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Berry Airlines.

“Are you sure I can’t come with you?” Landon rubbed Christen’s shoulders. “California is such a long ways away. I am going to miss my lovely blueberry.”

Christen kissed him, feeling her juices bubble as their lips touched. “And I am going to miss you. But Linda just wanted us to go. Apparently, there is some so-called blueberry virus going on over there, and while we believe the situation is completely blown out of proportion by the media, it might still be safe for you to stay here.” She grabbed his cheek. “We only want one of us to be a cute blueberry, now, don’t we?”

“I mean, it might be more fun if we were both juicy.”

She put her hands on her hips. “No way. I have my hands full working with two blueberries at my job and the juicing that comes with it. I don’t know what would happen if you were one as well. Especially if we. . .” She gulped. “Oh my god, if we did it, we would swell so much.”

“So?” Landon laughed. “You say that like it is a bad thing.”

Her cheeks turned bright blue. “But who would juice us? You don’t think these things through Landon. You just—”

He put his hand to her lips. “And you overthink. My dear blueberry, we would work them out.” He kissed her. “Now go. You don’t want to be late meeting up with your co-workers for the flight now, do you?”

“Oh, right.” She blushed. “I will miss you so much.”

Christen grabbed her bags, her juicy, curvy figure wobbling about as she made her way toward the door. “I will try and call you when we arrive.” She smiled before walking out the door. The air outside was chilly, but her blueberry body kept her warm. In fact, she preferred it a bit colder. Landon had told her to wear a coat, but she decided to leave it in the house. Yes, she was a bit cold, but nowhere near as much as she was when she was still fully human.

She quickly walked across the lawn and unlocked her car, tossing her bags into the back. “Okay, let’s see.” She pulled her phone out of her pocket. “Where did Linda want to meet?”

Christen arched an eyebrow. “Wait, why does she want to meet at that old, abandoned airfield. She does know we are going to California, right?” She shook her head. “I hope Linda knows what she is doing.”


Linda paced back and forth as she waited for Christen and Rachel to arrive. “Where the hell are they? I told them to be here by now.” She looked up at the strange-looking airplane with unusual curves. “Ughh fuck I don’t know about this.” She sighed. “But what choice do I have? I couldn’t get us tickets. Not with the blueberry virus scare going on.” She ran her hands through her blue hair. “No one would dare take us on as passengers. Just when I think things are getting better, this stupid blueberry virus happens!”

Linda kicked at a small patch of dirt. “But not just that. I get a call in the middle of the night telling me to come here and now I find this strange plane. And when I go and check it out, I hear a strange voice trying to talk to me. I. . .” She threw her arms up, her juices bubbling inside of her. “I need the others to get here before I have a juice attack. This is just too much for me. Ahhhh!”

Linda turned her attention as an SUV pulled into the airfield. She let out a sigh of relief as Christen parked her vehicle and stepped out, waving her blue hand. “Hey, Linda.

I hope I am not too late. I took some extra time to spend with Landon.”

Linda smiled. “Of course not, darling. We are still waiting on Rachel.”

Christen set her bags down in the grass. “This is a bit of a strange place to catch a flight.” She scratched at her round, curvy hips. “If it wasn’t for the odd-looking plane, I would almost think this was an—”

“An abandoned airfield? Yes, it is.” Linda snorted as she looked at the strange aircraft. “Huh, I almost feel like someone is playing a joke on us.”


“Huh, nothing. I will explain everything when Rachel arrives.” She put her hand on Christen’s shoulder. “For now, just try and relax. Try and do better than I am.”

Christen raised an eyebrow. “Is it just me, or are your hips slightly wider than normal?”

Linda’s eyes flared with rage. “They are not! I have my juices under control! I am not stressed out or anything.” She took a deep breath, feeling her boobs bubble with blueberry juice.

“I am sorry, darling. I guess I am stressed out.” Linda took a deep breath. “I hope Rachel gets here soon so I can explain this whole mess.”

“Why do we have to wait? Why can’t you just tell me what is going on?”

Linda sighed. “Because I am afraid if I have to talk about it more than once, I will swell out of control.” She snorted. “You just won’t believe this nonsense.”

A bright red car suddenly swerved into the small airfield. The two blueberry ladies blinked their eyes, taking a few steps back as dirt and debris flew about in the air. A few moments later, the door swung open, blueberry juice dripping out as Rachel stumbled outward. “Hi.” She giggled; her frame swollen like a marshmallow. “I had a bit of a. . . juicy accident coming over. Heheheh. But I have everything under control.” Blueberry juice squirted out from her nipples. “It just felt soo good to have my juicy skin press against the steering wheel.

Oh good. I am good. I am good. You don’t have to juice me again. I promise.”

Linda sighed. “Are you sure?”

Rachel nodded her head. “I am going to be good. I practiced all week on controlling my juicy urges.” She giggled.

Linda rubbed her forehead. “I hope so, Rachel.” She took a deep breath as she put her hands on her hips. “Okay, you two. So, I am guessing you both are wondering why we are here in this. . . particular airfield with no one else around.”

Christen nodded her head. “Yes. I was trying to get that question answered.”

Rachel looked around. “Umm ya, it is a bit odd. I thought we were flying to California, Linda.”

“Well, the airlines don’t want blueberries on their flight with a virus on the West Coast. Apparently, until they figure things out, we are on a no-flight list.”

Rachel gulped. “What? Then how are we going to get there?”

Linda pointed at the plane behind them. “That. Or at least, I think. There is something off about that plane.” She shook her head. “Someone called me to come here in the middle of the night last night. I think they were drunk or maybe horny. I have no idea. But when I arrived, I saw that deserted plane. I checked it out when I got here. Not a living soul aboard. I was about to leave when something talked to me.”

Christen laughed. “I think you are going crazy, Linda.”

“Want to prove me wrong, Christen? Let’s go on board and see who is lying. Unless you are scared, my dear.”

Christen put her hands on her hips. “I am not scared. Let’s go and figure this craziness out!”

The three ladies made their way up to the strange-looking plane. Linda still was a bit freaked out by the fact that it had a strange feminine figure, almost as if part of the cabin had breasts. A stairway was still waiting for them, leading up to the plane’s interior.

Linda led the way, walking into the massive aerial vehicle first. Rachel was squeezed in second, and Christen waddled in third.

Once they were inside, the door slammed shut. “Hey!” Christen gulped. “Okay, this is creepy.”

The plane suddenly shuddered, and a metallic voice seemed to vibrate out from the speakers. “Hello, I am so happy that you all came. I know that this is a bit awkward, but I am here to fly you all to California!”

Linda put her hands on her hips. “Who? There is no one on this bucket beside us! I triple-checked earlier! Tell us who you are now!”

“Umm, that might be a bit. . . complicated. Let’s just say I am an old friend who is in a bit of a. . . transformative pickle. But I am more than capable of flying you to your destination. My fuel tank is full, and now that you are on board, we can take off.”

Christen looked around. “Wait. What do you mean by transformative situation?”

“Umm. . .” The plan shuddered again. “Would you believe me if the plane was me? Tess?”

The three blueberry ladies looked at each other before Linda finally said. “You have to think we are a bunch of—”

Rachel giggled. “I believe you.” Linda’s jaw dropped. “I mean, we are blueberries, and I have seen some other weird stuff in my time. I don’t think people turning into planes is that far off.”

Christen shrugged. “She has a point.”

Linda crossed her arms. “Okay, Miss Tess. So, what do you want us to do exactly?”

“Just sit down and enjoy the ride. I will take care of everything. Free of charge.”

Rachel giggled as she walked towards one of the seats. “You don’t have to tell this blueberry twice. I am dying to get off my feet.” She jiggled her body. “I feel so full and heavy it is a pain to stand up.”

Christen laughed. “Well, maybe you should be practicing more at self-juice control.

Then you wouldn’t be so heavy all the time.” She followed after Rachel for a moment before looking back at Linda. “Hey, are you coming? We got our flight. Aren’t you happy?”

“Umm ya. Right.” Linda sighed. “We are finally going to California. Great.”


“Nothing. Nothing.” I umm. . . if it’s okay, I am going to sit in another part of the plane. You can watch over Rachel, right?”

“I guess. Why?”

“I just want to get some rest, that is all.” Linda snorted as she walked down the hallway. “Do I really need a reason? Now, please, this will be a long flight, and I don’t want to be disrupted.” She opened the door leading to the next compartment. “Have a good flight.”

“Umm. You too.”

Linda let out a sigh as she walked away. She didn’t want to tell the other girls that she was terrified of flying, and she especially didn’t want to let them see her possibly swell up. She was afraid that might happen to her on this flight. The stress causes her juices to flood her system like an out-of-control storm. She had been so careful that they looked to her for support. What would happen if she was the one who lost control? If she was the one who gave in to her stress or her lust? Especially because she tended to try to calm herself down by pleasuring herself. It was a strange method, but it worked before she turned into a blueberry.

As she buckled herself into her seat, the belt pressing tightly against her blue skin, she couldn’t help but think the next few hours were going to be very, very juicy for her. Hell, even when this living plane took off, she would probably have blueberry juice flood her system if she wasn’t at the peak of her control. “You can do this, Linda. You put up with the person who sought to cure blueberries for over a decade of your life. You have put up person after person telling you that being a blueberry is such a horrid thing or that you should be nothing more than their juicing outlet to sell blueberry juice. A little flight shouldn’t be that hard for you. You got this!” The engines started, and she gripped her seat, the juices inside her belly bubbling.

“You should hopefully have this?”

Tess’s metallic voice came over the speakers. “Okay, my berry friends. The skies today are wonderful, and it should only take us a few hours to reach our destination. I sadly did not transform with any movies or such, but I can play music, so please enjoy.”

Linda gripped her seat as the plane gathered speed. “Keep calm. Keep calm.” Gurrgle.

She closed her eyes. “Why did I agree to this!” The plane knocked over the rusted gates and continued on its way before slowly taking off into the air. “I hate this!”

As the plane rose into the air, Linda looked around, her face bright blue. “I made a mistake.” The belt around her tightened. “Big mistake. Big mistake!” Gurrgle. Blort.

She gulped. “I need to calm down. I am. . . starting to swell.” She gulped.

“But the only way I can calm down is. . .” She moaned as her belly pressed against the belt, her juices starting to rage out of control. “Oh god!”

Linda moaned, giving in to her urges. She would rather be happy than scared if she was going to swell. She squeezed her boobs, causing blueberry juice to squirt onto the floor. “I. . . love this!” Her moans echoed through the cabin as the belt around her waistline snapped, her waistline quickly swelling out of control.


Christen sighed as she watched the birds fly outside the window. “So, this is what flying is like.”

Rachel put her seat back, her squishy folds falling into the nearby seat. “Ya. I used to fly all over the place in my last job. It is so very wonderful.”

“You did?”

“Yup.” She stretched out her swollen legs. “I worked for this weird businessman who wanted me to go all over the country. He would never say what documents I was getting for him, but the trips were nice. It was like getting free vacations.” She giggled. “And he even paid for it all. Well, until I swelled into a blueberry, that is. Then he got so very, very pissed.” She laughed. “I wasn’t even planning on working full-time for you until he kicked me out for being a cute little blueberry.”

Tess’s voice came over the speakers. “I hope you two are enjoying your flight so far.”

Rachel smiled. “You are an excellent flyer, my dear.”

“Thank you. But, umm, you might want to check on your friend. I can feel her swelling by the second. She is. . . umm getting heavy in what was umm. . . I am not going to say. It feels good, but. . .”

Christen shook her head. “Wait. Linda is swelling? Linda never lets her blueberry juice get the best of her.”

Rachel nodded her head. “I know, right. That berry is the standard that all berries should go by.” She looked around. “So, umm, is there food or anything like that on this flight?”

The plane suddenly shuddered. “She is really getting heavy. I am having a hard time keeping aloft.”

Christen jumped to her feet. “Rachel. We are slowly falling.” She dashed over to her more swollen friend. “We have to go and see what is going on.”

“But what if our pilot is pulling a prank on us? I think Linda wants her me time.”

Christen pulled Rachel to her feet. “Let’s go, Rachel!” She groaned as she pulled the bigger berry woman to her feet. “We don’t leave a fellow blueberry in need to their fate. Now let’s go and see what is happening to Linda.”

“Okay, okay.” Rachel sighed as she stood up. “But I still think she is fine, and our lovely pilot is pranking us.” Christen snorted as she pressed her arms against Rachels blue skin. “I was just getting comfy, too. You know how hard it is to get comfortable with all of this excess juice?”

“Rachel, I have been much, much bigger than you are right now. Don’t talk to me until you have been big enough to fill up more than an entire room.” Christen slapped Rachel on the butt. “You don’t know what it’s like to be unable to use your legs.”

“I had that happen. For like all of two minutes.” She sighed. “Okay.”

As they made their way towards the compartment where Linda had been staying, Christen found the door was jammed shut. “Huh?” She moaned as she tried to pull the door open. “Tess, this isn’t funny. Open the door.”

Tess’s metallic voice filled the air. “I am not the one keeping that door closed.”

“Oh, really. Am I to believe—” Christen gasped as the door suddenly opened, only for a giant blue wall to meet her. “Oh my god!”

Rachel giggled. “Look at all that blueberry juice.”

Christen poked the blue blob only to hear Linda’s sweet moan from the other side. “Dear god. What the hell? Linda, how did you get pressed against the door like this?”

“I. . . I can’t. . . stand flying. So to avoid. . . stressing I. . . gave into the only other way. . . I. . .ohhhhhhh.”

“So, you fucked yourself?”

“I needed to keep myself calmmmmmm. But I got big anyway and rolled against the door. I ammmm a bit stuckkk. Ohhhhhhh.”

“We need to get in there and juice you.”

“Ohhhh yesss pleassseeeeee.”

Rachel giggled. “I have never heard her like this. She must really hate flying.”

Christen narrowed her eyes at Rachel. “This isn’t the time for jokes. We have to roll her away from the door before she swells any bigger. Now come on.” Christen snorted. “The last thing I need is for you to lose control and swell too.”

“Okay, okay.” Rachel joined Christen in pressing their juicy bodies against Linda’s swollen frame. “I can keep it under control.”

“You better. Now push.” They groaned as they pressed their bodies against Linda’s squishy round frame. Blueberry juice seemed to drip from Linda’s skin as they slowly inched her away from the door. “Keep going. Keep. . .” Suddenly, Linda bounced away, rolling down the cabin as she knocked over the seats. “Holy fuck.”

Rachel gasped. “She is huge.” She laughed as she watched Linda bounce around, blueberry juice squirting out from Linda’s nipples. “Look at her go.”

“She is still swelling. If we don’t stop her, she could fill up the entire cabin. Come on.”

Rachel giggled as she slid across the juice-covered floor. “This is fun.” She landed in between Linda’s breasts. “Hi, lovely.”

“I. . . hate. . . flying.” She moaned. “But I am sooo juicy. . . ohhh. . .”

Christen reached her blueberry boss, rubbing her hands against her massive berry frame. “Look, I can understand not liking flying, but you are getting too big. You need to calm down.”

“But. . . I. . . can’tttttt. I would rather be in a juicy, fabulous state than. . .. upset.

Even if I am a. . .. wonderful fucking blueberry. . .” She moaned.

“But the fact of the matter is you are getting too heavy, Linda. We have to juice you.”

She shook her head as her hands began to sink into her body. “Nooooo!

Not until we land. You can’t.”

Rachel put her hands on her hips. “Now, don’t be a difficult blueberry. You have to be juiced; otherwise, we might crash.”

Linda’s eyes went wide. “What!”

Christen snorted. “Rachel, you are not helping.” She took a step back as Linda’s body grew almost an entire foot. “Fuck you really aren’t helping.”

“We are going to crash!?” Blueberry juice shot out of Linda’s nipples as her body turned bright purple. “Ahhhhhhhhh!”

Christen jumped on top of Linda. “Look at me. We are not going to crash as I am going to juice you.”

“How? We are hundreds of feet in the air.” Gurrgle. “And I can’t stop swelling.

Ughhh.” She moaned as her boobs hugged Rachel tightly. “We should have taken cars for this. We should have taken cars. We should have never of flown!”

Christen snorted. “I am going to juice you even if I have to let my own body swell to do it!” She moaned as she felt blueberry juice flood her system, her hips widening. “Rachel. . .” Christen looked down at her friend as her body slowly expanded. “Keep Linda steady.”

Rachel looked back and forth as Linda’s massive breasts held her in place. “I don’t think that will be a problem.” She looked up at Christen. “But who the hell is going to juice you?”

“If I am careful, I won’t have to swell that much.” She moaned as she looked more and more like a human marshmallow. I just need to get enough juice in me so I can apply enough juicy weight on her and. . .” Christen moaned. “God damnit, this is hard not to lose control.” She gripped Linda’s body, her breasts and belly pressing tightly against her bosses. “Just a little more blueberry juice.” It was getting hard for her to move, her big, curvy body pushing her thick arms and legs away. “Just a little. . . more.”

Christen slapped herself on the face, trying to stem the flow of juice as she felt herself reach her designed shape. She looked down at herself, her chest a round blue balloon and her ass the size of a car tire. She slowly stood up, wobbling back and forth on top of Linda’s body. “Okay. I can do this.” She squatted down, her legs barely able to contain her weight. “Ughh, so heavy. So much juice.”

She then jumped. It wasn’t a big or mighty jump. But it was a jump, nonetheless. When she landed on Linda, her boss cried out before blueberry juice seemed to shoot out of her. Rachel was slammed to the ground under the torrent of juice escaping Linda’s body.

Still, Christen didn’t let up, jumping down onto her friend multiple times until she was sure that Linda was back down to a reasonable and stable size.

“Okay. You can get your big blue ass off me!” Christen laughed as she slid off of Linda. “Was it really necessary to do all of that?”

Christen nodded her head. “Yes. You were out of control in ways I have never seen before.”

Linda snorted as she hugged her breasts against her body. “Well, what was I supposed to do? I was having a major anxiety attack.” She sighed. “You two don’t know what that is like.”

“Are you kidding?” Christen pulled Linda in, hugging her against Christen’s squishy blueberry body. “I have been freaked out so many times as I learned how to handle the blueberry side of me. And I had to do it all on my own for so long. I mean, I was once dragged across town by my old neighbor’s pickup truck like a big blue wrecking ball.” She laughed.

“We all have our freakouts.” Christen pointed at Rachel. “I mean, don’t you remember having to juice her just a week ago.”

Rachel waved her arms about. “Hey, leave me out of this.”

“My point is you can’t be perfect all the time. If you need to destress and juice up, then do it. We will be here for you.”

Linda sighed. “Thank you. I just. . . thought I would have to be the model for blueberries going forward. Me swelling. . . that wasn’t something I really could do if I was to set an example.”

Christen laughed as she jabbed Linda in the chest. “Hey, you have to let yourself get big and blue every once in a while, right?”

Linda chucked. “Ya, I guess.”

“Now, please try and relax.” Christen hugged Linda once more. “We will be in California before you know it.”

Linda smiled. “Ya. I can’t wait.”


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