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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y1l6mqwef1sj7g4/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE14%20PART1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/itsfeaacbu554rt/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE14%20PART2encode.mp4?dl=0




Beginning of the elijah greatness


Tyler... Tyler... Tyler... If in the last episode it was still possible to refer to the fact that he was confused, then in this episode he literally handed Elena over to the werewolves with his own hands. He says he didn't know what they were going to do to her... Why didn't he wonder why Jules and her friends would try to lure Elena out in such a cruel way if they weren't going to do anything wrong with her? They tricked Elena into finding out where she was, attacked Stefan, and Tyler didn't even think for a second about what would happen to Elena. Even after what Jules did to Caroline? Either he subconsciously knew what it was for, but didn't want to admit it, even to himself. Or, he is too trusting and naive. And it's sad. It was a good thing he had the guts to talk to Matt. I think he did the right thing.


I like how you noticed that the first thing Damon noticed when he woke up was Alaric and how relieved he was to find the ring on him. The scene is without words, but it says a lot. Thank you for mentioning this. The scene with Elijah and Damon was very funny. I love Elijah. There is a certain intelligence, irony and cruelty hidden in it. And this is so perfectly and harmoniously combined in it. I wonder how he finds out about our gang's problems. I remember that in order to find out where Elena was, they had to rob her room and use a spell to track her. Does Dr. Martin work for Elijah as a 24-hour security camera?😂 Great reaction, as always! See you soon.

james hghg

sadly you can't really blame someone for being dumb, common sense isn't really that common so i give tyler a pass on that.


Tylor and John pissed me of this episode. John more cause hes deliberately annoying, Tylor just tries not to get tortured anymore once a month. The scene between Damon and Rick was great and Elijah saving them was to funny. That Elena doesnt want to talk about a future with Stefan is so telling in more than 1 way.


Sorry but I feel the need to plead Tyler’s case. He is 17 and experienced the loss of his father and the most horrific and traumatic experience ever, turning into a wolf. All of the sudden he is plunged in this world of secrets and danger, where people kill each other and he is as scare and confused as any seventeen years old boy would be. I’m not absolving his stupid behavior towards Caroline and Elena, but he’s been acting stupidly out of confusion, out of been badly traumatized and scared stiff of turning again, out of feeling alone in this and everybody is giving him conflicting information. Caroline is clueless about what a werewolf should do or be, so she can help him up to a point. Plus, his mother is the Mayor. But after a moment of sheer stupidity, he came around and came back to the reality of the people he knows and loves. He feels he can’t stay there, with the risk of killing his friends, his mother. He thinks with his actions he burned bridges with everybody. Also he has to learn how to be a werewolf and get some control. As usual, brilliant music score plays the role of a voice over when he leaves his old life, too embrace his new one. This song’s words are so poignant:“You didn't ask for this. Nobody ever would. Caught in the middle of this dysfunction. It's your sad reality. It's your messed-up family tree. And all your left with all these questions. Are you gonna be like your father was and his father was? Do you have to carry what they've handed down?No, this is not your legacy. This is not your destiny. Yesterday does not define you. No, this is not your legacy. This is not your meant to be.I can break the chains that bind you….”. I feel sad for Tyler. I so love Elijah 😍 now that you like him too, I can say it out loud. He is scary but he is so cool and Damon face of total admiration when he ripped the heart out of those tugs with minimum effort, was a blast. Elijah is so much fun. Elena and Stefan are so very cute together and I love them at this stage, even though I can’t wait for you to discover in the future what Delena will be. I understand Elena’s point of view, but I’m totally on Stefan’s side. It does feel like she is putting on a fight but just resigned to her destiny.That is not her, she is a fierce survivor, as we saw in the scene with Brady. So, I guess, she is been scared to lose any of her loved one, again. I love Elena and I can understand why the two brothers are madly in love with her, her kindness, compassion and empathy are quite extraordinary. Damon has a new Caroline 2, compelled girlfriend, Andy, because of course in his head, he thinks he is undeserving of real love he can never have Elena and contrary to his brother, he is incapable to lie. So compelling people he gets intimate with, is the easiest way to feel free to be himself around them. And Andy is the type of woman Damon likes so she is a perfect distraction from Elena. And Andy likes him too. You cannot imagine how many of your guesses are part of future plot, I’m so impressed Sofie!! 👏👏👏👌


After being angry at Tyler quite a bit I kinda feel bad for him know and I totally understand why you felt the need to plead Tyler's case. Even if I was angry at him at that moment I did feel bad for him. In fact this episode I was angry just because he was being stupid to trust those people but I do understand why '' you explained why beautifully''. But I really was pissed off him last episode mainly because he hesitated to help Caroline '' that's what I really didn't like'' But he totally outgrow himself at the end. BTW, thank you for pointing out the lyrics of the song. I didn't catch the whole thing at first. Man I wish Netflix will put the lyrics '' subtitles'' when ever a song is played. that's way I won't miss it.


John annoys me in this episode. Ric actually told Jenna that the police never found Isobel's body. But I can understand where John is coming from. The ring belongs to him, Isobel borrowed it and kept it and then gave it to Ric. But John is right about Jenna, she needs to know what is going on. She invited Katherine in the house, and Katherine was able to compel her to stab herself. She also let Elijah into the house. Keeping her in the dark is getting dangerous, so as much as I dislike John and his methods, it is hard to disagree with some of the things he is saying. There is no reason for John not to tell Jenna himself. He doesn't care whether he divulges the Salvatore secrets. For Ric it is way more complicated to tell Jenna what is going on. He could tell Jenna that Isobel is a vampire without divulging the Salvatore secrets or mentioning Caroline. But would Jenna believe him? He can't tell her about Elena as that is Elena's business, although as John is Elena's father, he can tell Jenna. Thinking about it, it either has to come from John, or she has to know everything, with ptoof to believe what is going on. I'm not going to go into the Tyler situation, I think everyone else's comments have covered it. Jeremy is the kiss of death. Bonnie's life expectancy has suddenly dropped by about 60 years. Run Bonnie, run. Elena has issues, and Elijah hasn't been entirely honest. He said he will keep everyone alive if Elena dies in the sacrifice, however, he told Damon that he'd kill him once Damon was no longer of any use. I love Damon's reaction to Ric surviving. You are very perceptive about some of the things you mentioned, although I can't confirm which. Great reaction. I'm looking forward to watching the next one with you. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x


Run Bonnie! 😂. And while I agree that John was right about certain things his whole demeanor is just irritating and annoying people on purpose. And not in a Damon I'm-funny-and-sarcastic way just in a John I'll-just-start-some-****-because-I-can way. And while I agree Jenna should know, he has no buisness meddling in Jennas and Ricks relationship, its soooo none of his buisness. As to Elena. He isnt her father, her father is the guy who raised her and who taught her how to ride a bike. John cant just demand anyone listening to him after all that he has done and Elena has no obligation to do anything he says. Her father is dead, Jenna is her guardian John is her uncle. As to Elijah lying: I think the writers messed up there, they probably wanted to establish how threatening he is and how little regard her has for human/vampire life but its often emphasized that Elijah is moral and a men of his word. Going back on a deal with Elena after shes dead, which seemes to be his plan isnt consistent with his character. Or maybe he was just lying to Damon to intimidate him and he doesnt actually plan on killing him? Either way just doesnt seem consistent with his character.

Dydra Arnold

Honestly, I just love Stefan. That’s all for now 🤣🤣


I really like how she pointed out that Alaric should have some issues since he died several times lol

I Am Not Chamari

Took a while for Alaric to come back to life! You were so perceptive so early on!