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Juicy Dates Juicing.

Jamerson tapped his foot on the ground. “Ugh, where are they. I told them we had a budding young couple waiting to be juiced.” He looked at Jamie and Sandra. “I am sorry. Our juicing team is usually faster than this.”

Jamie moaned as her body swelled a little, juice leaking out of her pussy. “Ughhh. . .

sooo full. . .”

“Hehe.” Jameson rubbed the back of his head as the two ladies continued to swell. “I am so happy that you want to get to know each other. I will get on with your juicing right away.” He turned around. “For fucks sake. Clark! Tammerson! Where are you idiots.”

Jamie looked over at Sandra and her massive boobs. “How are you holding up?”

“Lovely.” Her big, round body pushed the chair closer to Jamie. “Despite turning into a giant blueberry, this is a lovely date. Ten out of ten.”

Jamie laughed. “Swelling into giant blue balls and hardly being able to talk to each other is a ten out of ten date?” She moaned as the table between them pressed tightly against Jamie’s ass. “Fuck. They could have taken that table out from between us.”

Sandra moaned. “But it feels good pressed between us. I know you are still there.”

“Sandra, it is sinking into my butt.” Jamie’s eyes widened, juice dripping from her nipples. “No, now it’s wedged between my cheeks. Where are those people who are supposed to juice us?”

“Here.” Jamerson sighed. “My colleagues were taking a smoke break.”

“Hey, I thought I had time.” Clark snorted. “Besides, people usually don’t click this fast. We thought we had much longer before we had to juice any of these ladies.”

Tammerson laughed. “Ya. It is rare for any of you to want to go on an actual date.” He looked at Clark. “You owe me twenty bucks.”

Jamie slapped her hands against her squishy body, juice squirting out of her nipples. “Hey, can you two idiots talk about the dumb process of dating later and juice us? You know, so Sandra and I can get to know each other later?”

Cries rose up from around the room. “Hey, what about us?”

“Ya, I am swelling up a storm here.”

Jamerson slammed his foot down. “You all know the rules. Either find someone who is meaningful in your life to continue to swell.” He smiled at Jamie. “Now then, please enjoy your juicing. Thank you for using Juicy Speed Dates.” He waved as Clark rolled her way. Jamie was rolled into a separate room from Sandra.

“Okay.” Clark rolled Jamie up against the wall. “You are going first. We only have one juicing room, and to make things too quick, we ask that you help us juice your girlfriend. We have. . . ugh so many blueberries to juice later.”

“Oh. Okay, I guess.” Jamie moaned, feeling her skin stretch. “Just hurry.”

Clark crossed his arms. “Don’t tell me how to do my job. Now, just wait there. I need to get Tammerson.” He shook his head. “He is probably having trouble rolling your girlfriend into the waiting room.”

After Clark left, Jamie looked around the room. She could say with certainty she had never been in a room like this before. Wires and tubs of all sizes snaked around, and the smell of blueberry juice was more pungent here than anywhere else in the building. But the most striking thing was the strange tube-like structure in the center of the room. She wasn’t exactly sure what it would do, only that it was the juicer. It had to be with all of the strange tubes weaving in and out of it.

“Okay, I have the other woman sitting outside.” Tammerson rubbed his hands together.

“Let’s get to this, shall we?”

Clark pointed at Jamie. “We have our first guest of the day. We just need to roll her into the juicer.”

“Umm, can we talk about this? That thing doesn’t look. . . umm. . .”

Tammerson snorted. “So, you are saying you don’t want to be juiced?” He walked up to her and pressed his hands against her body. “Do you want to know what will happen to you if we don’t juice you?”

Clark shook his head. “Not this again.”

Tammerson rubbed his hand along Jamie’s body. “You will get bigger and bigger. Your breasts will inflate until they are as big as weather balloons, juice leaking out of them uncontrollably. Your body will be so big that you will be mistaken for a gigantic building. Then, when you can’t take the pressure of your juice building up inside of you. . .” He slammed his hand against her. “Pop! Boom.”

Jamie shuddered. “That can’t really happen, can it?”

Clark stood up. “You can keep swelling, bigger and bigger. The popping part is just my colleague trying to scare you. But if we don’t juice you, there is a chance you would be too big to ever be changed back. We. . . don’t want to talk about it.”

Jamie took a deep breath. “Okay, well then, put me in the juicer.” She moaned as she swelled a bit bigger, almost reaching nine feet tall and goodness knows how wide. “Before I reach the unable to be juiced mark.”

Clark laughed as he walked up to her. “Oh, don’t worry. You would have to be much, much bigger for that.” He extended out his arms. “Like think swelling out to be a gigantic thirty foot—”

Jamie moaned as she thought about all that juice inside of her; it caused blueberry juice to ooze from her pussy. “Oh god. I don’t think I could contain that much.”


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