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There might not have been a lot happening in this episode, but there was a lot of information. It always annoys me when Stefan says there's only one liar among us. During the show so far, Stefan has lied a lot more than Damon and that was repeated again. Damon was right not to trust his brother. Not because of his own shortcomings, but because he doesn't trust Stefan. The spelling of the name Isobel is quite unusual and it was the same spelling. Anna is a vampire, as is Ben. Stefan hates to dance, while Damon loves it. I doubt Elena would have needed to ask Damon to teach her the hand-jive, he'd have voluntarily shown her. Damon is owrried about the other vampires being around. He doesn't want them interfering with his plans, which is why he had motivation to help Stefan and Elena. Also, Damon owes Elena a favour for saving him. On top of that, I think Damon has a bit of a soft spot for her as she's been quite nice to him, despite slapping him twice already (although I suspect he possibly respects her for standing up to him). Great reaction, really looking forward to the upcoming episodes. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


How often will you react to TVD? it has a lot of episodes, especially if you include the spin-offs (I really like Legacies, the spin-off currently airing) I think my favorite part of this episode is Elena reacting to Damon dancing and her "i would love to dance" and then ask Stefan.


I don't particularly like how Stefan is in this episode, "if history teaches us something there is only one lair" yep and is not Damon. Stefan didn't like Damon and Elena bonding, at all, nor he liked when Elena choose Damon plan to eliminate the vampire that was invited in, over his plan, he felt they gang up on him, Paul portray that with his face in few seconds wonderfully. That is why he laid to Damon about help him and dragged Elena into it, to have Elena ganging up with him on Damon. That is so petty and insecure, and also by doing that he asked Elena to lie too, about it. Anyway your review is spot on, very good!!


Oh boy!! We all loooooved the Damon dance, six pact and all so much...and after that there are going to be so many fantastic Damon dance moments...when Damon see the chance for having fun, he jumps right into it and doesn't care what others think...well he's got the moves, and when he dances something magical happens, he gets viewers giggling in delight, all thanks to Ian that was born to play Damon.


Cant wait for the next reaction!🙏🏽😊


I can’t help wondering, Katherine had Stefan and Damon falling over themselves for her. If she came back what would she do to Elena? Great reaction.

I Am Not Chamari

I agree that Damon had no obligation to help them and I think it is definitely a sign that he chose to!