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Investigating the Virus.

“Remember. No matter what, do not take your suit off.” Norman secured the helmet around Lora’s head. “We don’t know how this infection spreads, so you need to stay in a sterile environment.”

Lora sighed. “I know. We have been over this a dozen times.”

He slapped his hands against her helmet. “Well, we will go over it again. We don’t need you to become one of those. . . blueberry freaks while gathering the data. This virus is spreading fast. We just had to increase the quarantine zone again. We need you to go in there and get a sample we can study without contracting the virus.”

“I know. I will be fine.” She sighed. “Don’t worry.”

“Remember, we don’t know anything about what is happening in there. No one we sent in has reported back. This is a crisis situation.”

“You are making this worse than it is. We have only sent drones in. And they all have been smushed by things we can’t see.” She snorted. “All we get a glimpse of are giant blue balls.”

“That being said, you should be careful. We don’t need to lose you.” He twisted Lora around. “Now get in there. We are counting on your data.”

Lora grabbed her tools. “Don’t worry so much.” She sighed. “Nothing is going to happen to me.” She ducked under the yellow tape, took a deep breath, and made her way into the city.

The isolation soon set in. Lora looked back and forth, expecting someone or something to jump out at her, but nothing did. It had been three long months since the outbreak. The news said it was some kind of living blueberry virus. Lora wasn’t so sure. She hadn’t seen it for herself, nor had her team. All they had to go by was the news reports after the outbreak happened. Apparently, it had ripped through a hospital in the center of the quarantine zone. The people they had managed to get out said they had seen giant blue women.

Lora turned a corner and gasped. Strange blue liquid coated the ground. “What is this?” She set her toolbox on the ground and ran her gloved finger through the gunk. Her suit prevented her from smelling anything, but she could easily tell just how sticky and goopy it was as it stuck to her glove. “Ewww.” She turned to her toolbox, opening it to reveal multiple tubes, swaps, and other useful items to retrieve the samples she was after. She pulled out a swap and dub it deep into the blue gunk.

“Ughh. Well, hopefully, they can figure out just what this is. Huh?” She saw something move in the shadows. “Hello?” She dropped the samples into one of the tubes. “Is anyone there.” Lora stood up. “I am with the virus containment unit. I am here to help.”

A woman who was utterly butt naked and blue stepped out from the shadows. “What are you doing? Who are you?”

Lora dropped the vial in her hands. Thankfully, it bounced on the ground, the blue gunk sticking to the interior of the glass. “Huh? How. . .”

The woman arched an eyebrow. “Are you going to answer the question? Or are you just going to play with some random berry juice?” The woman giggled. “Who knows where that juice has been or what it was involved in. I wouldn’t play around with it if I were you.”

“What?” Lora looked down at her subject sample. “What are you talking about?”

The woman walked up to her. “Are you. . .” She laughed. “Well, you would have to be ignorant, wouldn’t you.” She tapped the woman on her protective helmet. “Look at you. You are as pale as a ghost. No juice running through your system.”

Lora stood up. “Just hold on a moment. Will you stay still and stop talking. I need a sample.”

“Sample?” The strange woman arched an eyebrow. “Why? What is it for?”

“I am part of a team trying to investigate the virus spreading through this city. So, if you can help us by giving us a sample. . .”

“Ohhhhh.” The woman giggled. “I didn’t know me turning into a blueberry was a virus.” The woman giggled. “Ahh, well, the more you know.” She wrapped her arm around Lora. “But I guess, anyway, I can help. But before that, we do have other things we need to discuss. Like dropping the whole “virus” talk. It just sounds mean.”

“But this is a highly contagious—”

The blueberry lady put her finger approximately where Lora’s lips were on the helmet. “Now, now. I don’t remember getting sick when I turned into a blueberry. Do you have a pen and paper as I want you to write all this down?” She crossed her arms. “I. . .” The woman snorted. “I said write this down! We blueberry folk have a reputation to uphold. Or I guess make!”

Lora sighed and reached into her box, pulling out a notepad. “Better?”

“Good. So, life hasn’t been better since I turned into a blueberry. The sun feeds me. I do swell from time to time, but just having my fellow blueberry girls juice me is so. . . wonderful.” She giggled. “You can’t imagine how good being juiced feels. Ohhh fuck.”

“This isn’t really the info we are looking for.”

The woman grabbed Lora by the helmet and shook her. “Well, it is the info you should bring back. It is the info the public deserves to know. That. . . they all deserve to be wonderful blueberries like us!” The woman’s eyes suddenly glowed bright blue. “That they all need to feel the juice flow their veins.” She moaned. “Ohhh, you look so lovely in there. I wonder what you would. . . ohhh. . .”

Lora took a step back. “Are you alright?”

“Just. . . juicy.” She giggled.

“Umm, how long have you been a blueberry?”

The woman giggled. “Only a few days. But. . . it has been getting better by the day.” She ran her hands through her long blue hair. “I was. . .” She moaned. “Scared at first. But. . .” She licked her lips. “Do you really have to be locked up inside of there? You. . . could enjoy the juicy side of life.” Lora noticed that the woman’s hips were expanding. “You could help me. . . control my juices. Ohhhh. . .” Her eyes flashed again.

“I think I heard enough.” Lora turned around, setting her notebook in her toolbox. “I am just going to get a blood sample and. . .” She cried out as the strange woman grabbed her ass. “Ahhhh!”

“Why do you hide in that suit?” The blueberry lady wrapped her arms around Lora, her belly swelling into Lora’s backside. “I won’t bite. I promise.”

“Just let go. . .” Lora struggled to grab the syringe. “I need a. . . blood sample.”

“You don’t need that. You just need juice. And I can. . . provide more than enough. You just need to juice me. It is a wonderful deal. You just can’t hide in that silly suit.” She began to pull at Lora’s protective coating. “Now come out and play.”

“Stop it.” The blueberry lady twisted Lora around, her swelling boobs smacking Lora on the chest. “This is serious. Get a hold of yourself!”


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