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Giantess Appreciation Day.

Sarah crossed her arms, trying to cover her skimpy outfit. “I am sorry what!”

The elderly man laughed as he tugged at his long, brown hair. “I am your father. I mean, you are Sarah, right.” He looked around. “It thought you would be bigger.”

Ashely stood in between them. “Just who are you? And what do you want?”

“Name’s Alex. I am with the Giantess Appreciation Association.” He laughed. “They sent me in search of—”

Ashely rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I know who they are.” She turned and looked at Sarah. “They were harassing Carien to join your wedding.”

Alex shook his head. “Oh no. You got it all wrong. We just wanted to join in on a historic day. It wasn’t every day the town hero was going to get married.”

Sarah arched an eyebrow. “Town hero?”

Alex nodded his head. “Oh yes. You are a legend here in Gallensburg. We started the Giantess Appreciation Association because we wanted to—”

“Because they are a bunch of giantess-loving freaks.”

Alex narrowed his eyes at Ashely. “Nooo.” He laughed shyly. “Well, I am sure there are some people in the group who are, but that isn’t what the group is about at all.” He turned around and looked at the sky. “We wanted to show the world what good you could do, especially with all the online comments going around that you are just here to destroy things and other unsavory stuff.” He lowered his voice. “You don’t want to know some of the depraved things that some people think that you came here to do.” He shivered.

Sarah arched an eyebrow. “I am sorry, what?”

Alex turned around. “But don’t worry because the Giantess Appreciation Association is going to change all that. We will show the world what a great giant lady you are. We are already doing wonders in fighting this false imprisonment.” He put his hands on his hips. “Yes, we—”

Ashely narrowed her eyes. “How the hell did you know she wasn’t in prison anymore, though?”

“Well. . . I. . .”

Ashely grabbed Alex by the collar of his jacket. “Answer the question!”

“Look, Sarah is a very recognizable figure in the town. Our group didn’t take long to put two and two together.” He laughed and looked over at Sarah. “Oh, my lovely daughter. I am so happy to finally look at you face to face. Why don’t you give your loving dad a hug?”

Sarah snorted. “What? How the hell did you convince yourself that you are my dad?” She walked up to the man. “I may not know who my real parents are, but that doesn’t mean I am going to listen to the first creep that walks into my life.” She formed her hand into a fist and struck him dead center in the face.

Ashely dropped Alex onto the freshly cut lawn. “That was. . . unexpected.”

“He was just. . . a fucking creep overstepping his bounds.” Sarah snorted. “I bet he even made up this Giantess Appreciation Society bull crap.”

Ashely shook her head. “No, it’s real. Like I said, they wanted to be a part of your wedding. Most of them are nice people.” She watched as Alex rubbed his chin. “Surprised they would send someone like him, though.”

“Okay, okay.” He waved his hands. “I did come a bit overboard on the father stuff. I am sorry. But there is some stuff the association wants to talk about with Sarah.” He sighed. “It’s. . . serious.”

Sarah crossed her arms. “What kind of stuff?”

Alex stood up. “Allowing you to be your giantess self again and not have to hide.”

He pulled at his arm. “Ever since the wedding, we have been working hard on your behalf. And there is. . . a meeting that you really should attend.” He took a step back. “It could decide. . .”

Ashely snorted. “SPIT IT OUT!”

Alex gulped. “I don’t want to be hit again.”

“Oh, for fucks sake. Don’t be such a wimp. Just tell us.”

Sarah sighed. If this man really was her father, he sure wasn’t much to be proud of.

“Look, Alex, I am not going to hit you again, so will you please tell us why we should be there?”

He sighed. “Government officials are going to be here today to hear why you should be given a chance to. . . walk free, as they put it. It has been so hard to get talks to this point as they think. . . just because you are a giantess that. . .”

Sarah gripped her hands into a fist. “That I should be locked up!?” She snorted.

“But they are willing to listen. And it lines up with a holiday we want to start celebrating here. Giantess Appreciation Day!”

Ashely arched an eyebrow. “Really?”

Alex chucked. “Look, we can’t do this without you. Please. It could mean that you don’t have to live your life as such a small creature. Don’t you want that?”

It was true; Sarah did want to be her giantess self again. But she was afraid of going to this meeting. If the people who had locked her up before were there. . .”

“We will go.” Ashely put her hand on Sarah’s shoulder. “If it means winning some measure of freedom for Sarah, then why not?” Sarah blinked her eyes. “Trust me, darling, it isn’t something you want to pass up.”

“But. . . what if. . .”

Ashely smirked. “If something happens, we can deal with it. I promise.” She whispered into Sarah’s ear. “Besides, I still have some leftover gifts from your birthday if they decide to double-cross you. While I have never grown more than five feet myself, I am sure those icky Fredricks Fancy products could change that.” She giggled. “I doubt they could handle two giantesses.”

Sarah laughed. “You would really do that?”

“Darling, you mean a lot to me, just like Carien did. You think I am going to let some giantess-hating freaks take you away?” She hugged Sarah. “Now let’s go tell them why you deserve to stand tall and proud over us once more.”

“But. . . what about me being your maid?”

“You think you are getting out of that so easily?” She laughed. “I am sure I can find something for a fifty-foot maid to do.”

Sarah gulped. “Oh, crap. You still. . .” She moaned as her breast suddenly inflated, going up an entire cup size.

“You really thought. . .” Ashely took a few steps back and laughed. “You really thought when you returned to your natural height, you would stop working for me?” She held her hands against her chest. “Sarah, we are like partners. Inseparable. You can be whatever size or shape you want, but you will still work for me as long as you want. Besides. You like it.

Don’t lie.”

“I. . .” She moaned as her boobs swelled a bit more. “Okay. Okay.

I like it already.” She blushed. “Oh god, I am going to have to meet them like this.”

Ashely walked away. “So? Shove that sexiness in their face. Give them another reason to hate you, darling. Now come on.”

Sarah looked over at Alex. “Are you coming? You have to show us where to go.” Her boobs bounced together within her maid outfit. “Alex? Alex?”

He shook his head. “Oh, sorry. I. . . I wasn’t expecting that.”

“What?” She put her hand on her hips. “For my breasts to inflate?” He nodded his head. “You are in a giant woman association, and you didn’t think inflating breasts were possible.”

She threw her arms up and turned around. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

They walked into the mansion and made their way towards the garage. “My car is parked outside.” Alex tugged at his arm. “I can just. . .”

“You are coming with us. You need to show us just where this place is.”

“Oh.” He looked at his feet. “I. . . I get to ride with my.”

Sarah wheeled around. “You call me your daughter, and I am punching you again!”

He laughed. “Well. . . that would. . . could you wait until you were fifty feet tall?”

Sarah stopped short. “What!?”

Ashely turned around. “Is everything okay?”

Alex shrank away. “Nothing. It’s nothing.” He walked past them. “Let’s focus on the task at hand, shall we?”

Ashely grabbed him by the back of his coat. “You do know you have no idea where my garage is, right?”

“Oh. Sorry. Heheheheheheh.”

Ashely grabbed Sarah’s arm and pulled her ahead. “Keep an eye on your “father.”

She turned her head. “I have seen my fair share of creeps in my time, and I will say this. That man is sounding so many alarm bells. Be careful around him.”

“You don’t have to tell me—”

Ashely shook her. “No, I am serious, Sarah. I have been around people like him before. This isn’t a pervert thing, and he has that in spades. No, there is something else about him that I don’t like. I don’t trust him.”

“Okay.” Sarah looked back at Alex. “But he seems harmless.”

They eventually entered the garage. “Wow, this place is huge. I would kill to have the money to have this many cars.” Alex put his hands into his pockets. “You know how hard it is to get by, paycheck to paycheck?”

They walked over to a blue SUV. “Ya. Must be sooo hard.” Ashely opened the front passenger door. “Okay, Sarah, you know—”

“I don’t get to ride up by. . .” He composed himself. “By the world’s greatest giantess?”

Ashely put her hands on her hips. “No. You get to sit in the back. And if you are lucky, you get to stay there because I am thinking about demoting to tieing you to the roof.”

“Heh heh heh.”

Sarah opened the rear passenger door. “Just get in. You two can fight later when we reach our destination.”

Alex patted Sarah on her head. “At least I see you grew up with some manners. I wonder if your mother gave them to you. I wonder how she is doing?” Alex slid into the back seat. “She must be a lovely lady.”

Sarah rolled her eyes as she opened the driver’s side door. “Can you shut up about being my father? You are NOT!” She sat down. “Ughh.”

Ashely pattered her on the shoulder. “When we get to our destination, we can drop him in a gutter. Okay?”

Sarah took a deep breath. “Good.”

“Hey. I can hear you two.”

Sarah raised her voice. “GOOD.” She started the vehicle. “Now, where are we going, Mr. not my dad?”

He sighed. “Well, you don’t have to say it like that.”

Sarah started the vehicle, her boobs bouncing around as the garage door slowly opened. “Okay, just where are we going?”

Alex took a deep breath. “It isn’t too far from here. The old schoolhouse on Tenth Street. You should know it well. It is not too far from the place where you saved that man from a fire. Remember?”

Sarah blinked her eyes as she pulled out of the garage. She kind of remembered, but that was such a long time ago. It was one of the first times she had grown into a giantess.

All she really remembered about that day was being overly concerned about outgrowing her vehicle. But she did help someone. “God, I thought I crushed the poor guy. I ran away that day, scared of people catching me and my naked body on camera. They. . . they liked what I did? Maybe?”

She took a deep breath. “Yes, I know where that place is.”

Ashely looked over at Sarah. “Are you okay, hun?”

Sarah smiled. “Yes. I am just remembering some very old times.” They drove in silence. Ashely looked out the window, and Alex seemed to be asleep in the back seat. It was all good. It gave Sarah time to think. Could this Giantess Appreciation Association really help her? Could she really stop hiding? Also, just who was Alex? She looked at him in the backseat. She had been wondering who her real parents were after her mother told her she was adopted.

But how could she be sure this crazy man was related to her. It just didn’t seem right.

But the thoughts were dashed as they pulled up to the old schoolhouse. The place had been abandoned years before Sarah grew up after some of the supports began to give way. Instead of trying to fix the place up, the owners decided to say to hell with the place and looked to build someplace new.

“Why the hell would you want to meet here?” Ashely arched an eyebrow. “This place is falling apart.”

“Well, we wanted a—”

Ben walked up to them. “We wanted a natural location so we could discuss this meeting.” He looked at Sarah. “I see you are doing well, jailbird.”

Ashely snorted. “Well, I knew the devil would look good, but—”

He crossed his arms. “Ashely Davenport. A devil, am I? Funny coming from a lady obsessed with making her maids change their breast sizes.” She gasped. “What? You didn’t think we knew that you were keeping Sarah here?” He laughed. “We would have come after you sooner if the first time didn’t cause a nationwide panic.” He snorted. “Apparently, people don’t like the thought of giant women around the country. And they especially don’t like the thought of us snatching them off the street with no warning.” He turned around. “Ughhhh!”

“Well, I see you meet Ben.” A young man with a Giantess Appreciation Association t-shirt walked out of the schoolhouse. “Nice guy. A bit stern but nice when you get to know him.”

Sarah arched an eyebrow. “Is that. . . me on that t-shirt?”

The man squealed. “It’s you.” He ran over to Sarah. “You are so much smaller, but it’s you! I would recognize you anywhere.”

“Okay, okay.” Sarah pushed the man away. “You can stop being so creepy.”

“Sorry. You just never get to meet your idols in person. Names Jeffery. Leader of the Giantess Appreciation Association. Today is your special day. We cleared it with the mayor’s office. It is also why we brought this person here.”

Sarah gasped. “You brought Ben here? He is trying to hunt me down!”

Jeffery smiled. “Let’s talk inside, shall we?” He turned around. “It will be fine.”

Ashely put her hand on Sarah’s shoulder. “Come on. Remember, I got your back.”

They walked into the dilapidated building. Sarah was worried; the last time she was this close to Ben, he had ruined her special day with Carien. The man was a monster. She was doing everything she could to stay calm right now.

“In here.” Jeffery pointed to what was once a classroom. “This should do just fine.”

There were a few other people in the room, some with the giantess association and some with Ben’s unit. As Sarah sat down, she noticed Alex was oddly missing. “Hey, what happened to Alex?” She asked Jeffery.

“Oh, him?” He scratched at the back of his head. “He just comes and goes. The man is a bit odd. He helped found the association, so we keep him around but. . . hehe.”

Ben snorted. “Let’s get down to business, shall we.” He watched Jeffery sit next to Sarah while Ashely stood off to the side. “So straight off, Sarah, you can be free. You can be your fucking fifty-foot giantess self.”

“Wait, really?” She blinked her eyes in surprise. “This isn’t a joke? A trap?”

She looked around the room. “You know I broke prison and. . .”

Jeffery hugged her. “It’s true. Happy Giantess Appreciation Day!”

Ben rolled her eyes. “On behalf of the Giantess Apprehension unit, I am here to apologize for interrupting your wedding on false pretenses.” He waved his hands, and a camera man walked in. “It is not my intent to falsely imprison someone, even if they are fifty feet tall, without getting the facts first.” He sighed and motioned for the camera to be cut.

“Look, Sarah. Most of this is because these people put in a lot of good faith to my bosses. But you have to live with this.” He pushed a paper across the table.

“Break this, and I break you.”

She looked at the paper. “The giantess known as Sarah is to stay within the town of Galensburg when she is her natural height. If she decides to leave, she is to have a designated ESCORT! She will be allowed to leave if she is shrunken down so she is not a threat to the public.” Sarah took a deep breath. “So I am supposed to live my life trapped in this town unless I. . . I shrink down to be. . . one of you?”

Ben crossed his legs and smirked. “Be happy you can be your wretched height at all bitch. You are lucky I don’t throw you and your new wife into that cell where you belong.”

Ashely snorted. “Like I said before. A devil.”

“You know if you don’t stay quiet, I could influence your upcoming court case.”

“You wouldn’t. . .” She sneered at him.

Jeffery stood up. “Now come on people. We are here to give Sarah a good and healthy life because she is a good person and deserves it. This isn’t what this meeting is about.” He smiled at Sarah. “I know it isn’t ideal, but please. We worked hard for you. Take this.

We can celebrate this holiday afterward.”

“I guess I don’t have much choice, do I? I would go to prison otherwise.” She signed her name on the agreement. “I will fight this, though, Ben.” She stood up. “You hear me!”

He laughed. “Right. Stay here where you belong, little giantess, while we go and deal with the real troublemakers.” He ran his hands through her hair like an adult would a young girl. “Don’t make me regret this deal.”

Sarah took a deep breath as she watched Ben, and his goons leave the room. “Jackass.”

Ashely put her hand on Sarah’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“You mean that my home is a prison for me if I want to be my actual height. Just dandy.” She exhaled. “He didn’t even apologize for running my wedding or taking Carien away from me. He just wanted to look good for. . . just never mind.”

Jeffery chuckled uncomfortably. “Umm, I didn’t mean for this to make you upset.”

Sarah looked up at him and forced a smile. “No, you are good. I thank you for everything you did. If you hadn’t. . . I might have ended up back in that cell.” She sighed.

He sat down in the seat that Ben had been sitting at. “Well, today is supposed to be Giantess Appreciation Day. If possible, we would ask a big favor from you.”

“What is that?”

He chuckled. “Well, we would love to have you in our little parade we are going to do through downtown Galensburg. As well. . . your giantess self.” He smiled.

Sarah giggled. “Well, I. . . I am flattered. I am not used to people wanting me to be me.” She nodded her head. “Sure. I will be the star of your little parade. Though I don’t really have anything to cover myself at that height if it’s. . .”

“Oh, it’s okay for now.” He smiled. “We are working on getting some clothing for you at your giantess size. I mean, for this parade, it won’t be ready, but who do you think was working with Ashely there on your dress?”

Ashely shrugged. “I told you I knew who they were.”

“Wow, you. . . really.” Sarah jumped to her feet. “Ashely. The Fredricks Fancy growth. . . umm, you know.” She looked at Ashely. “Please tell me it’s a good product you bought.”

Ashely reached between her breasts. “It’s perfume. They are really getting weird.” She tossed it to Sarah. “Here you go. Just take off my maid outfit.”

Sarah shook her head. “Nope. I want to outgrow it.” She blushed. “Sorry. I. . . I. . .”

Ashely smirked. “Fine. I will get Dex to make you a new one.” She grabbed Sarah’s arm. “But you are growing outside. This place may come down one day, but now from you.”

Sarah was already applying the perfume to her skin, tingles, and warmth spreading throughout her body the moment it touched her skin. “What? Oh, right.” She giggled.

Ashely hurried her pace. “God. You really couldn’t wait, could you?” She felt Sarah’s arm swell a little in her grip. “Everyone out. Hurry.”

Sarah shrugged her arms. “What can I say? You opened my eyes to the possibilities of what growth can be.”

Ashely turned her head as they rushed for the door. “That didn’t mean. . . ugh, never mind. We are almost to the exit.” Ashely stopped cold and turned around as Sarah suddenly grew two feet. “Fuck’s sake, that stuff surges right through you, doesn’t it?”

Sarah moaned. “It. . .” She fell to her knees as she felt her skin stretch. The maid outfit pressed tightly against her skin as she moaned, her eyes drifting into her sockets. The sensation was lovely, like a warm hug pressing tightly against her entire body. The feeling of her skin rubbering out as it grew and how sensitive everything was. It was just. . . amazing. “These products always had an amazing effect, didn’t they?” She giggled as her boobs popped out of her maid outfit.

Ashely crossed her arms. “You can enjoy your growth when you are outside. You don’t want this rickety old schoolhouse to fall on your head, do you?”

Sarah blinked her eyes. “I umm. . . no.” She gulped as her head hit the ceiling, causing the building to shake, a piece of plaster falling just short of landing on Ashely. “Let’s get out of here.” She fell onto her hands and knees and crawled for the door.

“You first.”

“Fuck no. You.” Sarah pushed Ashely out the door.


Sarah snorted. “I am not letting this building fall on you too.” She crawled through the doorway, her body growing rapidly. Her pants struggled to contain her swelling thighs, and the laces of her dress quickly came undone, her maid outfit falling to the ground around her. “Oops.” Sarah blushed as her boobs bounced together. “Fuck, my breasts are still big from Ashely inflating them.” She moaned as she grew again. “I am going to be a fucking. . .” She shivered, feeling her ass press tightly against the doorframe. “Oh god.”

“Sarah, get out of there!”

She blinked her eyes and went back into reality. “Ughhhh.” She wiggled her way free, the schoolhouse groaning as her swelling butt wrestled its way out. With a pop, Sarah flew forward, landing just short of on top of Ashely. “There.” Sarah giggled. “I did it without trashing that old ass building.” She grew another few feet, her boobs pressing tightly against Ashely.


“You can get off me now.”

Sarah stood up, her bra on the verge of snapping. She was a good thirty feet tall now and still growing. “Well, everything seems to have worked out.” She turned around. “I get to go on a parade and. . . ohhh. . .” Her bra suddenly snapped off her body, flying at the schoolhouse. The impact was the last thing the dilapidated building needed to crumble. “Opps.” Sarah ran her left hand through her short black hair. “I umm. . .” She laughed as she approached forty feet tall. “My bad.”

Ashely shrugged. “It was going to come down anyways, my dear.”

Sarah looked down at Ashely. “Well, I just feel bad. I don’t like to cause any type of destruction when I am this tall.” She looked around the small town as her growth slowed down. “I have missed being my natural height, though. I just wish I could stay this way without being stuck in this damn town.”

“Hey, pick me up.” Sarah did as Ashely told her to. Sarah held Ashely like a doll in her hands and stared at her boss in the eyes. “Look, we will make this work, okay? For now, enjoy your special day.” He pointed at the gathering crowd. “They are all waiting for you. Go show them what a special lady you are. The one that I know and Carien loved.”

She winked at Sarah. Maybe you will eventually show more than just them, hmm?”

Sarah smiled. “Maybe.” She walked down the street. “Hello.” She waved, a bit overcome by the situation. “Hi.”

Alex smiled. ‘Okay, everyone. I officially start our first Giantess Appreciation Day.” He raised a banner that said Happy Giantess Appreciation Day. “May our small-town celebration one day become a nationwide holiday.” Everyone cheered, and for the first time in a long time, Sarah felt some semblance of hope in her strange life. Maybe. . . some time. . . she could be who she was without all of the drama. Just maybe.