorry immediately after, compelling her to leave, is definitely progress for him. Still.... Unfortunately your commentary got cut at the end, but I’m sure we will get your thoughts about this episode in the next video. We are so close to the end of Season 2 and I can’t wait for you to get to season 3.

Savannah (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:26:35 KLAUSSSS <33 One of the most twisted and iconic villains, so much info was revealed and we finally get to see his beautiful face (with good hair LMAO) Sofie you have no idea how much I love your reactions, it's one of the only things I look forward to and actually makes me happy so thank you for 2 episodes in one day <3 Can't wait for the coming episodes, we're so close to the finale I'm so freakin excited
2020-11-07 05:02:15 KLAUSSSS <33 One of the most twisted and iconic villains, so much info was revealed and we finally get to see his beautiful face (with good hair LMAO) Sofie you have no idea how much I love your reactions, it's one of the only things I look forward to and actually makes me happy so thank you for 2 episodes in one day <3 Can't wait for the coming episodes, we're so close to the finale I'm so freakin excited

KLAUSSSS <33 One of the most twisted and iconic villains, so much info was revealed and we finally get to see his beautiful face (with good hair LMAO) Sofie you have no idea how much I love your reactions, it's one of the only things I look forward to and actually makes me happy so thank you for 2 episodes in one day <3 Can't wait for the coming episodes, we're so close to the finale I'm so freakin excited


The writers of this show aren't kidding. Their twists are legendary!!


I think this show is the motherlode of plot twists and cliff hangers...I've seen many shows but no other show shocks you so many times,like vampire diaries does....not even game of thrones..which is actually famous for its plot twists


The disappointment on your face when you saw klaus is priceless lmao...but trust me..no one could play klaus better than Joseph Morgan


I understand why Elena woke Elijah. I even understand why she gave him the blade and left with it. But inviting him into the house… It was too much for me. The guys made her the owner of the house specifically to protect it from vampires. Yes, Elijah is on their side now. But he is the original and he is dangerous. Besides, we now know that Klaus is his brother. What if something goes wrong and Elijah sides with his brother? Anything can happen, anyway. I don't think she should have invited him in. It was possible to negotiate on neutral territory.


Andy and Damon… It was creepy. Damon looked really crazy at that moment. I'm glad he didn't kill her, but I still feel sorry for Andy. I don't know what Damon was compelling her, to do but he was compelling her not to be afraid of him. Maybe that's why she didn't leave when he threatened her. I thought she had feelings for him. Did Damon make her love him?


I disagree with Stefan that Elena has no respect for Damon. They had understood each other from the very beginning of their acquaintance, even before Elena knew about vampires. She takes his opinion into account. Before leaving for school in the last episode, she waited for Damon to agree. In this episode, she tried to explain to him that they had found a way out of the situation. It is important for her to have his opinion and trust in her. If she didn't respect him, she wouldn't do it.


I don't know which of brothers I would bet on if it's about saving Elena's life. Stefan respects her opinion and gives her a lot of will. Perhaps too much. Maybe it's because he still blames himself for not giving his brother a choice and forcing him to become a vampire against his will. And right now, Stefan doesn't want that to happen to Elena. Damon is too impulsive in his attempts to save Elena. Yes, he would do anything for it. But would it be good for her? I don't think Damon doesn't respect Elena's opinion. After all, it's not about what to cook for dinner or what movie to watch. It's about a person's life. Of course, he is panicked and terrified at the thought that she is ready to make this sacrifice. I would be horrified if a loved one or a relative told me that he was ready to give up his own life, even if it was to save me or someone else. How can someone calmly accept this? Is there any right way out of this situation? If you think about it, then Elena is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her loved ones. But she doesn't think about what kind of life they'll have after losing her? Stefan, Damon, and Bonnie will blame themselves for not keeping her safe. The rest of her family and friends will grieve for her. In addition, the fact that Klaus will become a hybrid and the most powerful creature on the planet, puts at risk the lives of not only her loved ones, but all of humanity. So there is no right or wrong. In any case, someone will get hurt. Both Stefan and Damon are incredibly love her. And each of them does what is closer to him. I like how writers show different behavior of people in the same, almost hopeless, situation. Sofie thank you very much again! This is the best way to spend a Saturday morning! I'm looking forward to the second season finale. It's getting hotter. Waiting for you.


The tension between the two brothers is raising because of the situation, I didn't appreciate how Stefan was judgmental about Andy and Damon in front of her, Andy putted him in his place by telling him to mind his own business. Stefan didn't like the last episode for Damon to get the hero spot. Now he is releasing his frustrations on Damon, like siblings do, when you are nervous or in this case scared, you pick a fight with your brother and Stefan knowing Damon weaknesses very well, knows what to say to really hurt him and pissed him off. That's a very realistic brotherly relationship, you can afford be at your worse only with your family because you know they love you and forget it the minute after.


From what I understood, she liked him before he compelled her to fall hard for him, that is why he didn't believed her when she was saying "I care about you" plus she was in her underwear and if you want someone to know you care after they told you to leave you don't show up in your underwear ready for sex, in a moment like that. There is a reason why the scene was played with her in her underwear to make Damon felling the absurdity of the situation, he is upset and her fake girlfriend instead of leaving being the situation very tense is in his bedroom undressed telling him things out of what he feels are been said out of compulsion. It was too much. The scene was terrible and sad for both of them at the same time.


Why I love this show so much. Because we seen already so many shows (the main trend started with Tween Picks) where the script is written season by season and for the sake of keeping the audience watching they do things that are difficult to explain later. This show is different, everything is there already and the reveals are planned carefully and we are given little piece of a huge completed puzzle to put together, and those little pieces will eventually make perfect sense when we get to the crucial episode that reveal a bigger part of the plot, the bigger picture. they plant a little thing in one episode and make you do the connection one season after....amazing!! Shows completed in their plot and broke down in tiny pieces like this one, are very hard to come by. That is why I love TVD, the writing, is extraordinary and combine with the great producing, the fantastic acting, directing, music, editing, lighting, etc. everything is so freaking excellent.


I loved this episode so much because that twist, holy crap! I do wish they had found a way to show flashbacks while hiding Klaus somehow because that reveal at the end would have been a lot more epic if that would have been the first time we see him.


Yeah, Im a hardcore Delena shipper but I really appreciated how Stefan respects her choices. At least if his motive is actually respect. Sometimes I feel like he does what she says so she wont hate him (I can name a specific incident where I think thats the case later) and not out of actual respect. And then I prefer Damons pov.

nostalgicgirl (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 12:28:57 I did and I agree with you. That scene should have been our first Klaus introduction &lt;3
2020-11-07 13:28:23 I did and I agree with you. That scene should have been our first Klaus introduction <3

I did and I agree with you. That scene should have been our first Klaus introduction <3


Yes I notice that after I posted this...by the way, such a fantastic review, you are such an incredibly perceptive person and I adore your enthusiasm. 👌👏👏👏


We all though the same, but then we got to know him.....and Joseph Morgan is fantastic.

Andrea Dcosta

What a episode. So close to S2 finale. All episodes are epic from now on. You will loveee season 3. My second best season of TVD. Since there are only 3 episodes left of season 2 u can may be do 3 this week if u have the time. I loved your reaction looking at klaus in the flashback u weren’t impressed haha. But then later at the end he looks even hotter. Joseph Morgan as Klaus is the best I just love him. Loved your review. I agree what u said with regards to Damon. I admire u so much for understanding Damon’s character so well, Loving him but still calling him out for the bad things he does. I just don’t agree with what Stefan said about Elena not having respect for Damon but I understand him being irritated with Damon after what Damon told him. I agree with you watching them fight this way makes me so angry can’t stand it. We also get to see a very soft side to Katherine and her conversation with Elijah was epic. The set of Both brothers were kind off attracted to the same women lol. I loved your expression when you found out about Klaus’s curse and the original family that plot twist is epic. Also i must say most reactors don’t get it after seeing Greta and don’t remember her but u got it instantly that she’s Luka’s sister and that she seems fine and not captive to klaus. I’m really impressed. Crazy ride for the last 3 of the season. Can’t wait 😍


I know she gets so many things so fast and it is so rare that she misses something, Her reviews are so on point she gets all the characters so well. I'm so impressed too.