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Sorry guys I didn't post earlier I was out of town<

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ne8bvzi5ionlda8/Buffy.S01E10.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Raven Dark

I've always loved this episode. I know a lot of people have told you that the series gets better in season two, and I agree, but for me, this episode is where the series already started to find its feet. I think a lot of people think that Willow's decision to go down those stairs was stupid, but I believe she couldn't help it, anymore than we can help going to a certain place in a dream. Likewise with Xaner eating those chocolate bars. I think he couldn't control his actions. When he turned around and punched the clown, I think he had to really focus and sort of pull himself out of it. It makes sense to me that Buffy would be able to see Billy before the others because as the Slayer, we've already seen hints that she sees things in dreams no one else can. Like when she saw the Master at the start, even though she had never seen him in real life, and then when she sees him later in her nightmare, he's accurate to how he looks and acts. Little fun fact about this episode. Sarah Michelle Geller, the actress who plays Buffy has a fear of being buried alive in real life,. She's talked about it in specials and stuff. She hated doing that scene. So it's possible that some of the terror Buffy showed in that scene was actually real. Loved your reaction to this one, Sofie. Made the episode even more enjoyable to watch.

Cheryl Coffin

Regarding your comment about why the Master has a cross in his lair, it’s been mentioned that he’s trapped in a church that collapsed during the earthquake. Another great reaction 🙂

Dennis Bryant

I agree that the show was finding its feet this first season, and some of the epsiodes are really, really great, while others fall down a bit in coomparison. Each season ahs a few that feel like hey fell a bit short, but that is to be expected. I also loved the insight this episode gave us into the characters, and their growth in dealing with their nightmares. You also get an idea of relative maturity, Xander and Willow, and Cordeilia, still have more youth induced things to deal with, while Buffy and Giles have real weighty things to come to grips with. I always like how this show seemed to always be playing on several different levels. I was looking forward to this one, and many others to come.

Nichole Hutchison

I always love when Buffy says “there are a lot scarier things out there than you... and I’m one of them” lol