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Hello! It's been a while since I've streamed, and with the shutdown changing people's timetables, I thought I'd do a quick poll. Please select as many hourly slots as work for you :)

I'll be aiming to do sketch request streams on the weekend, just want to confirm the best hours of the day!



Ha. I looked up a UTC to CDT timezone converter, picked my times, came back to the poll and only then realized all the times I picked you'd left off the poll. Which is totally fine, I'm just amused by it. I put in the times I'd actually likely be awake and might be able to catch the stream.


What day of the week were you thinking of doing it?


"I'll be aiming to do sketch request streams on the weekend" :) I hadn't thought about which day exactly - but I'll probably aim to do streams on Sunday Australian time, because that way it'll either be Saturday or Sunday in all other timezones, so it'll be weekend for everyone.


I suppose we keep opposite hours (which I guess is to be expected, geographically!) They'll be recorded as usual, if you can't make it :)