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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kzackzzh14j3i97/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE17%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5q4fn0sqmlk66c/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE17%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0



Jasmine Reigns

And at this point on is when all hell breaks loose. You're in for a ride with these last 5 episodes girl. These are the top tier episodes of TVD .

james hghg

I get it's a natural thing to hate john because he goes against the main characters but he really is not in the wrong here, yes he might have went about it poorly but his intention to get jenna the truth is definitely the right thing to do and if anyone is to blame it's elena, that will always be one thing i disliked about the elena these first 2 seasons, she is quick to decide when people should receive information but when it's kept against her the whole world stops.


It's been a long time since I've seen Damon in a good mood. He'd shot Stefan a playful glance when he was talking to Katherine and joked good-naturedly with Bonnie during their search for the witch-burnings. He even had a little argument with Emily. And in General, he was cheerful and joking throughout the episode. I'm glad to see him like this, after everything that's happened since then. P.S. but Damon really doesn't know how to hide things. Apparently, he was guided by the saying that if you want to hide something, put it in a prominent place. But in this case, it didn't work.


Once again, Isobel had everyone confused. Was everything she did what Klaus made her do? How did she feel about Elena? Was there something human about her? I still have my doubts about her character. But anyway, she was Elena's mother and burned herself in front of Her. I don't know if it was part of the compulsion, but it was cruel. And this is the first episode where I wanted to believe John. I will Express my thoughts about it in the following episodes. But today I was a little touched by his speech. Know how the Gilberts and Petrovs to confuse everyone. Sofie, thank you for your reaction to this episode. I'm very much looking forward to the next episode and all the remaining episodes as well. It should be epic.


By the way, I wonder what Sheriff Forbes chose? Epileptic fit, alcohol bridge or banana peel? 😂


Your going to be in for a hell of a ride SO ENJOY


I think Mandzipop has a good theory/explanation for Isobel's character and intentions. I remember reading one of her comments on another reactors channel and it made everything about her less confusing. I'm sure she'll comment about it here, at least I hope because I'm sure she can explain it better than me lol. It's pretty crazy how this show can make you feel bad for characters you don't necessarily like. All I can say Sofie is prepare yourself for the coming episodes, the next one is one of my favorites. I seriously can't wait! <3


From what I understood about Isobel is that at the beginning she had good intentions to keep Elena safe, she was in cahoots with John when they got rid of the tomb vampire, then she was searching for Klaus to investigate what he knew, what his circle knew, but you cannot get close to Klaus and aspect to outsmart him, he is the Original vampire the oldest vampire on earth, of course he played her, probably got all the information he needed from her, about Katherine, Elena and her circle of trusted people and compelled her to do what she did, which is get the moonstone, Katherine and keep Elena safe. After that she was probably compelled to kill herself. That scene in the cemetery is shocking, true Elena did had any emotional connection to Isobel, still that was her mother and she choose to die on her tomb in front of Elena in that manner Loaded with all the information that he surely got from Isobel, he is using Alaric body to infiltrate Elena’s circle safely and undetected. So now Klaus is here. This show never fail to be truthful about character feelings, the writers really try to portray reactions that are as realistic as they can be, that is why this show is so incredible and make you empathize so easily with all the characters because their emotions and their reaction are believable and genuine. Dear Sofie be prepared because the next episodes are the storm I told you it would happen after the last slow episode, and the storm is huge. But then it will land us in season 3, and season 3 rocks!! So be ready for the ride.

Futuristic Girl

These next few episode are going to fry your mind again, so be prepared.

Futuristic Girl

I laughed when Katherine stole Damon's money.

Futuristic Girl

I also wanna say that it was clever for them to make Isobel be the one to betray her. because they were genuine friends. Katherine wouldn't expect her to do that.

Futuristic Girl

Katherine was willing to play it there way because it was their only option at the time. When Isobel talked about the "deal" she was making with Klaus on her behalf, she jumped on it because she trusts Isobel and the Salvatore brothers didn't really have a concrete plan. Their only plan is Bonnie, and they just put that plan together. They don't know that if she uses the power she'll die.

Futuristic Girl

I love how Katherine looked like she was on a mission when she vervained Stefan and threw him in the bushes. She got in the car and just drove off.

Futuristic Girl

The fact that Nina Dobrev can play Elena and Katherine and they feel like their own individual characters is a testament to her acting. She's amazing.

Futuristic Girl

Klaus in Alaric's body is so surreal because of how the actor portrays him. It's fun to watch.

Futuristic Girl

In defense of Damon, he was trying to hide it in plain sight, which isn't a bad tactic. It was in this case. If Katherine didn't need to wash her hands. She probably wouldn't have found it so quick. The moonstone does look like a bar of soap. Anyone wouldn't notice it there if they weren't like Katherine actively looking for it.


The tactics are really good. But they also hid the stone from Katherine. And she lives in their house. And of course, sooner or later she will want to wash her hands or take a shower. He was too close to her. Katherine is drawn to Damon's room and bathroom. 😉They should have hidden it somewhere in Stefan's room . Although in Katherine's case, a well of vervain would be more effective.😂

Futuristic Girl

True. I think the tactic would have worked if they weren't dealing with Katherine.

james hghg

I looked at her burning herself in front of elena as klaus spreading even more fear to elena then she already has, it's like here, watch your mother burn in front of you and know i could do this to anyone you love including stefan caroline and damon.


Lmao, youre so right, it was kinda stupid of Damon to leave the stone in the soap dish. He should have burried it in the woods somewhere, like Stefan did with Damons ring in season 1.


Yes, I think that Jenna should have known the truth, too and Elena should have told her long ago. I even have some sympathy for John, considering what's about to happen. But what did John tell Jenna? What the truth? He didn't really say anything. Why hadn't he tried to get Elena (or Alaric, at least) to explain everything to Jenna? Why didn't he tell her himself? He's a relative and has every right to be. Why didn't John tell Jenna who Elena was dating or who Jeremy was friends with? He deliberately hinted to her that Alaric wasn't being honest with her about his ex-wife. Which, of course, Jena took in her own way. In fact, he pushed their heads together and made it worse. He didn't tell her the truth and ruined her relationship with her family. Plus, now Jenna is not clear where, without any protection. If he wanted to tell her about vampires and the rest of the supernatural world, he had to do it. He deliberately hinted at Alaric's personal life.

I Am Not Chamari

I thought Damon hiding it with the soap was actually quite smart lol And boy, that Jenna comment about not wanting anything to happen to her did not age well... Additionally, Bonnie screaming to me was feeling the pain and grief of those 100 dead witches being burned alive. Must have been overwhelmingly painful.

Keith Engel

If I remember correctly, one of the reasons it took a while to see Klaus is that they were still trying to find the right actor, or Joseph Morgan was busy with another project. It's one of the reasons for the Alaric being Klaus body matter they did. Thanks god, it took so long to find the right actor if that was the case.