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The Fredricks Fancy Dilemma.

“We rest here for the night.” The young boy, who was currently twice Callen’s size, grunted before lying down in the glade. “Don’t worry. I will get you help soon.” He sighed as he watched him shrink. “I hope.”

Callen turned his attention towards the town in the distance. He knew he was taking a risk going there, but he had no choice, not after the last few days’ events.

He looked again at the young lad, who was now only two feet tall. Making their way here had been so taxing on him. The kid was only about sixteen or seventeen years old, and he had been cursed with never-ending size changes for the last few years of his life. His father, Fredrick, had used him as one of his experiments’ first test subjects, driven mad after seeing how his products had affected a young woman.

Fredrick hadn’t really known at the time the reason his products had their strange effect. It was due to the woman’s DNA being linked to that of a giantess, but he tried to replicate the effects anyway. And that is when the tragedy struck. Alex was put into a never-ending state of changing in size due to his father’s foolishness. Callen was there to see it, and he remembered Fredrick vowing to get a cure. He recalled the long hours Fredrick spent using his research to try and help his son.

But people change. Over time, Fredrick eventually forgot his son existed. Money and his growing empire became his world. He didn’t want to cure the size problem anymore; he wanted to control it. After Fredrick kidnapped Sarah, Callen knew he couldn’t be a part of this horror show anymore. He had moved about since then, trying to figure out what he could do to help.

Until recently that is, when he broke into Fredricks Fancy’s headquarters and kidnapped Alex. It was a bold move for sure, but Callen was still committed to getting the boy the help he deserved. At first, they were chased, but they outran their pursuers over time. Now, Callen wasn’t even sure if Fredrick was concerned about getting his boy back at all.

He walked over to the young lad, watching him shiver in the cold night as he began to grow again. “Don’t worry. We are almost to our destination. You are going to get the help you deserve.”

Alex looked up at him. “How do you know?” He threw his arms out wide. “I have been stuck like this for years.” He slowly became taller than Callen. “How are you magically going to make this go away. You are just going to give up like my father did.” He crossed his arms and tried to fall asleep on the grass, but his changing body size made it difficult. “At least he fucking used technology to keep my size somewhat stable.”

“I am trying to cure you. . . ughh.” Callen shook his head. “Look, when you are all rested up, we can head out in a few hours.” He turned his attention back out towards the town in the distance. “I will need all the help I can get from you when we reach that town.”


“Because some of the ladies there won’t be happy to see me. In fact, if I don’t have you there to help vouge for me, I could. . . I might be stepped on.”

Alex laughed. “So, you are bringing me all this way to. . .” He shrank down to the size of a doll. “Are you sure you didn’t just kidnap me to—”

“I wouldn’t just kidnap you for the fun of it. I want to help you. How many times do I have to say that!” Callen rubbed his forehead. “Ughh, why can’t you understand I am trying to help you?” Alex snorted. “Now, please just listen to me and get some rest?”

The tiny boy rolled his eyes. “I am only doing this because I want to. Not because you are telling me to.” He closed his eyes.

Callen sighed. “I just hope they can help him.” He turned back to look at the city. “Because if not. . . I don’t know what I am going to do.”


“Wake up.” Callen punched Alex, who was now twenty-five feet tall, in the face in an attempt to wake him. “It’s time we headed out.

“Ughh.” He rubbed his chin. “Why? Not until you tell me where we are going.” He smiles as he continues his growth, grabbing Callen. “You hear me?”

Callen crossed his arms. “How long do you even think you are going to keep growing? I think I can wait.”

Alex tightened his grip, his growth slowing. “Why won’t you tell me! You say you are trying to help, but all these secrets! Ughhh.” His grip began to loosen as his unstable body slowly shrank.

Callen sighed. “I don’t want to say anything because I don’t want to get your hopes up.”

Alex let go as his body slowly shrank. “Do you want me to say that I have a garnered cure only for it not to work? Do you?”

“Ughhh. . .”

“I didn’t think so.” Callen looked up at the stars. “Now come on. We don’t have all night.” He motioned for Alex to follow. “The town isn’t that far off. We should make it before sunrise.” Alex moaned before following Callen. Despite the situation, Callen could tell that the young lad wasn’t interested in running. He could have done so at any time. Due to his condition, it wouldn’t have been easy for Callen to really keep up with him. If Alex ended up shrinking down small enough, Callen could quickly lose him, or vice versa. The young lad could outrun him. Alex wanted to be here even if he was bitching every second.

They kept to the trees as they made their way closer to the town. While it didn’t seem like it, Callen was still wary about any apprehension teams Fredrick might have sent for his son. Alex still grumbled a bit, but otherwise, they went in silence. The strange town ahead of them seemed to loom over them. And as they came closer, it became apparent why. The buildings were much more massive than anything Callen had seen as if they were being reconstructed for beings many times taller than he was.

Alex gasped as they came closer. “What is this place?”

“It is a town where some giant women live. I think they have some insight on how to help you.” He sighed. “If they are not freaked out by my presence.”

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing. We are almost there. So just. . . just relax. As much as you can.” It took another fifteen minutes, but they arrived at the outskirts of the town. But before they could walk into the town, two gigantic women, taller than the surrounding forest, emerged from the town and loomed over them.

“Ehhh. . .” Alex laughed as he slowly shrank. “What is going on?”

Callen turned his head. “Just stay calm.” He shifted his head. “Hello, ladies. I am here to see—”

One of the gigantic women cut him off. “We know who you are. You shouldn’t have come here.”

Callen pulled at the collar of his shirt. “Oh. And here I thought only Karren would know who I am.” He laughed. “Well then.”

One of them knelt down so her head was as level as it could be with Callen. He could even feel her breath. “I remember how you recruited me to Fredricks Fancy. It was one of the worst decisions of my life. I ended up in size-changing tests that I couldn’t get out of.”

He laughed. “You umm. . . you look a lot different at that size.”

She reached out and wrapped her hands around him. “And you are a snake. I want to—”

“Enough!” The lady turned her head as Karren approached. “Sophine! We discussed this!”

Sophine stood up. “But look who it is.” She stood up with Callen still in her hands. “It is the jerk who got us into Fredricks Fancy in the first place. I wouldn’t have had to deal with that stupid giantess ad in the first place if it wasn’t for him.”

Karren raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. “What are you doing here? You know there are a lot of people that want to see you dead!”

Callen gasped for breath. “If. . . you. . . would. . .”

Karren rolled her eyes. “Sophine. . .”


“I want to know why he is here.” She reached out her hand. “Now!”

“Ugh, fine!” She handed Callen over.

Once in Karren’s hand, she raised him in front of her face. “If you don’t want me to squeeze you until you pop, you better talk.”

Callen took a deep breath. “I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t have a choice. I admit what I did to the people in this town was wrong, and you have every excuse to do what you want with me. But I am not here to make amends. I am not here for sanctuary.” He snorted. “I am here so I can get help for someone who desperately needs it.”

Karren laughed. “Why would we help anyone who is associated with you?” She shook him like a doll. “Do you remember what you did? You were the one leading the giantess apprehension and recruitment program for Fredrick. You were always willing to kidnap people if you needed to. I don’t—”

“You don’t feel like you need to help Fredrick’s son? The same boy who is stuck in an eternal state of changing in size?” Karren gasped. “I know I have done vile things in the past, and I will still do some in the future. But ever since Fredrick started his company, I. . .” He took a deep breath. “I have done what I have done in the belief that I would one day help Alex. And now that Fredrick. . . because that bastard locked his son away like a fucking antique, I just can’t stand around. Yes, I kidnapped the boy like I did some of you. But I want him. . . I want him cured like I have since day one.” He threw his arms out wide. “So go ahead. Crush me. Squeeze me until I am nothing but paste. But help the boy. He was always the one who needed help.”

Karren took a deep breath. “Sophine. Was there a kid with him?”

“Ya, I saw someone. They were shrinking. I don’t see them anymore.”

Callen gulped. “He must have gotten scared off when you grabbed me. He—” Suddenly, Callen’s world went dark.


Karren sighed as she flicked Callen in the head. The blow wouldn’t kill him, just knock him out. “Sophine, look for the boy.” She nodded and walked away. “Luna, go and tell the others. We need to start a search party at once. And tell them to be careful. This kid can change in size without rhyme or reason. We must be extremely careful; otherwise, we might step on him.”

Luna nodded her head. “I understand.” She turned around and walked further into the makeshift village.

Karren then turned her attention to the unconscious man in her hand. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with him. For most of the time she had known Callen, she had known him to be a callous and uncaring man. While he had touched quite a few of the ladies’ lives here, he was primarily responsible for hunting down one giantess, particularly Sarah. Karren had heard tales of it through the corporation when she still worked there, and she thought that man despicable at the time. I mean, who else would try and gas a giant woman to bring them to Fredrick for test samples.

Still, he tried to help this boy even though she wouldn’t. She had heard about Fredricks’s son and had thought about trying to help but thought it was too much of a risk. When she decided on her little revolution, she thought it best to leave the kid to his fate, even though it was a horrible one. How could a disgusting man like Callen be more willing to help the boy than she was?

She tried to chase such thoughts away as she walked through the town. Her immediate issue was trying to locate the boy. Hopefully, that wouldn’t be a challenging task with the entire town looking for him. “But what after that?” Callen had come here for a reason. He wanted help for the boy. But what? Did he really think they could stabilize his size?

She set Callen’s unconscious body on the roof of a building they had yet to start renovations on. While it was true that they had a way to turn people into giantesses, it wasn’t perfect. They didn’t have any formula to cause people to grow; they only made the transformation permanent thanks to the wonderful people at Fredricks Fancy. The info Luna provided suggested that their products were still a tad too unstable to be one hundred percent effective for growing or shrinking people in the way they want. But with the giantess blood, they have, Karren and the others can make people stay at their size.

And the super moons that happen help ensure people grow. That had helped the population of their town boom. A supermoon had just happened a few nights ago, and women from all over the state had come, wanting to be a part of her growing community.

Still, she had no idea how to help Fredricks’s son. Not only was there no sure-fire way to make him grow, but she had no idea how giantess blood would work on a guy. Karren remembered back to her time at Fredricks Fancy. They had never experimented on men’s products because, for some reason, it never worked on them. Maybe she couldn’t. . .


She turned her head. “Jane? Anything?”

Luna said they have the boy in one of the buildings we have yet to renovate. But he won’t come out. When he is tall enough that we can hear the brat, he says we are going to flatten him like we did, Callen.” She snorted. “Who is this Callen fellow? I heard the others talk about him and—”

Karren held up her hand. “We can talk about him later. For now, let’s just get that kid out of there. I want to talk to him.” Jane was the last person that she wanted to discuss the matter of Callen about. While the woman didn’t have any dealings with Fredricks Fancy, she had a lot of dealings with the giantess hunters and was obsessed with staying as a giantess. If she knew that there was someone here who hunted women like her, she would go into a rage and kill the man.

“Well, follow me. The brat is this way.” Jane turned around. “I swear small folk just are. . .” She formed her hands into fists as she walked. “They do nothing but yell and scream at us. We are not scary, are we?” Her loose bra floated in the wind. “Ugh” Jane tightened the makeshift straps. “These damn things. Why can’t we have better clothing?”

“You know, making a new life for ourselves isn’t easy. We are lucky that we have been able to find materials for bras at all.” Karren sighed. “We will move forward one step at a time. Just be patient. We are trying to show the world we belong in it. And. . .” She laughed. “And we also need to learn how to manage it at our size.”

“But. . .” Jane sighed. “Did you ever wonder how the actual giantesses managed?”


“I mean, we stole giantess blood to stay like this, correct? How did they live?”

Karren sighed. “I don’t think there is such a thing. My guess is Sarah was just a genetic abnormality. If there were real-life giant folk, we would have known about it. There is no way they could have remained hidden. That is just absurd.”

They arrived at what was once a general store. “Karren, we are goddesses amongst men.

Nothing is absurd anymore.” She pointed at the small store, the windows long since shattered. “He is in there. He won’t come out.”

Karren knelt down beside the store's entrance. “Hello? Alex?

I know you are in there. I know you came here with Callen. My name is Karren, and we need to talk.”

A raspy voice echoed from inside the building. “Why? So, you can crush me like you did him? He said this might happen!”

Jane laughed. “This Callen guy must be some guy if he expected that to happen.”

“Not now, Jane.” Karren sighed as she turned her attention back to the small store and Alex. “Look, no one is going to hurt you. And even if they tired, I would put a stop to that right away. Please come out.” There was no response. “You don’t want all the hard work that Callen did to help you to be for naught, do you? He brought you all the way out here so we could try and help you. He hoped that we could try and stabilize your size.” She sighed. “I will be honest. I don’t know if we can. But if you stay in there, that won’t be possible.”

Jane raised an eyebrow. “Stabilize his size?”

She looked up at her. “It’s a long story. He has been abused more than any of us.”

“Oh. . .” She looked away.

“Now, please. I know you are tired. But if you want this nightmare to end. Please come out.” After about a minute of silence, a lone figure, almost fifteen feet in size, walked out of the store. “Alex?”

He rubbed at his arm as his body slowly grew. “You can help me?”

“I don’t know. There is a chance, but. . . it’s only that.”

“I guess that is something. It’s better than being locked away in a test tube for the rest of my life.” He sighed as he began to shrink again.

Karren stood up and looked at Jane. “Find a place for our guest to stay. I am going to look into how to help the boy in the meantime.”


Karren narrowed her eyes. “I said find a place for him to stay.” She turned her head. “And the same goes for Callen for the time being. Just don’t tell the others.” She sighed.

“Not until I can figure out how to approach the subject.”