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Fighting for Control.

Matt sighed as he typed away, his eyes barely able to keep open as he looked over the report. “Ugh my head. What in the world happened last night?” He hated his new life, shackled to the world’s most annoying woman inside his own body. It was a constant struggle of wills, fighting for control of their body. She had been crafty, waiting for him to sleep and let his guard down before taking them out for an all-night party.

Now, he was tired, feeling the effects of staying out all night. His mind may be rested, but his body ached. And right now, he wanted nothing more than to sleep.


His eyes snapped open as his boss walked up to him. “Yes, sir?”

His boss narrowed his blue eyes as his hand tightened around the cup of coffee. “Are you alright? You seem. . . exhausted.”

“Ugh. I have just been up all night working on this report, sir. You know, the one about the giantess activity around our lovely state.” He laughed.

“Right. Look, I hope you get the story on my desk soon, but don’t kill yourself. When I hired you, Matt, I loved your drive. You are a model reporter.” He laughed. “You really show the others what it’s like to get out there and show the world what these giantesses are like.” He sipped his coffee. “But we all need a break.”

“Sir don’t worry. I will take one as soon as I get this story on the giantess town done.”

He sighed and ran his left hand through his ragged hair. “I just have to finish up my research.”

“Just stay safe. I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Okay.” He turned around and walked away while sipping his coffee.

Matt sighed. “It would be a lot easier to write this report if there wasn’t a five hundred yard no media ban around that giantess freak town.” He snorted. “It’s the scoop of the century, and they won’t let us anywhere near it. I have to settle for what I can find online and eyewitness accounts.” He snorted. “If I was feeling better, I would go down to Fredricks Fancy and question people about their connections.” He rubbed his head. “But I have a bleeding crazy lady trying to make sure I don’t come out and live my life. How am I supposed to get my work done?”

“Oh, you are still stressing over work? I told you. It is so boorish.”

He blinked his eyes. “Hazel. Get out of my head.” He made sure to keep his voice low. “You have already caused me enough trouble. I am half fucking asleep at my fucking job.”

“That is a you problem. You wouldn’t have it if you just stayed in our subconscious where you belonged.” He could hear Hazel giggle in his mind. “Now let me out, and I will let us sleep. I promise.”

“No. I have to work. I have a job. It is what sane people do.”

“And I told you I could get us all the money we want without a job. You are just so stupid.”

He gripped his hands into a fist. “I am not some tramp who sells myself for money.”

“Right. You would rather hunt down giant ladies because you lovvvveeee them so much. I get you.”

He slammed his hand on the desk. “I hate giantesses. I hate them! Do you get that!” He realized people were staring at him. “What are you all looking at?”

“Oh, someone is stressed. You know I always can help you destress.”

Matt lowered his voice. “I said I have work to do. I can’t keep skipping work.”

Her voice grew louder in his head. “And I say you are just not being fun. I am so bored watching you type away here. Tell you what. I show you that I can help you make money, but if I can’t, then you can continue with this. . . bleh job.”

“What? No.”

“You think I am asking for permission?” He heard Hazel’s crazy laughter. “Honey, I never ask for permission.”

He grunted, feeling her presence spread through his body. “But you will be just as tired as I am. I will be able to take back control easily.”

“Oh, you think. . .” She laughed again. “I have been up for over two days straight multiple times. I can outlast you. Trust me, you can’t win this type of battle, my dear.”

He groaned. “I won’t. . .” He took a deep breath. “You will ruin my job.”

“But I am helping you. Helping us. Can’t you see that?”

Matt gulped as his nails slowly became longer and turned bright pink. “Shit!”

He looked at his hands. “I. . . have to stop this.” Hazel had never tried to take over when he was awake before. She had always done it when he was asleep or right when he woke up. He had never seen the body morph happen. He was scared Hazel was becoming bolder at taking control of their body.

“You look cutter already.”

He snorted. “You can’t do this to me now! I am supposed to be working.” He sighed as he tried to focus. But with how tired he was, it wasn’t easy. For once, he wished he was like Hazel and could just ignore wanting to go to bed. “God damnit all.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have exhausted yourself by coming in.” Her voice rebounded inside of his mind. “You just make it so easy, Matty.”

“That isn’t my name!” He sighed as he felt his body tense up. “Hazel. . . I need you to. . .” He moaned as his hair poofed up. “Nooo!” He gulped as his typically short dark hair snaked down his shoulders, becoming long, curly, and golden. “Hazel! Stop this.” He grabbed his jacket and threw it over his head. “I am going to get in so much. . .” He gulped. “If the others see me like this. God damnit. They will make so much fun.”

“Oh, you mean your hot-looking co-workers? I wonder how much they would be willing to give us?”

“Hazel!” He stood up. “I can’t let you ruin my reputation here.” He looked back and forth. “I could get fired for you rubbing your body against them. Oh god, what would my boss think?”

“I would give your boss the time of his life.”

His voice raised in pitch. “I won’t give you—” He covered his mouth. “Hazel, stop—”

“You are losing this battle. I wonder what will go next?”

Matt backed away from his desk, keeping his voice low as he made his way across the newsroom. “You are going too far, Hazel. I could get in a lot of trouble.” He gulped as his hair bounced against the confines of his jacket. “God, just how full does your hair get?”

“Ohh well, when you let it grow, you let it grow. I am not like you with the military cut.”

Matt screamed. “I don’t have a military cut!”

One of his co-workers, Nora, laughed. “I didn’t know you made impressions, Matt. That was great.”

Matt blinked his eyes as they turned from green to hazel. “I wasn’t trying to. . . oh right. You like my impressions.” He giggled uncontrollably. “Well, thank you so much, Nora.”

Nora laughed uncomfortably. “Right. You know you don’t have to act like such a bimbo with your impression right.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Bimbo? I am not a bimbo.” He placed his hand on the desk, letting the jacket fall from his head. “Why do you think I am a bimbo?”

Nora gasped. “Matt. What in the world is happening to you?”

“What?” He looked at his hair. “I just got a wig. So what?”

Nora shook her head. “Your face. . . you look like a completely different person.” She grabbed a mirror out of her purse. “Look!”

Matt gasped as Nora showed him his face. “Oh fuck!” His rough outlines were now smooth, and his flat chin was now v-shaped. “She is taking over.” He took a few steps back. “I can’t stop her.” He gulped as he felt his pulse increase.

“What?” Nora arched an eyebrow. “Is this some prank? I know you are the leading reporter into giantesses, and you want to get into that blueberry scoop, but seriously, Matt, I think this is a bit ill on the joke side.”

He grabbed her shoulders. “This isn’t a joke!”


“I have another woman living inside of me. Competing for control of my body.”

Nora looked at him for a moment before bursting out in laughter. “Hahahahahah.

That is the craziest thing I have ever heard, Matt.” She held her chest as she continued to laugh. “Seriously. Living with someone else in your body. And I thought there was something seriously wrong with you. Good one, Matt. Good one.”

“But I am serious. Can’t you tell I look like someone else?”

Nora stood up and ran her finger along his cheek. “What I can tell you have gone to a lot of effort for an office prank. You almost got me. Just next time, make it a little more believable.”

“But. . .” He moaned. “Ughh.” He gripped the side of the desk as his tits felt like they were on fire. “Oh fucking hell!”

“Doing this while you are awake is so much more fun! I wonder how Nora will react when I am fully in control.”

He ignored Hazel’s comment, instead trying to focus as his chest felt like it was on fire. “Nora, I hope you excuse me. I umm. . .”

Nora raised an eyebrow. “Oh, there is more to your little prank?” She tapped him on his chest. “Well, I do enjoy everything that you have done, but. . .” Her blue eyes went wide as she felt his chest expand. “Matt. . .” She gulped as she felt a fleshy round mound grow beneath her fingertip. “What is going on?”

“I told you. . .” He took a deep breath. “I am struggling to contain. . .” He giggled.

“The crazy. . .” Matt licked his lips. “Like fuck I have missed my babies.”


He covered his mouth. “That wasn’t me!”

“But you said it. I heard it! You can’t really expect me to think it was someone else.”

He gulped as he looked down at his chest, his boobs swelling by the second. “You have to believe me. You can see the swelling boobs, right? Why don’t you believe this to be true?” Nora scratched at her arm. “I was cursed a few weeks ago. And. . .” He moaned as nipples ripped through his suit. “God damnit, my clothing can’t contain this frame.” Buttons flew everywhere. “I need to get to the bathroom or maybe the stairwell. Somewhere to ensure I don’t have so many eyes on me while she comes out.”

Hazel’s voice sang inside his head. “But all eyes should be on us.” She giggled as she continued and expanded Matt’s chest. “Just a little more, and my bouncy babies will be back.”

“No. You won’t get control of this body, you. . .” Matt blinked his eyes, suddenly realizing the change that had occurred. “Wait. No.”

Hazel giggled. “Looks like you are losing control, darling.” She unbuttoned the suit. “About time, too.”

Nora arched an eyebrow. “Matt?”

“Matt is a bit. . . well, he is being locked away for the day, my dear.” Hazel grabbed Nora’s cheek and shook it. “But I am so happy to finally meet you. Matt never tells me about his co-workers.”

“Because you would defile them!”

“Oh, hush. I am such a good girl.” She giggled as her boobs reached their full G-cup size. “There we are.” She moaned as she let them bounce around. “Perfect as always. I don’t have my lovely bra, but who cares.”

“Okay, very funny, Matt. You can stop with the impersonation now.”

Hazel grabbed Nora and pulled her close. “Oh, you are funny. You think this is one big joke.” She kissed Nora, her tongue swimming inside Nora’s mouth. “Well, let me assure you, my dear, I am not like that bore, Matt. I am a very fun-loving gal.”

“What the hell are you doing! You are going to get me in so much trouble, you whore!”

Nora giggled. “Wow, if I had known that Matt had such a lovely lady inside of him.” She giggled. “I would tell him to let her out more often.”


Hazel laughed. “And Matt doesn’t want to listen to me.” She jumped onto the side of the desk. “He thinks I am just going to ruin his reputation. So, what if I like to have some sexy fun.” She jiggled her boobs about. “Is it my fault that I have such a sexy body?”

Nora giggled. “No, I guess not. So, what do you usually do? Matt is not really the talkative type. He is well. . . a jerk.”

“What! I am not a jerk.”

Hazal laughed. “Oh boy, did he not like that.”

Nora blushed. “Wait, he can hear me?” Hazel nodded her head. “I umm. . . I am sorry. Matt, you are a bit extreme, sure. But you have good qualities. You are passionate about the whole giantess issue. And you stick up for those you care about. It is just. . . well.”

“Oh, honey, you don’t have to say it. You like him.”

Nora shook her head. “No, I don’t. Don’t you dare say such dirty lies!”

Hazel moaned as her butt began to swell. “One sec, my dear.” She rubbed her butt on the desk, knocking papers and other things onto the floor. “I have to. . . stretch this lovely body out. Ohhh, boy.”

“You don’t have to enjoy it that much. I get it. You are taking over. Stop rubbing it in.”

Hazel giggled as her ass ripped Matt’s slacks. “He is so upset right now.” Nora laughed. “You should hear him being so, stop doing that. You don’t have to show off our body in that way.”

Nora burst out laughing. “Ya, that is so Matt. He has to make sure everyone listens to his orders.”

“Oh, sure. Laugh when I am locked away in someone else’s body. Hahahah.”

Hazel jumped down onto the floor, her hourglass frame swaying back and forth. “Well, I have one last thing to. . . get control of. Then it will be Hazel for the day.”

Nora crossed her arms. “Are you going to do Matt’s job? I mean, do you know the first thing about reporting?”

Hazel laughed. “What? No. I am not into such silly things.” She put her hand on Nora’s shoulder. “Honey, I decided to take over because I wanted to show him that he doesn’t have to earn money this way. There are much more fun ways to earn cash. And it will be much more profitable, too.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

Hazel put her hand on Nora’s back, leading her towards the door. Eyes turned to look at the exotic woman and her bouncing boobs, but she only gave them a smile. “Well, I will show you as you seem to be Matt’s little lover girl. I mean, I am in the process of enhancing his life. You know, making it better. If I have to share his body, I might as well show him the better side of life.” She giggled. “He is so lucky to have me.”

“But I can’t just walk out. I have work to do.”

“Matt says that, and he gets by. Now come on, darling. Live a little.” She moaned.

“Besides, we might want to get somewhere private before the last change happens.” She giggled. “I am almost complete.”

Nora took the hint and led Hazel out of the office. “This is crazy. I can’t believe I am working with. . . with someone who has an entire other person inside of them.” She looked at Hazel. “You hear me in there, Matt. You are crazy.”

Hazel giggled. “Oh, he is gone for now. It is just me.” She moaned. “And I am getting very close to being completely me.”

Nora gulped. “Well, I can’t have people asking me questions about what is happening to you.” She dragged her outside and towards the parking lot. “Can you hold off until we get to my car?”

Hazel nodded her head. “I think so. But if I do it too long, Matt might try to regain his hold over me.”

Nora rolled her eyes. “Sure, like that is a problem.” They reached Nora’s blue Porish Treader, and she dragged Hazel inside, locking the door behind the exotic woman. “There. Now no one will see this. . . strangeness.” She sighed. “And I won’t have to be associated with it.” She laughed. “I mean, how would I explain all this to my friends. My co-workers. They would think I was nuts.” She watched Hazel’s hips expand, ripping more of Matt’s jeans. “You finished yet?”

Hazel giggled. “Almost.” She licked her lips, feeling Matt’s dick sink into her body, forming her glorious pussy. “And bingo.” She threw her arms out wide. “I am me again.”

“So what? What do you plan on doing with your. . . time?”

She hugged Nora. “We are going to hit the clubs, of course.” Hazel tightened her hug, her boobs squishing against Nora. “It is time to win some money for Matt.”

“But I don’t. . . I am not a club person.”

“You can just be my wing girl.” Hazel winked. “Trust me. Stick with me, and you won’t have to rely on that silly job.”


Later that night, Hazel found herself inside a roaring club. She had made sure to change into something more comfortable, a tight-fitting tank top with a tiny mini skirt. Nora stood a few feet away from her. The woman was a tad awkward, but Hazel would change that over time. Besides, she didn’t need Nora to be confident or lovely right now. She just needed her to play her part.

“Okay, my dear.” She grabbed Nora’s cheek and shook it. “Are you ready to earn some easy cash?”

“I don’t see how I can do that? I am so blegh compared to you. I don’t fit in here.”

Hazel leaned back to laugh. “Don’t say that. Of course, you do. You just have to make your mark.” She smiled as she put her hand on Nora’s shoulder. “But baby steps, my dear. And the first thing is you listen to big sis Hazel. The second is when I get someone. . .” She moaned. “Someone oh so infatuated with me, you strike.”


Hazel nodded her head. “Yes. You see, I am not into the stripping game. I am here to take these boys of all their worth.” Her voice became dark. “They told me I was never pretty enough. I was never good enough for them. I will show them. I will teach them the lesson they deserve.”

“Okay. . .”

Hazel’s voice became bubbly again. “So, all you have to do is steal their cash as I flaunt my boobs and ass in their face.”

“But that is stealing.”

“My dear, these men are nothing but jerks who prey on girls like us. They deserve it.” Hazel turned around. “Now let’s get to it.” She bounced onto the dance floor.

Nora shrugged. “Okay.”

Hazel looked around, searching for her mark. “Let’s see here. Who should I. . .” Her eyes went wide. “Ahh, there you are.” She settled on a hunk of a man, his giant muscles gleaming in the pulsing lights. She danced up to him, rubbing her arms against his broad body. “Oh my. Where have you been all my life?” She pressed her squishy boobs against his body. “So, what is your name?”

He looked down at her, his face turning bright red. “Umm. . . Clark.” He smiled. “I honestly never thought I would meet someone here.”

“Oh? Someone like you should be getting ladies all the time.”

“You would be surprised. People tend to be too afraid to talk to me.” He laughed.

She walked around him, squeezing his ass. “Now, now. That just won’t do. I guess I will have to change that. How about a dance, you big hunk of a man.”

He looked her over. “I can’t believe I have never seen. . .” He drooled a little as he looked at her breasts, barely contained by her tank top. “Such a lovely lady before. What is your name?”

“Mine?” She put her finger to her lips, acting like she was considering his question. “Why, it’s Hazel.”

He giggled. “Such a pretty name. Angels would sing it.”

Nora slipped around the giant man. “Aww, you flatter me.” She jiggled her body. “So how about that dance or are you afraid?” Nora slipped her hand into the man’s back pocket, pulling out his wallet.

He gulped. “I umm. . . I. . .”

She gently took his hand as Nora backed away. “Oh, don’t worry. I don’t bite.” She smiled as Nora vanished into the crowd. “It is your lucky day.”


Later that night, Hazel met up with Nora behind the club. “So. What did we get?”

“Almost three hundred dollars and three credit cards.”

“Not bad.” She patted the woman on the shoulder. “You will make Matt a happy man.”

“I don’t know how I feel about this. Scamming people and all.”

Hazel crossed her arms, squishing her boobs. “Look, I told you before. They deserve this. They view us as eye candy and nothing more. We are taking what we deserve. I mean, you report on giantesses. Imagine what those perverts think about those gigantic ladies. They are probably thinking about getting in their. . .” She giggled. “They would probably be in heaven slipping into you know what.”

Nora’s eyes went wide. “I don’t want to think about that.”

“It’s the way the world works.” Hazel turned around. “Sex rules all. You just have to use it to your advantage.”

Nora sighed. “You know you are like a side of a coin for Matt. Crazy in your own way.”

“Wow, that is a good one. I am nothing like him.” She looked at Nora. “Keep the cash for now. I have to get some sleep. I am starting to feel being up for a day and a half. I will let Matt be around for a while. I don’t want him to lose that job after all.” She yawned. “But I do want to see you again.” She kissed Nora. “You are fun.” Nora blushed. “Enjoy having two lovers, my dear.”

“What!? Nora’s eyes went wide.


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