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Sorry again for being late.

Ps: Stefan and Damon chemistry as brothers  is top notch this season. And Stefan though how can someone cry so beautifully 

Links: Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-2KQG0-6tp_sutY22JxX_8T8dRe9JHue/view?usp=sharing

part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lj0n7z-6Ujk5Wqu8g8nxi1yUr3DogCB4/view?usp=sharing




You're getting very close to my favorite episodes! The "vervain for werewolves" was actually wolfsbane, I think you missed that. Also, if you pay attention to the very beginning of the scene when Jenna stabs herself, you see her talking on the phone and Elena asked Alaric, "Who is she talking to?". And right before Jenna handed Elena the phone she said "Of course, I understand". That was the moment Katherine compelled Jenna to stab herself (over the phone) as retaliation for Damon provoking her. I'm so excited for the coming episodes, Katherines master plan will eventually be explained and it'll be satisfying :) See you Saturday!


can you compel someone over the phone? I thought you need to have eye contact with them?

Jasmine Reigns

Love the reaction as usual ❤️ cannot wait for the next episode one of my all time favorite episodes of the entire series 😍


Mason tried to kill them and he wouldn't stop at the first chance, at the next full moon he would have gone after them. Damon does the necessary dirty work that nobody has the guts to do. Paul has the most beautiful crying face ever, I agree nobody can compare. Katherine is a liar and a poppet master, it is obvious now that she has some sort of plan, what the plan is ...well we'll have to wait and see....what I can tell you is that it is not guessable. Jeremy see in Damon the sort of bad ass he wishes to be, that is why, he is following him like a poppy dog, trying to get his attention. Also he realize that Damon is the only one that would get things done, no matter what. Yes he is impulsive, but he is most of the time right. Bonnie start to come around and be more part of the group, finally. And boy oh boy the next episodes are so so good and so important for the whole series, I can't wait for you to see them....As usual, you are the best!!


Same, I’ve watched the next episode at least a hundred times its my favorite 😍

Futuristic Girl

You're gonna love the next episode!!

Futuristic Girl

There's a reason for any move Katherine makes.

Futuristic Girl

The whole thing with Bonnie is really annoying. Like Elena is always hanging around vampires. Of course you guys aren't going to be as close. Make a choice on whether you can deal with that.

Futuristic Girl

Mason snitched on them to Sheriff Forbes trying to kill them both. He's an op. He was obviously going to die.

Futuristic Girl

Jeremy wants to be useful so bad. He's a human teenager. He can't do anything!! He gets on my nerves with that. I hate when humans think they can get involved in supernatural stuff like they can't easily die. Be realistic.


Hi, Sofie! I've missed you so much. And here I am. Once again, we see Jeremy reaching for Damon. Why him? Not to Stefan, not to Alaric, but to Damon. There's something about Damon that makes people trust Him in the end, no matter what. And it should be noted that Jeremy was useful after all. And the look in his eyes when he hugged Elena and promised to get back at Katherine. Here, he looked so mature and confident. I like the way he gradually turns into a man. Bonnie is another proof that people are trusted to Damon. She quite voluntarily agreed to work with him and did not judge him as before. She knew exactly what Damon was going to do to Mason, and for some reason she went to his house with him anyway. I like their chemistry. Most of all in this series I like the reunion of the girls-Bonnie, Caroline and Elena. Childhood friends together again. They worked as a real close-knit team, understanding each other almost without words. On stage Caroline with her mother I cried. Too bad Liz didn't remember anything. But it has made great progress. From her complete hatred of vampires, she had come to some understanding. She saw her daughter in Caroline and knew that she could be trusted. I was really scared for jenna when she stabbed herself. Many people wonder how Katherine got jenna to do this over the phone. This has never been a mystery to me. Katherine made it quite clear that she had been indoctrinating jenna for a long time, which meant that she had made eye contact with her. And in a face-to-face meeting, using eye contact, she made Jenna stab herself with a knife when she will make a phone call. That's how it turned out, I think. Sofie, it was good to see you. I look forward to the next episode!


May just add something ...the grey the brothers are wearing does wonders against their eyes color.....🤩

I Am Not Chamari

The torture scene was difficult to watch, but definitely necessary. Mason had to die, and Damon needed to pull information from him about the curse. He nearly had them killed... And would certainly try to kill them again. Damon was just doing the necessary dirty work. I think Katherine had several plans going - you're right. She has been compelling Jenna for some time, but it doesn't seem that she was just provoked by Damon. Perhaps he made it happen sooner than she had planned, but it's clear that she was also agitated by Stefan and Elena's fake fighting too. I don't think Damon deserves all the blame there.

Loved By You

The beginning of this episode is so festive with the switching back and fourth. Also Paul is such a great actor.