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The feels in this episode 😭

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lnopvhkxwb8e6mv/One%20tree%20hill%20S1xE09encode.mp4?dl=0



Dydra Arnold

So many things happened in this episode. Nathan and Haley were so cute. My heart breaks for Peyton because she struggles so much with letting her guard down. She finally does and then Brooke is there. I’ve always thought that you can tell by the look on Brookes face when she’s looking at Lucas and Peyton in the final scene that she’s aware of their feelings. Buckle your seat beat because this is going to be a wild ride.


In Brooke's defense, she asked Peyton multiple times about what the deal was with her and Lucas and every time, Peyton would either tell her that there's nothing going on and that he's fair game OR that when Lucas wanted to make things serious, she didn't. So, from Brooke's perspective, Peyton was interested in Lucas, but not nearly enough to pursue anything real with him and that she decidedly let it go after their conversation in the last episode. Brooke's not a mind reader and Peyton has a hard time being honest with herself about what she wants. All that said, I'm not crazy about this love triangle in general, lol. I'm mostly just crying over Nathan and Haley in my little corner.


Yeah she's aware of their feeling. this why she's been insecure about it in episode 7.

Dydra Arnold

Yeah I do agree that Peyton should be able to be open with Brooke and not hide her feelings. It’s just that if I put myself in Brooke shoes I think I would’ve recognized that they like each other and also knowing how Peyton is with hiding her feelings I think I would’ve taken a more encouraging approach. Like encourage Peyton that it’s ok and that I’m there for her and she doesn’t have to be scared to open up whether it’s to Brooke or Lucas. I know everyone has different ways that they look at the situation but that’s just mine. I can definitely see the other point of view as well though.

I Am Not Chamari

The thing about Brooke is that she KNOWS that it's hard for Peyton to open up and expose her true feelings. She literally said that to Luke last episode. So, I don't think Brooke took the right approach with making sure Peyton was ~ actually ~ okay with her going after Lucas and I don't think Peyton actually expected Lucas to be interested in Brooke. So, it's a double sting. I have tried to understand this situation from Brooke's side, and I honestly cannot. Like, just because Peyton is not actively pursuing Lucas in the way that Brooke does, doesn't mean those feelings disappear? Anyways, I mostly just end up pissed off at Lucas and slightly annoyed with Brooke lol Like, even if Brooke thought Peyton was over Lucas, because we've established that she totally knows how Peyton felt about it, she couldn't wait a little longer? Like, this was a couple of days after everything went down last episode... Come on. Playing devil's advocate again, if Brooke thought Peyton was totally over Lucas and felt she was justified in pursuing him immediately, she certainly knew how Lucas felt about Peyton... Because Peyton told her. Idk if I was Brooke, I would have definitely left that boy alone lol And I'm angry with Luke because he DEFINITELY knows how HE felt about Peyton, and if we are to believe those feelings didn't go away in a short couple of episodes, it was so insensitive of him to jump straight into something new with Brooke. But yeah, Haley and Nathan absolutely ROCKED this episode.