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Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vN9t7yIKQOHAx8kJGjThcbrcm55MMdKo/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I26DgT8Wz9EuPvKLEQltmW22qIMIFQfA/view?usp=sharing




I love watching reactions and seeing how different people understand or catch onto certain things. I will never be able to shut up about how great Nina Dobrev is in these two roles. I mean I NEVER catch myself being drawn out of a scene by thinking "oh this is the same actress". She's just amazing. Katherine is a great character, as is Elena. As for why Katherine is there or what she is up to all I will say is that Katherine has a reason for EVERYTHING, sometimes more than one. I look forward to watching you piece together the puzzles!

Jenny V

Unrelated but your seasaw intro never fails to make me do the dance lol

Futuristic Girl

I love this episode!! We get some backstory and get to see 1864 Katherine. Her hair and outfits were gorgeous!! I like how Katherine questioned Stefan's reason for coming back and pointing out that she never compelled his love. I also want to say I was annoyed with how Stefan said he knows her so well that he couldn't believe that she actually had feelings for him. Like you knew her for what? A year? Few months? She's been alive 500 years. You obviously don't know her like you thought you did.

Futuristic Girl

Stefan claimed that Katherine compelled his love I suppose to make her being gone easier.

Futuristic Girl

George Lockwood makes me hate the Lockwoods.

Futuristic Girl

You're right about Elena and Stefan pretending to fight. It's not a solid plan.


You as usual pick up stuff that very few people knows. At the beginning the writers told Nina that in order to do Katherine she had to think of a female version of Damon. Yep, you got that so right! Clever girl!! Katherine is a 500 years vampire, probably bored, she loved Stefan because he was a bit more of a challenge than Damon, Stefan had to be compelled, Damon didn't need to. But in all Damon naivety at that time, he always exhibited high intelligence and perception and I don't think that was different at that time. So Katherine must have done or said something to him to make him believe that their relationship was the real deal, the scene in her bedroom, imply that they were having a relationship already "Is my love not enough?", imply that he already declared his love to her and him being in her bedroom means they were been intimate already. So Stefan declaration outside her bedroom " I kiss you and I know I'm felling in love with you" means that they kissed but not more that that, and caught her by surprise and her surprise was discovering she had some sort of feelings for him. She is very selfish and manipulative as we learn now, is she back for Stefan? Why now? Stefan doesn't believe that. Is he right? Damon is reckless and has trust issues, but as I said, he is very intelligent and perceptive, so with him, the writers always put us in a position of doubt, should we trust his instincts or not at all? Because Damon is being Damon, impulsive, he acts and then he thinks. By the way, I agree Damon/Ian is gorgeous but with a black shirt he is so smocking hot! Great reaction Sofie, you never disappoint, clever girl! 👌


Ohh i feel flattered☺️ it feels nice to hear from someone that you are clever 😂. I don’t think that Kathrine considered Stefan as just a challenge maybe now that he hates her and love Elena but back then i feel like for her Damon was a sex toy but the big deal for her was Stefan not because he was a challenge because we can see that he fall for her as well but because i believe she felt a connection to him she hasn’t with Damon. You are right about Damon being in her room kissing her i didn’t think about it at that time it feels they ve already were intimate with each other and for Stefan they feel like they are just about to start something. So that answer my question about them in the first season Damon was with Kathrine first and Stefan stole her from him

Futuristic Girl

I also want to point out that Stefan and Damon knew that they the other was interested in Katherine.

Futuristic Girl

Katherine and Damon do have a similar feel. Katherine is more refined I think.


I've just noticed something....how Mason Lockwood knows that Damon is a vampire? He've never been part of the council, none of the others Lockwood knows.....That is why Damon doesn't trust him at all! Damon is much clever than all of us. 😂

Andrea Dcosta

Heyy Sofie! It’s so good to be back. You’re one of my favourite reactors for sure. I just finished watching S1 episode 17 can’t wait to catch up with all you guys and watch the series along with you all. I can’t wait for you to reach the end of season 2 and mainly to season 3 it’s gonna be amazing it’s one of my favourite seasons of TVD for sure!!

Andrea Dcosta

Just finished watching this episode I’m loving all your reactions. You are gonna love this season I’m sure! Can’t wait for the next episode. I love the next one...


Just watched the video. Great reaction Sofie. I'd write more, but it is really late and I'm too tired. Looking forward to the next one. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x Oh and yes, Damon does look hot in black. 😍

I Am Not Chamari

Looking back on this, Damon had a reason to be skeptical of Mason Lockwood. And it helps with all the pain he is denying that he's feeling from his fallout with Elena to focus on this one thing. Now, was him trying to kill him with the silver a huge miscalculation? Yes. But Mason gave Damon all the tools to make him think that silver was deadly to him. So, Mason was manipulating the situation as much as Damon was (at least from my perspective). Another interesting thing about this is that Mason said he has no control once he turns into a wolf of who he attacks. But, we see Tyler had ~ some ~ effect on him, obviously, and here he just said that Damon's his enemy. This immediately made me think that he was going to go after Damon the next time he turns, which insinuates that he does have some control? No? Basically, Damon was completely correct to be wary of Mason haha


I've thought the same thing for awhile. I think he tried to hold on to that so that he could deal with her being gone with less pain. Believe everything was from compulsion, to make the loss of her hurt less.