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Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wsHP78J7WFuHFBT0V41gaLIIYIZVEuds/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C_-Z_BXm-NCCMQreNlLufsebiBy-3Ys2/view?usp=sharing



Heather Hollenbeck

It makes sense that Caroline gets the hang of being a vampire so easily. She's the complete opposite of Vicki. Vicki was completely out of control, whereas Caroline has a control freak personality. As a vampire, this gets magnified. Stefan and Caroline are the friendship I didn’t know i needed until I first watched this episode. The scene in the bathroom is so sad, but it’s so heartwarming to see how Stefan comforts her. I think it’s clear that Stefan still feels a lot of guilt for not being able to help Vicki, which is why he’s so determined to help Caroline through this and not have it end the same way.

Futuristic Girl

Rewatching this episode I realized how it's really not one of my faves. It has some good moments, but I don't really like most of it.


You hit the nail on the head with Caroline, a drama Queen and control freak. Everything has to be done properly, perfectly and expertly. Vicki on the other hand was out of control and couldn't care less. Caroline is as opposite to Vicki as you can get. Damon's methods might be unpleasant with Jeremy, but when he took Jeremy's ring off, he pointed out that any vampire who knows what that ring does will be able to do what he did. Jeremy was playing the hard guy and having the ring won't save him, it didn't help Uncle John, and with Katherine possibly running around, Jeremy needs to be careful who he threatens. There are times and places where harsh words are the best tuition. I think this is something Jeremy realises, and that might be why he sort of forgave Damon. It never occurred to me before, but Jeremy is very compassionate, in some ways he is like Elena. Must have been their upbringing. Jeremy hasn't really got any older male influences in his life to look up to. I'm not saying Damon is the best person for that role, but making sure he is friends with Damon reduces the risk of being killed by him. In some respects, Damon would be a good buffer against anyone who did try to kill him like Isobel, as well as having the ring. Damon's younger brother isn't biologically much older than Jeremy, therefore he isn't entirely clueless about teenage boys. This decision is a very smart move by Jeremy. Damon likes people who call him out on his bu*****t and aren't afraid of him. By doing what he did, Jeremy earned Damon's respect by being the better man. Ever since 1x13, Jeremy and Damon have had a bond. Damon was giving him girl advice, and trying to sort out his relationship with Anna. Damon even apologised for Vicki. I guess Delena was moving too fast and the writers needed to stop it, which is why they had Damon kill Jeremy. It just seemed a really odd thing for him to do. Yes Damon lashes out, but killing Jeremy was almost out of character. Werewolves exist in this universe, but Damon and Stefan don't know that. They think the only supernatural creatures are vampires and witches as they've never met anything else before. I love the scene between Stefan and Caroline, it is so sweet. I loved it first time around and I still love it. It is the most open we've seen him since Lexi. Okay, so Bonnie annoys me by blaming Damon. He gave Caroline his blood to get Bonnie out of the mess she created as Caroline was likely to die. He was trying to do something good. But even when he does something good and it all goes wrong, he gets the blame. This was all down to Bonnie. As I said last episode, she isn't taking responsibility for her own actions. John only got hold of the device because Bonnie lied and said she had deactivated it. Damon's problem with Caroline is that Katherine targeted her. Damon knows that Katherine didn't turn Caroline for nothing, therefore with Liz being a vampire hunter, Caroline is a problem. If Katherine gets to Caroline, they could all end up dead. Plus Damon dated the shallow version of Caroline. She has changed a lot since then, and he is basing his assumption to how she will react on how she was when he dated her. He thinks Katherine is going to kill her and get whatever it is she is after in the meantime. Anna turned Logan and Ben to be her eyes and ears, it is common vampire practice. Damon thinks this is what Katherine is up to, then he knows she'll kill Caroline. If Damon thought Caroline would thrive as a vampire and become an asset, he wouldn't have considered staking her. The Caroline Damon dated would not have made a good vampire. The girl she has become is someone very different. I love vampire Caroline. Her friendship with Stefan is one of my favourites in the entire show. Stefan was at his best in this episode. I enjoy his character far more when his story is not Elena-centric. Great reaction. Looking forward to the next one. Take care, stay safe, stay healthy. x


Speaking of vervain as protection from vampires. Have you seen how Damon easily removes the ring from his finger (!)? Then why is Elena's necklace a reliable protection against vampires?It's even easier to pull it off your neck than a ring from your finger. In addition, the necklace only protects against suggestion, but does not protect against feeding. It would be much safer to take vervain inside. One of the main events of this episode is the transformation of Caroline into a vampire.This was shown very realistically. The actress who plays Caroline played it amazing. Panic, incomprehension, confusion, emerging hunger and vampire instincts - all at the same time and almost without words. I like it! This is the first time I disagree with Bonnie. She takes it out on Damon, saying it's all His fault. If anything, you have to blame all the vampires (both Katherine and Stefan). Technically, Stefan was the first person in town, and Katherine killed Caroline. Damon also tried to help Caroline by giving her his blood (with Bonnie's permission, it should be noted). Yes, I understand her. Here she just let off steam. It was Damon's fault, but not all of it. And if you punish, then all, and not take it out on the one who first came to hand. I also liked the relationship between Jeremy and Damon in this episode. Despite everything that has happened between them, Jeremy is still trying to find support from Damon. He doesn't even listen to Stefan the way he does to Damon. It's a bit like Damon and Alaric's relationship. Sofie, it was good to see you and your reaction! I will wait for the continuation. The next series will be even more interesting (although I think so every time).


I like your explanation of the relationship between Jeremy and Damon. This is something I didn't quite manage to articulate. And Yes, the attempt to kill Jeremy (or rather, turn him into a vampire), was introduced by the writers specifically, and they said it openly. They did this, because by the end of season 1, Damon was too soft and kind in their opinion,and they decided to roll back a little. And the rapidly developing delena, I think, also encouraged them to do this. And I agree that it wasn't exactly in Damon's character that I tried to say in the last episode.


Im excited to watch your tvd and One tree hill reactions!!! I just became a pledge right now for those two!!!

Futuristic Girl

Part of the reason I didn't like this episode all that much (this is by tvd episode standards) because it was more Caroline focused, and I've never been a fan of Caroline.


As I mentioned, every actor will have, before or after, more than one chance to shine. And this episode was all about Caroline. I still remember when I saw this episode first, how much I was impressed by the excellent acting skills of Candice Accola, at the time, now Candice King. Her scene in the bathroom with Stefan is beautiful, so touching, so heart breaking. Stefan in that scene was wonderful, as I mention before, Stefan season two is just wonderful. Damon and Jeremy. I love the explanation that so eloquently Mandzipop has given, to which I agree completely. Jeremy is attracted by who in is his head is a badass, also he's an adult, they shared very intimate moments and even if he killed him, he recognize that Damon is a powerful allied, even if he is a "dick". Damon has a charming quality that makes people open up to him, in one to one conversations, because what he shares with them, on one to one conversations with Liz, Carol, Alaric, Jeremy, Elena etc. are non specific information about himself that are still very personal, inviting people to share on the same level creating confidentiality. Sofie your comments are always very insightful and on point. I love how much you are emotionally invested in the characters. We all felt with this show all the emotions available to human beings, personally I cried my eyes out for this show like in any other show, because is beautiful. Can't wait for the next one.

I Am Not Chamari

The Stefan/Caroline scene is one of my all time favorites! What an amazing relationship they have. I disagree that Damon is trying to make a point that he doesn't care any more. That's why they made a point to say Stefan agreed with him. Damon is very consistent in his character (whether or not killing Jeremy makes him consistent is a debate) but he is very pragmatic about things. He sees the long game, in which Katherine will use Caroline and probably hurt many more people. Damon is not close to Caroline at all and doesn't really respect her, so it makes sense for him to want to kill Caroline. He sees it as the only way forward. Damon doesn't mind being frank and straightforward, which pisses people off, I understand. Sure, could he have had a little compassion in explaining why Caroline should be killed? Maybe. But he didn't Want to kill Caroline, more than he felt like he Had to. Ultimately, I guess this does make him the Bad Guy, and he plays it very well, but I don't think he had malintent. But, I am the big Damon defender. So. On-brand for me.