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Afternoon patrons!

This month's update will include both Demon Tale, and PvB.

Demon Tale:

For Demon Tale, I've added the special attacks for the two previous enemy characters added to the game. Fire jelly blows her floating fire ball, and water jelly will summon the slime that captures you, and lets her have her way with you. Similar to what they were in the prologue game.

I've also changed the combat logic for the enemies, and improved some net combat mechanics. Now, instead of simply walking up to you and swinging, they behave differently depending on the enemy. Dryad's will avoid direct combat with you, while poking at you where they can. Fire jellys, will get in your face while having you dance around their fireballs, and water jellys do something in between all that =). It's also easier to land follow up combo attacks, where as before they would possibly seem to have no effect.

I've also further improved the castle's aesthetic.


I've expanded the mechanics a little, and added a new grab - the powerbomb!

Opponents can be lifted, and there is now a stunned state that can lead into being grabbed.

On a side note, I've seen some of your concerns about the camera in both of these games, and rest assured there will be options at some point to adjust different aspects of the camera to your liking.  

Files have just been sent out. If you missed them this month, you can catch them again next month.


Peter Vargas

Respect, you really went in on the 3D games. Proud of you. Also will there be kissing on the PvB?


I see exit area option is added. Nice. Straight to bugs reports: 1) This only happened once in dryad area, I suddenly fell inside the ground. And stopped like a second floor below the ground. Character’s head was still visible over the ground, and I can walk fine. But I can’t jump back to ground level. It happened after defeating a dryad. Idk if there’s a patch in the ground that is invisible I fell through, or something triggered by defeating a dryad. Couldn’t manage to replicate that glitch to give more info. 2) It’s hard to tell in the infinitely stretched plane, but I think fireball from fire slime change direction to chase the character. Idk if that is intentional. I think the fireball target currently is “character coordinates”. So when you move, fireball changes direction to match the changing coordinates of the character. Instead it should initiate the direction on spawn and not change it. Assuming it wasn’t intentional. Also I think fireball should be a bit faster. Also also, I really really love fireball’s design! I hope current design for fireball doesn’t change. 3) Exit area doesn’t work while being grabbed or lying down. This probably intentional, but I’ll list it anyways. 4) The back side of the castle is still walkthrough. Not from the inside of the castle. Go out. Turn right or left until you reach the back of the castle. You will reach a point where you can walk inside the wall and be in enclosed dark area. You can walk out of it. It’s not walkthrough. 5) In PvB, powerbomb move doesn’t seem to trigger with controller. I switched to keyboard and it works fine. Note: I am using PS controller with a software that’s supposed to make it behave like Xbox. So maybe it’s just an issue with me in this situation. So no need to worry about this if it works with everyone else. 6) The controls note for PvB is missing pinning and pausing key. I figured them from last time, but new comers may not know how to pin to win. Nice update as always. Sorry for talking a lot lol


Thanks for the report! Fireballs are supposed to home in on your location, which is why they move slowly and I haven't gotten to fix the castle walls yet. For PvB, I'll add that to the controls the next release. Everything else is either intentional, or something I'll look into eventually.