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So I'm perusing around the web, looking for some blender stuff, Unity tutorials and what will you, and I find this model of Ladybug(Marinette) that's absolutely gorgeous. So I start messing with it...one thing leads to another, and well...happy pride month! =D

I ended up digging more into Unity, and turns out there's something that's eluded me all this time called the HDRP (High Definition Render Pipeline). Decided to give that a try, and I gotta say I like the way it looks for the most part. Just when I'd think I'd have a handle on things, there's a whole architecture just lying there, that I'm completely unaware of.

If you recall, I mentioned starting a small uninvolved flash project to hold us over until I got Demon Tale up and running, but now I believe I've got a better idea.

So first thing about this, it's watch mode only. Omitting manual gameplay so that I can focus on this at my leisure and it doesn't take up too much time. I instead, want to incorporate voting into this, where patrons can vote on stats and attributes that they want a certain character to have, as well as which characters fight(when/if I can put in more characters). This can happen monthly at some point, and will be the supplemental draw once flash updates cease, following Vagrant Blade's completion.

Also, if you want to check out the awesome base model I used: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84269087

He did an amazing job modeling and rigging.



It seems everyone practice Unity with Marinette. Me likey!


So what about saintly female pro wrestling its something i think you may have worked on

Dark OG13

its very sad that flash days will soon come to an end


well it looks good but models are going to be the important part now that you are using unity just don't use basic models like the ones enlit3d uses

Dark OG13

wait, will this new watch mode fighting game be made from flash or unity. I would assume flash, since your just starting to get a hang with unity and all


No. The Unity game shown in this post will be mainly for watching, with no player control and updated at my leisure, because I don't want this particular Unity based thing to take up too much dev time. Preferably, the first Unity based thing that I want you all to play is Demon Tale.


Take your time! but do keep us updated with goodies like that video!

Joe Res

Very exciting stuff. Thank you for the update


I have high hope for all of your projects. Keep up the good work and looking forward to what you cook up with your new knowledge, although I already love what you are doing with G1 Paradise climax on Smbvip's channel :) big fan from Spain ^^


it's a pet project of bomb. if you go to Smbvip's channel on twitch on saturday you will see it better than me explaining :)


actually Smbvip has a YT channel you can see it there too