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Colouring was done on a single layer, using the attached brush, and the blend too.

More colouring! This time mostly on new layers above the base colouring layer. The same brush was used (though I changed the opacity as needed - it would have been darker here) along with the blend tool. Also used the levels tool to increase the contrast.

More colouring. Mostly on a new layer with the attached brush, but with opacity set to 100% and 'mix ground colour' unticked.

Also set a new layer above everything, set it to overlay, and very lightly airbrushed some oranges/blues/purples over areas that I wanted to have more vivid colours.

And done! I added a lazy background using one of the DAUB watercolour brushes, added a few more details, increased the contrast a bit more using adjustment layers/overlay layers. I also set an overlay layer to 19% opacity, filled it with a medium grey, and then used the perlin noise filter with the below settings to add a bit of texture.



AMAZING! Always love to learn how you create awesomeness! *yetihug*


so pretty! love the colors u picked


Thank you so much! I've noticed that my colour choices seem to vary between "pick two distinct colours and make a colour scheme from them" and "ALL THE COLOURS. ALL OF THEM" XD