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Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KrIAOmM4NW8VxCTiMEz81ZxC2DWwnav9/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1upsac4Uz6vC13YD70NdX1vAE_U7dHAuo/view?usp=sharing




Soooo excited for this one. I LOVE Stefan and Caroline.

Futuristic Girl

What I liked about this episode was the road trip Ric, Elena, and Damon took. Also, I liked your point about Bonnie. Witches hating vampires is so 1864 girl. Don't be an Emily Bennet.

Futuristic Girl

Next episode is soo good. A lot is revealed.


Caroline. I loved her as human, as a vampire I adore her. Her relationship with Stefan is so much fun and as usual you picked up the core of what makes this relationship so enjoyable. Caroline is a ray of sunshine, her lightness shines on Stefan like Lexi did. Stefan around her is lighter, like he isn't with anybody else, not even with Elena, she makes him laugh and this is another great relationship adding to the many layer of the "friendship theme" explored in this show, like Damon and Alaric, or Bonnie and Elena, or Damon and Liz and many others that will form in the future. Paul this season is scorching hot., He was nominated as sexiest man alive in People magazine 2010 (as Ian was), he didn't win, I don't know why, but still, the photo shoot that came with it is still there, testament to his gorgeousness in this period. Not that is not still very much gorgeous to this day. As Ian, those two age so incredibly well, it's unreal!! Bonnie. Let's not forget that because of vampires, Bonnie grams died practically for nothing, and that is still very fresh in her mind. So even though I understand where she is coming from, I had difficulty to like Bonnie in this period, because she is a bit of a stick on the mud, putting herself above all her friends as guardians of their morals without compassion, making difficult to like her fully as we should because she is kind and selfless, but she is hurt and when people are hurt don't see things clearly....and don't we know that with Damon, Mr " I have an uncontrollable huge burst of hurt feeling inside that when it gets to much explode like an atomic bomb, razing everything to the ground around me" and than when he gets control again and see the damage he caused and he has to start all over again. Damon is hurting people around him but most of all he is hurting himself, because he thinks he is not deserving of anything. That is what a life without being loved would do to anybody, imagine to a vampire that feels way more than humans. One thing you can say about Damon though he is not a lair, he is very honest, always. On Elena manipulative behavior I will not say anything because I don't want to give spoiler but is something interesting about her that has just being introduced in this episode, another layer. As usual your reactions are so clever, I didn't get all the things you manage get, the first time around. Bravo, girl!!! 🙌👍


Paul takes on being nominate sexiest man alive... I love his awkwardness, so adorable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnTkTpNRZeU And that is Ian, Mr "I want to be intellectually stimulated" ....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87jez-KWARc It is curious and very funny as in real life Paul is very much like Damon, sarcastic, cracking jokes all the time, a bit of a pessimist, very reluctant about showing his feelings and Ian is much like Stefan, optimist, very serous, very good with people. They joke about it too. Love it.


Let's just say I found myself spiritually connected with the characters. it doesn't happen to me that often specially that early in a show.


I was watching this and then I had a lightbulb moment. I can't believe I missed it. It was during the conversation when they were in the boarding house and asked Ric to help them look through Isobel's research. She knew about every man and his dog/wolf regarding the supernatural history of Mystic Falls. Pun entirely intended. Like her or hate her, Isobel is a very interesting character. Vampire Caroline is brilliant. I agree about her being self-aware, but Damon was the one to bring it to the forefront in 1x8 when he called her shallow. I think she has since been looking inwardly and trying to do better. Her natural instincts are the same, but she has been trying to reign it in, which is lucky as she is going to have to work even harder now she is a vampire. On the plus side, organising events will be much easier for her, albeit maybe not for those helping her. I also agree about her scenes with Stefan. I love their interactions. He's never like this with Elena. I agree, he was more like this with Lexi. Caroline makes him smile more without him getting too stressed. I remember the first time I watched this episode and I immediately shipped Stefan and Caroline. It felt right. A lot of people ship whoever they feel is better for Elena, but I'm team Salvatore and I ship who is better for each brother. I personally see Caroline as a better match for Stefan than Elena. Whereas Damon and Elena have a lot of similarities regarding their hidden pain. I think her way of breaking up with Matt is so sweet. It wouldn't make sense for her to do it, so she forced him into it despite knowing it would break her heart. She loves him enough to let him go. The mythology on this show is second to none. It gets better and better. It is what makes it stand out from a lot of other shows. Just let it be known, all of your mythology questions will be answered. To me, being a werewolf reminds me of PMS. Causes grumpiness, it's painful and only happens monthly. 😉 Elena manipulating Damon because she knows he's in love with her, well there's a shocker. As I said earlier, Damon and Elena are very similar characters, and they also have a complete inability to lie to each other. Damon will have to do something selfless which is not related to getting her back on side to win her over. It has to be something he would want to do even if she weren't around. I do understand Bonnie's position. Her Grams has only been dead just under 3 months. Her Grams wasn't a fan of vampires, and Bonnie looks up to her and respects her opinion, while trying to follow in her footsteps. On top of that, Sheila died as a result of helping vampires, reinforcing Bonnie's beliefs. She's wary of Caroline because like Damon, she doesn't think that Caroline can keep it together and be trusted, despite the fact that Caroline has probably got the most suitable personality and character traits to be a well-controlled vampire. Bonnie needs time, she's lost her Grams to vampires and in a different way, she's lost her friends too. She's all alone in this, because once she sides with them, she could end up being used for nefarious purposes, it is a big commitment for a girl who only a few months ago found out she was a witch, and has nobody to guide her except some old grimoires that belonged to vampire hating witches. I'm not saying Bonnie doesn't annoy me at this point in the show, she does. But I do get her perspective. Great reaction. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


''To me, being a werewolf reminds me of PMS. Causes grumpiness, it's painful and only happens monthly''. 🤣😂 I know his feeling then

Idun V

Ngl, I ship Stefan and Caroline so hard 💕

I Am Not Chamari

I think Bonnie's character at this time makes sense to me. She just lost her grandmother because of vampires and her entire identity as a witch so far, is based on what she learned from her. Grams was always wary of witches getting involved in vampire business... It's innate for witches at this point. I think using her power as leverage makes her feel better about all the death and destruction that happened around her. The Stefan/Caroline scenes of this episode are golden. They are so comfortable around each other and clearly respect each other a lot. I love seeing Stefan like this - we need it more often.

Keith Engel

Caroline's hair is different in season 2 as well, which I think adds to the new look you get besides the Eyeliner. Also Road Trip #2 with Elena and Damon...Stefan and Elena Roadtrip count 0. :)