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Slightly late, but here we are :)

My flu has lingered and resurfaced and generally made a menace of itself - and to add insult to injury my period was last week too. I feel like a whiny baby but urgggh being sick sucks. Tests continue to say that it's not covid which is something!

A positive note - I'm delighted by how the top panel turned out. I tend to find green the hardest colour to work with (and granted there's a lot of blue in this green) but still, that's a very pretty looking park. I'm proud of myself :)

Next update will probably be in two weeks time?

Thank you for reading <3



It's always kind of fun seeing how, for all her openness in other regards, Mira can be the more cautious and reserved of the two in more personal ways

Jonas Richter

It's interesting to think that Tess probably was aware she'd have to answer each question, too. Sharing something personal with Mira. Then again, maybe she didn't think about that at all. :-D Anyway, lovely park indeed. And am I correct that they chose to place their snack boxes to the outside (instead of between them)? Maybe that detail has nothing to do with narrative or characterization, but if it had... Did they want to sit closer to each other? Didn't want to share their snacks? :)