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I've updated the art for the bookmark (changed the placement of Sunati's iris slightly, to fix the angle of her gaze)

I've also started work on the bonus comics in earnest. I've had the thumbnails complete for a while now, but I wanted to take a complete break from actually drawing comics while I was experimenting with CSP and learning about all the things the program can do (one of the downsides of drawing a regularly updating webcomic is that you don't get to actively learn much because there isn't time to focus on much other than getting the updates done ^^;)

I never really figured out properly what Sunati's apartment looked like, and I drew it wildly inconsistently throughout the comic, so I am suffering because of that now, whoops!

Normally I wouldn't colour anything until I've completely inked a chapter/episode, but I wanted to start by completing one panel, just to make sure I can do something roughly in line with the original Always Human art. These colours feel very nostalgic to me, this is fun :)

Also please have this page of thumbnails (from the Starlight Soldiers bonus comic), because I've been informed that it's better for the publisher and their collaboration with GLAAD if Austen doesn't swear at all (including *%&W-type swearing) which means I'm going to have to ditch the joke in the final panel on this page. Alas! 

I've found I really like thumbnailing for pages (rather than a scrolling mobile screen.)
There's something very satisfying about having panels slot together to form a whole.
I definitely want to do a page-at-a-time comic one day :)

As I wait to hear back from Webtoons about Flowers & Fangs, here's one more batch of style tests:

I'm a big fan of stories which have a deceptively cute style, even when horrible things happen, and that's the aesthetic I was going for here. I have now decided that this isn't the aesthetic I want for this particular story.

Here are some more solemn style tests for the same story. Very happy with how these turned out!

(If anyone's been following me on tumblr since before Always Human, you might recognise this girl? This story - and setting - have changed a lot over the years, but the core of this character and her design have remained constant.)

And finally here are some doodles for a visual novel I've started scripting. 

While I wait for webtoons to get back to me about F&F this story is probably going to be my main focus. I don't want to get too invested in a second comic idea, because I don't want to end up in a situation where my heart is not in the comic world Webtoons says they want. But I think getting invested in this story is fine - there's a separation in my head between stories told in different mediums, so I don't think I'll end up torn between two worlds.

I think that's all I've got to share for now?

Thank you all so very much for the support, and for sticking with me! I really, really appreciate you being here while I am in between projects - and while I focus on learning rather than creating content - and while so much else is going on in the world and times are so rough. Thank you <3

I hope you're all staying safe and healthy :) Take care of yourselves!

P.S. I'm going to get back to sketch requests next month, I just need to re-figure out how streaming works. It's been too long since I last streamed, and I've replaced too much of my technology in the interim ^^;


Sven Hegenbart

those sketeches really looks interesting and cant wait to read more stories written by you :) Im so happy that the last pre order bonus also got unlocked!!! Finally I get to see more of this game ( There are times where I think Im the only one hype about this game) Hope you and your family stay healthy in this uncertain time


Thank you so much!!! It's been very fun and self-indulgent imagining the VR magical girl game I wish existed XD Same to you and your family - take care, stay safe. I hope you're all doing okay :)

Voyage Goya

It's a bit weird to me that though the bookmark says "when I look at you" yet our two protagonists don't look into each other's eyes x) Although technically they look at each other indeed. Anyway, thanks for the bonus strip, hope you'll find a replacement joke! Also the style tests are greaaaat. I was not around before AH so I don't know the girl, is it normal she has only one foot (it took me a while to notice it)? Aaaand I must admit the eye glowing blue has unevitably some Undertale vibes. Also also, a Visual Novel preview!!! *-* I wonder why one would be threatening seagulls though. Take care, stay safe! (and wow, you seem to create a lot while learning even if it's not your focus!)


Thank you!!! You take care too, I hope you're doing well <3 Blue dress girls probably has a prosthetic leg, but I wasn't quite sure what I wanted it to look like, so I just didn't draw it (since my goal with these drawings was to narrow down on an art style - I'll worrry about character design later.) (It's also possible I'll decide she has a prosthetic arm instead of a prosthetic leg. I need to do more research and decide.)