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Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bsKwtfc069DqZhFsTWdRFw_a8DZxd7AI/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PKgiNthws1fGR7zpQ3MMKsLqxVJnHQUa/view?usp=sharing



Andrea Dcosta

Also One of my fav episodes of season 2. So many amazing moments with Tyler/ Caroline, Bonnie/Jeremy, Damon and Elena. I liked how u said Elijah reminds u of a 80s aristocrat that was funny. He’s sucha classy guy. Kind of already like him. This was the episode I started liking Tyler I knew u would like him in S2 and by the end of S2 I’m sure he will be one of your favourites 🤗 I understand whr Elena is coming from she’s heard from Katherine what Klaus did to her family and Elena will not let anyone die for her plus with her parents dying I feel she has this survivors guilt which somewhat eats her up. Poor girl. Next episodes be ready for some more emotional and beautiful scenes!!


The only reason I could think of for when He had taken that stuff from her house so they could find her in general. Yes he knows where she lives so this was obviously just a precautionary thing. I am assuming Elijah was notified by one of his spies that the doppleganger made contact and wanted to surrender. So he had to find her in order to come keep her from turning herself over to Klaus's people.


I wondered what the point of that spell was as Dr. Martin went into Elena's house, so why they needed a shadow spell seems odd. Maybe it is because Elijah wanted to take her without needing an invite into her house. Seems like a lot of effort for very little return. He could have just waited outside her house until she got up and left out for school. Mason's first full moon transformation was 15th September, which judging by the full moon history, means he triggered the curse in 2008. as we are now in 2010, it shows that Katherine was planning this a long time in advance. The sexual tension between Damon and Elena in this episode was on fire. Elena's eyes drifted towards Damon's lips one time too many. Great reaction. Looking forward to watching the next one with you. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x


You are so perceptive and you always pick the crucial scene in the episode by choosing the frame to summarize the episode. There is clear sexual tension between Damon and Elena, and Ian and Nina are masters of nuances in that department. That scene when Damon is holding Elena fist and is getting close to her face from above is very sensual. It is obvious that there will be some push and pull in the love triangle and that the equation of the love of the brothers and the love for Elena is a push and pulls in one or another direction. But Elena is super loyal to Stefan and there is no doubt that she loves him, Stefan realize that and that is the reason why, even if he knows that Damon is in love with her, his trust of his brother to keep her safe and the trust he has at this point of Elena’s love is much stronger than any petty jealousy. To be honest at this point I couldn’t get Elena wanting to be a martyr. To break the curse Klaus will still need a witch, a vampire, a werewolf and a doppelganger, is not that if she dies the others will be spared. I understand she doesn’t want to cross him, and Katherine story scare her to death. But still...she is giving up any hope of finding a solution. I bet Damon went around a lot and two super gorgeous brothers vampire must have got the attention among the ladies vampire community.... that must be the reason of his popularity. Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine. She had such a grin of happiness on her face. Poor Tyler a curse like his you wouldn’t wish it on you worse enemy, but he has Caroline to help him, How much I adore Caroline is beyond words. And in the next episode Michael Trevino will have the chance to show off his excellent acting skills. To be honest the level of acting among this cast is spectacular. I can’t wait for you to see the next two episodes...

Linda Moore

I may be wrong, but I believe Elijah did the tracking spell on Elena to find out where she was "right then". Because she wasn't at home, or at school, or any of the places she usually was. I believe Elijah knew that Elena was reaching out to find Klaus (from the messages Alice sent) and wanted to get to her before others did so he could keep her safe. When he sees that Damon is willing to die to protect her he leaves her there to be protected. I think Witchy-Dad took the stuff simply so he had the power to perform spells on her, whatever was needed. Just turned out Elijah needed a tracking spell first. I love every Delena moment of this episode. I don't know why I find Damon saying, "I will break your arm." so incredibly hilarious. I think it's Ian's delivery. He just sounds so genuinely frustrated at how hard she's making it for him to keep her alive. Love the end between Damon and Stefan too.

Andrea Dcosta

Yea totally out of topic but I didn’t know you react to Hindi - bollywood songs etc just stumbled across 1 on YouTube. I could suggest you to react to some good Bollywood songs/ movie trailers etc let me know if you want any suggestions 😁🥰

Andrea Dcosta

Oh yes! So true. I guess they were dating during filming S2. They have sizzling chemistry can’t deny 🤩


My question is, why didn't they just ask Alaric to get the moonstone from Katherine? I really liked Bonnie in this episode because we get to see what she is willing to do to save the people she loves. I dont think she thought it could be fatal. Also this is probably a very unpopular opinion and please dont yell at me lol, but I don't think getting manhandled is sensual and Damon did that a lot this episode. And I get the reasons why I just don't think sexual tension when I see scenes like that. I just get uncomfortable but maybe its from personal experience. However I do think for Elena that moment when Damon grabbed her fist it was a mix of both fear and attraction and the look on her face after he released her gave me the impression that she became aware of that attraction and it messed with her head a little. And you can tell the moment it went from fear to something else. The way he drew near and she could not help herself and looked at his lips. Maybe because she knew that she was not in any real danger so she could let her fear go a little. Also I love Katherine and the look on her face when Stefan went inside with her. I love the Tyler/Caroline scenes and this episode made me feel so bad for Mason cause that looks awful. And finally Bonnie and Jeremy is ... fine. Honestly I never felt any chemistry between them so I didn't feel much during that scene.


If I were Elena, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night at all, knowing that there is so much evil spirits in the world. Dr. Martin going through Elena's things is creepy. But at the same time, Elena's encounter with naked Alaric and Jenna was very funny. The scene is interesting. And scares and amuses. Keeps you on your toes. It's funny how Stefan and Damon are dressed. Damon in black, Stefan in white. 😂 I wonder if Luka really likes Bonnie. Despite the rather dubious goals of this family, Luka taught Bonnie to take energy for witchcraft. Yes, she doesn't know how to use it 100% yet, but we can see how her abilities grow with each episode. Bonnie is working with Stefan and Damon again. They came up with a decent plan, but Jeremy screwed it up. Here, he was really annoying with his heroism. Trying to help Bonnie, he overestimated his strength. Did he think he could do it better than two vampires and a witch? In the end, Bonnie still had to risk herself trying to get him out and Stefan ended up in the tomb. Another dubious plan - Elena's plan. Sacrifice herself so that the people she cares about don't get hurt. Would they all feel good if Elena died? She also doesn't think about the fact that the Salvatore brothers, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Caroline will find out about her plan anyway. And they will still try to stop her. And instead of focusing on the case, they will be forced to fight with Elena, trying to protect her from "suicide". Oh, the Gilberts. Stubborn, and sacrificial. They are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the people they love. However, in the end it will only make things worse. The werewolf's video blog looked really, really scary. Stefan and Elena keep paper diaries, and Mason uses the latest technology. Online lessons with step-by-step instructions for turning into a werewolf. And you don't have to go through libraries and old books. 😂 I have no idea how Tyler feels. I really feel sorry for him. After all, nothing depends on it. It's really a curse. I like the way vampires and werewolves are shown here. There is no excessive romanticization, as in Twilight (although, I loved this movie once). And turning into a werewolf here is a really frightening and painful process, with breaking bones and the whole body (and not just a somersault in the air - and you're a wolf). And I'm glad that Caroline is helping Tyler with this terrible case. Did he deliberately leave the house while Caroline was talking to Matt? Couldn't he wait a few minutes? Damon and Stefan are really widely known vampires 😂 😂 Isobel's assistant in episode 3 recognized him by his appearance, and in this episode, Alice. I think Katherine pierce brought them fame. A tearful conversation between the brothers in the tomb. "Of all the idiot plans, Stefan...". Elijah is a creepy person. Rips out hearts without much effort. It was beautiful and terrible. A wonderful reaction! Waiting for the next episode


And how Damon put Elena against the wall in the tomb! I think it was really rough and painful. I would have at least bruises on my back from this, and at most a concussion. She hit her head hard, and even the back of my head ached from it. Maybe it's good for her, though.


Thank you for this point of view. This really makes sense. Although I think it would have been easier to compel someone to follow Elena. But the guys chose a difficult path. Well, that's their business. "I'll break your arm." Really funny moment. Despite exciting events, I always smile when I hear this phrase. Although Damon was quite rude to Elena today. They almost got into a fight. I think he's just tired of Elena's stubbornness.

Andrea Dcosta

I don’t agree as such cz he was ultimately trying to protect her that’s why this scene didnt look manhandled as such to me. And I’m sorry you had to experience such a situation in real life I know it sucks ive been there :(


Yeah perhaps manhandled is the wrong word, but the whole forcefully grabbing her and stuff. But this was in no way a criticism towards Damon but just sharing my experience while watching the scene which sucks cause I wish could enjoy it more lol.


You know, I noticed that people that had in their life rough experiences with horrible men tend to project that experience on Damon character. He is forcefull but not in a malicious way or a macho man way. I'm sorry you had to experience such malice that makes you very sensitive. ❤


Yeah its unfortunate, but I dont really blame Damon as a character because I know that he was doing it to protect Elena and in those moments there was really no time to be delicate, considering the fact that she was acting suicidal. Sometimes your personal experiences do affect the way you respond to certain things. Which is why I can't enjoy Delena as much as would like. Still cant deny the chemistry between the two characters in those scenes though. And thank you, that's very sweet of you.


It's more like I put in the frame my favorites scenes or what I feel like the highlight of the episode. glad you've noticed that. I'm trying to keep the page more alive


I like that very much and your preference are mine too.👌


He was rightfully angry. He had to leave to save her from a suicidal mission, to return to find that the other Gilbert cause his brother to be stuck in the tomb, and if that wasn't enough she wanted to run inside like she could save Stefan by herself....their bickering though sounded like an old married couple thing 😁


Yes, everyone scolded Damon's plan, and in the end, the hard - nosed human rescuers - the Gilberts-made it worse, forcing the Salvators to get their asses out of trouble. And in the end, it's Damon's job to clean it up.😁 Yes, he has a right to be angry. "...their bickering though sounded like an old married couple thing " Oh, it's true 🤣👍


I forgot IMPORTANT!! Things going unnoticed....Damon "I've killed you, you were dead!" Elijah "For centuries now". So while we got acquainted, so far, with vampires that are maximum 600 years old-ish, Elijah told us there. how old is he...CENTURIES!!!


I'll talk in the next episode about how I felt about Damon and Elena's interaction during this episode


Yep....😁 Ahhhh the good old days when the biggest threat in town was Damon...😂😂😂


1 century = 100 years. The same can be said about Katherine and Rose, that they live (dead) for centuries. If I understand what you mean correctly. And yes, we will remember the times when everyone was afraid of Damon.😄 But to be fair, he did look menacing at the time. His eyes were different, more cruel. He has changed so much during this time.


Yes but been an original meaning part of the origin of vampire, centuries takes in his case another meanning....we don't know how many centuries but he is older than anyone we encounter so far, therefore stronger.


I absolutely love the scene where Elena and Damon are fighting and you can just see Stefans face in the tomb. You dont fight like that unless there is a strong relationship and they did 100% sound like an old married couple. And Damon was trying to stop her from running into a tomb with an century old vampire who hates her so I can forgive him if he wasnt to gentle about it cause elena trying to run in there was incredibly stupid. And she wasnt hurt, she is clearly fine when she walks away.


My comment was about conventionality in movies. Only in the movies can the hero crash with all his strength into a wall and not get any damage.😁 And I totally agree that Damon did the right thing. This is not a situation where conversations and persuasions will work. Sometimes you need to apply a little force (within a reasonable). Another question is why did Damon take her to this tomb in the first place? I doubt Elena would have walked there faster than he did.

Andrea Dcosta

Hey Sofie hope you’re doing great. Just wanted to ask you has your schedule changed to 1 episode per week ?


No it changed to Sunday and Wednesday but still i don’t want it to make it official in case it’s just temporary. Ps: There’s some changes happening in the place where i work

Andrea Dcosta

Oh okay! No problem ya. Take your time. Hope everything is ok at your workplace.

Futuristic Girl

That scene where they burned Katherine's best pic made me feel a way. I love that photo of her.

Futuristic Girl

I wasn't mad at Elena for sacrificing herself. It's something she would do. It's not like they have a fool proof plan to kill Klaus.

Futuristic Girl

Jeremy again inserting himself where he doesn't belong.


Well she doesn't understand that thays not an option..she is being a martyr and extremely annoying

Futuristic Girl

Yeah, she is a martyr. I'm just saying I wasn't surprised that she did that. At this time, they don't have a a fool proof plan to kill Klaus. She saw no other option and she won't risk her family getting killed no matter what. Stefan should see that because he's the same way.

I Am Not Chamari

The way Damon says "Gee, thanks, you 16 year old child" gets me every time. I get that Jeremy knows about all of this stuff and is angry and wants to help. But it would really help him if he knew his place. Also, the Damon/Elena moments this episode were epic. One of my favorite moments of this episode is when Elena says that "is that before or after he kills everyone I care about, including the two of you" and then it pans to Damon's surprised face. It's obvious that we know Elena cares about Damon - that dates back to Season 1. But the fact that she says it so openly, especially after what he did, shows that their relationship might be getting back on track,