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This turned into something I didn't expect, and I had to change the title last minute.  But enjoy the story anyways.

Berry Aftermath.

“You did what!” Linda narrowed her eyes as Christen squirmed about the small room.

“I had to help. They are our friends, aren’t they?”

“But you used blueberry powder to force people to become blueberries. That isn’t what our new company is about!”

Christen shrank down as her fruity boss loomed over her; Linda’s breasts close enough to smack her in the face. “But if I didn’t, Sarah would have been locked up in that jail for who knows how long. It was an extreme situation.”

Linda snorted as she crossed her arms. “Still, it wasn’t right.”

Christen slowly stood up, her body bubbling from the stress. “Linda, I am sorry for what I did, but. . .” She sighed. “Sometimes you have to do things to help people. Even if they may not be the right things.” Linda arched an eyebrow. “I am still committed to helping people learn why it is a good thing to be blueberries and why we shouldn’t be taken advantage of. But it is a changing world. I am not going to dismiss that powder out of hand.”

Linda put her hand on her curvy hips. “And I say—”

“Umm, sorry to disturb you two.” Rachel wobbled in, blueberry juice squirting out of her nipples. “But I have something I need to show you two.”

Linda sighed. “Honey, I told you that you should take some more vacation time until you adjust to your blueberry body. You are still having a hard time controlling your swelling.”

Rachel pressed down on her growing belly. “I can control my juices.” She giggled. “Even if they are wonderful.” She moaned. “But you two really need to see this.”

“No, first things first. We need to juice you my dear. I can tell by that look in your eyes.”

Rachel turned away as her hips expanded outward. “No! It is just a little bit of swelling.” She blushed. “I have it under control.”

Christen laughed. After spending some time with Linda, she found out there were a few main reasons why blueberry ladies swelled up. The lesser-known reason was the environment. They were blueberries, after all, so overexposure to the sun and being overwatered could cause a massive influx of blueberry juice. The second reason, stress. Stress could cause a lady to swell, and that was usually why berry women swelled up on their first time as they freaked out.

But the most common reason was lust. The juice flowing through their veins felt terrific, and it was hard to keep that from making them want to bubble with delight. And once that dam was broken it was almost impossible to stop without a good juicing.

Which is why Linda slammed Rachel against the wall. “Under control? You have only been a blueberry for three weeks, Rachel.” Rachel giggled as her belly pressed against Linda. “And in that time, you haven’t exactly gotten your urges in check.”

“I can’t help it!” Blueberry juice squirted out of her nipples. “You two know what I am talking about. The rivers of blueberry juice oozing through your veins. I just. . .” She moaned. “I just. . .”

“Now, Rachel. Focus on me. You don’t want to become an immobile blueberry again, do you?”

“But maybe I do. . .”

Linda looked in Christen’s direction. “Can you help me get control of Rachel? I don’t think she is in any mood to tell us what she planned to. Then we can get back to our discussion.”

Rachel moaned. “No, I have this under control. I promise.” Her swelling belly pushed Linda away. “I just need a moment to swell. . . I mean, umm. . .” She giggled as her body started to take on a more spherical shape. “Okay, maybe I don’t have my juices under control.” Rachel shrugged. “But you two are not juicing me.”

Christen laughed. “Rachel, if we don’t, you could hurt yourself. You don’t want to get too big now.”

Rachel’s cheeks turned bright purple. “But I don’t know what that is like.”

“Trust me, you don’t! There is a limit to how big you can swell, Rachel.”

Rachel turned around, her body guggling with every step. “You two keep saying that, but I don’t believe either of you. I am going to swell to my heart’s delight today.”

Linda jumped onto Rachel, forcing the out-of-control blueberry onto her chest. “You will be juiced, and you will like it, missy!” She tried jumping on Rachel’s bloated body, but it didn’t stem the tide of juice. “Fuck!” She scratched at her head. “Christen. Ideas?”

Christen shrugged. “This is, sadly, those creeps’ department where they harvest the blueberry juice. I don’t know the first thing about juicing someone who has gotten this big.”

Linda sighed as she laid down on Rachel’s swelling body. “Well, think of something. It is a simple premise. We squeeze the juice out of her.”

Christen walked back and forth, her own hips swelling slightly from stress. “Ugh, I know that. But. . .” She blinked her eyes, an idea suddenly coming to her. “I got it!”

“What?” Linda bounced up and down on Rachel’s back as Rachel’s round body slowly began to swell. “Our lovely assistant is filling up by the second.” She looked down. “As it is, she looks like a blue water mattress.”

Rachel moaned. “And I love every second of it.”

Christen walked forward, her hips swaying back and forth. “We roll her into the back room and press some desks against her. If we do it hard enough, we should squeeze all the juice out of her.”

“Or we could just pop her like a balloon.”

Christen crossed her arms, her big berry boobs bouncing against one another. “Well, it isn’t like we have access to the industrial juicers that those jerks that take advantage of blueberries use. While I hate what they do to blueberries, you have to give it to them. They know what to do in this situation.”

Linda sighed. “Ya. That would be handy right now.” She slid off of Rachel. “Fine.

We will try squeezing her between two tables. But if this doesn’t work, we have to find something else.”

“Like what?”

Linda threw her arms up. “I don’t know? Maybe hijack one of those industrial juicers.” Christen laughed. “What is so funny?”

“I never thought you would be one to use the tools of your enemy.”

“Well, my friend is swelling out of control. If I have to, I will.” She walked over and put her hands on Rachel’s swelling body. “Now we have a juicing to attend to.

Let’s hurry.”

Rachel shook her head. “No! You are not taking my wonderful juice away from me!”

“Oh, quiet. You are in enough trouble as it is.” Linda snorted. “After we juice you, guess who is cleaning up the mess.”

Christen laughed as she walked over and pressed her hands and boobs against Rachel. “That would be a sight I would love to see.” They rolled Rachel through the shop and into the back room. They just managed to squeeze Rachel through the door, blueberry juice oozing from her nipples as she popped into the back room of the shop. If they had waited just another minute, the young assistant might have been too wide to fit through the door frame, and they would have had to waste valuable time dragging the tables out of the back room. Nor did they want the public to witness the juicing that was about to occur.

Rachel giggled as she watched them move about, slowly swelling. “You two are funny. Thinking you need to juice me.”

Christen laughed. “Rachel, you are almost sixteen feet tall. And goodness knows how wide.”

“I know. So wonderful. So juicy.” She rubbed the sides of her body with her fingertips. “So much room to grow.”

“You can’t even get out, missy.” Linda snorted. “You are trapped in this room. Doesn’t that bother you?”

“What bothers me is I have two blueberry co-workers who don’t value their blueberry sleeves. Come on.” She pointed at Christen. “You call yourself a blueberry? You just look like a slightly round lady with massive boobs. And Linda is even worse. Such a skinny lady.” She laughed. “Blueberries, my ass. You should be blimps like me.”

“I am fine the way I am. In fact, I enjoy being able to walk around.” Christen smacked Rachel. “You have to be rolled everywhere.”

“So?” Rachel turned her head and narrowed her blue eyes as Linda pushed a table towards her. “Just what are you two planning here?”

“Don’t worry,” Linda grunted. “It will be over soon.” She nodded at Christen. “Ready?”

Christen flipped over a nearby table. “Ready.”

Rachel waved her hands above. “Wait, no!” She moaned as the two lovely ladies slammed the tables into her, sending blueberry juice flying. “My lovely juices!”

“Keep pushing!” Christen groaned as she did as Linda commanded, slowly squeezing the juice out of Rachel despite the protests. Inch by inch, their friend was juiced, the floor quickly becoming covered in blue goo. The grueling process took fifteen minutes, but they found Rachel sobbing in the center when they were done.

“I was so happy. Why did you two have to juice me? Why!”

Linda sighed, letting the table fall to the side before walking up and touching Rachel’s shoulder. “You can’t stay that big and juicy forever, my dear. It is fun, but it will go to your head. And trust me when I say bad things can happen from being that big and blue.”

Rachel sighed. “I guess I was a bit out of control, wasn’t I?”

Christen nodded her head. “You were telling us that we weren’t true blueberries.”

Rachel laughed as she stood up, her breasts bouncing against one another. “That doesn’t sound like me. You two are wonderful. Oh crap. I almost forgot.” She dashed out of the room. “I was supposed to tell you two something.”

Linda tapped her hand on her hip. “You are supposed to clean this mess up, Rachel!”

“Not until I show you this. It is important!”

Linda sighed and followed Rachel to the door. “Might as well see what our young blueberry assistant has to show us, shall we?”

Christen nodded her head as she wiped excess blueberry juice off her body. She then followed the pair into the other room. “Okay, so you both know how we are trying to help the world see blueberries in a better light, right?” Both Linda and Christen nodded their heads. “Well, I just saw this on my news app, and you are not going to like this.” She picked up her phone and held it up so they both could see. “Somewhere out in California, there seems to be a blueberry thing going on, but it isn’t exactly the same. They are comparing it to a virus.”

Linda gasped. “A virus! Blueberries are not a virus!”

“Well, that is what they say.”

Linda gripped her hands into fists. “This is absurd. I have to figure out what is going on. Who is spreading these lies.”

Christen had never seen Linda like this. Even when she had found out, Christen had used the powder on people to force them to inflate. “So, what are you saying? What do you want us to do?”

Linda looked at them. “We are going to head to California to figure out this juicy mess.

And why don’t you get that powder you had Christen. When I get to the bottom of this, I am going to turn someone into a blueberry, someone who deserves it!” Christen gasped as she watched Linda’s hips swell for the first time since she had met Linda. “How dare they try and slander us like this!”

Rachel giggled defensively. “I umm. . . I will go and get us plane tickets.”

Christen sighed. “I guess I am going to California.”



Ohh this will be exciting!


I plan on exploring this plot line as well as the blueberry virus going into next year. But something has to happen first before our blueberry friends can have their time again.