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There are actually a few more pages of 'happy birthday' I didn't include because I figured you'd all get bored of scrolling down past the same thing. The story behind the infinite 'happy birthday's is that it was a friend's birthday and Mr. Walkingnorth and I were both too lazy to go out and get a card. I'd been looking at youtube tutorials for my markers recently (after the epiphany that they're water based and blend with water!!!) and had seen some really gorgeous lettering videos, so we decided that a handmade card would be heartfelt and full of love. Or something. You can see both of our attempts at pretty lettering above. (I didn't think to take a picture of the final card.)

The final picture is a pre-inktober test, during which I decided that I like fine lines, and my sharpies are way too thick for me to be able to slowly and carefully ink with them on a5 paper.




AWESOME! Love your artwork! *yetihug* You are a goddess of amazing! Also you have beautiful handwriting. *yetihug*


Thank you very much <333 Honestly I have terrible handwriting, I don't write, I scrawl :P But when I think about writing as art, and do it slowly, I can do semi-okay lettering, I think XD