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Double your Fun.

Henderson scratched at his head as he examined his wares. “I could swear I put my new magical wish coin right here.” He sighed. “I did order the thing, right?”

He sighed. “Like I need another magical artifact to go missing. The last time that happened.” He shivered. “Ah, well. At least I don’t have to worry about a pissed-off magical store trying to punish me for losing my wears.” He wished. “I am sure the coin will show up sooner or later.”


Linda strode out of Alexa’s Pastry shop with a bounce in her step. “I can’t wait to get these cupcakes home. Jerold is going to be so happy.” A sparkle on the ground caught her eye. “Huh?” She knelt down, setting the tray of cupcakes gently on the pavement. “Why, I don’t believe it. This is the strangest-looking penny I have ever seen.” She held the coin up in the light. “I wonder what it would be worth? I mean, who the hell puts a woman’s ass on one side and a pair of breasts on the other?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Ahh, well. I can’t think too much about it right now. I have to get these things home before the cold gets them.” Linda picked the cupcakes up. “I want them to be nice and fresh.” She hurried towards her SUV, unable to get the thought of the strange coin out of her mind. “Though I do wonder what it would be like to have bigger breasts. It has always been on my mind.” She giggled as she used the key fob to unlock her vehicle. “Maybe in the future, I will try something like plastic surgery. If I can ever afford it on my salary.”

Linda set the cupcakes on top of her red SUV and then opened the back door. As she did so, the strange coin slid out of her pocket and bounced on the ground, landing with the twin breasts side up. Suddenly, she felt a peculiar warmth flood her chest, and her jacket tightened. “Ughh.” She moaned as she looked around. “What the hell was that?” Linda shivered in place. “Ugh, this stupid thing fell out of my pocket!” She bent down and picked up the coin. “Huh?”

Linda realized her breasts were rubbing against her arms. “What in the?” She gasped as she realized her boobs had gone up a cup size. “How?” She took a step back, her hand on her chest as she gasped for air. “What just happened to me?” She looked at the coin. “This thing can’t have anything to do with it, can it?” She shook her head. “No, I would have to be crazy to think such a thing.”

But the thought nagged her as she slid the coin into her pocket. She had felt the strange sensation fill her chest the moment the coin bounced on the ground, nor were her bigger breasts her imagination. Linda sighed as she set the cupcakes into the vehicle. “Maybe there is a connection?”

She shut the door and walked around the vehicle. “But how could a coin falling onto the ground lead to my boobs swelling?” Linda opened the door and slid into the driver’s seat. “But maybe that would explain why the coin looks so weird. But I can’t just go off of one experience. I have to see if it happens again.”

She slid her hand into her pocket and pulled free the coin. “Okay. Here I go.” She flipped it into the air and let it land in the cup holder. Again, it landed with the twin breast side up. But this time nothing happened. No strange warmth flooding her body, no breast growth. “Hugh. I guess I was wrong.” Linda picked up the copper coin. “You can’t cause my boobs to grow, and it was just some strange coincidence.” She giggled. “I mean, if you really were magic, you would cause my ass to grow too.” She flipped the coin, and again it landed with the boobs face up. This time, though, she felt a surge flood her body. Linda moaned as she grabbed her rear end, feeling it push her upward. “Fuck!”

After the sensation had passed, Linda looked down. “Oh my god!” She grabbed the little copper coin with glee. “So, you only cause this to happen if I say something. And I am guessing the other side means it doesn’t happen?” She giggled. “Oh, I adore this.” Linda let the coin fall back into her cup holder, the ass side landing face up. “I am going to have so much fun with you.”

She started the engine. “I mean, imagine how big I could cause my breasts to grow.”

She licked her lips. “I could make a game of it with Jerold. Flip the coin and see how big I get.” She giggled. “Yes. See how big he can handle me.” Oh boy, I can’t wait.” Linda hit a bump, sending the coin into the air. “I mean, I am just going to have to make him beg, though. Both to make my boobs grow and shrink back down when he can’t handle it.” The coin landed boob side up.

Linda moaned as she felt a sudden warmth surge through her chest. “Huh?”

She looked around. “I didn’t tell the coin anything? I didn’t even flip it. What is going on?” She moaned as her boob stretched out her jacket, her nipples hardening by the second.

The zipper on her outfit slowly came undone, unable to contain her swelling babies. “Fuck!”

As she came to a stop at a light, she gasped at just how big she had gotten. “I went up much more than a cup size.” She looked down at her gigantic melons. “I know I was imagining big boobs, but did my body really have to grow to match? How did I grow, though? I didn’t even flip the coin!” She looked at the cup holder, suddenly realizing the car had flipped it for her. “Ugh.” She grabbed the coin. “You are becoming trouble.” She fully unzipped her jacket and slid down her blouse. “I have one place for such a troublesome coin.”

Linda stuffed the coin in between her giant boobs. “Huh. There.” She sighed. “They do feel nice, though. Like giant squishy balls.” She took a deep breath. “But my god, is my bra tight against them.” She moaned as she felt her hard nipples rub against her bra. “This is going to be a very, very long car drive home.”

She tightly squeezed her ass with one hand as she used the other to steer. She couldn’t believe how sensitive her babies had become, her nipples especially. She was doing everything she could to keep herself under control. “I always wanted bigger boobs, but this is a bit. . . insane.” Linda was just happy she was almost home. She still planned to play her little game with Jerold, but it would have to be at a much faster pace. Linda was already hot and bothered, and she didn’t know how much it would take to push her over to an explosive end. How much bigger could she get until she just couldn’t handle it? Just thinking about it made her pussy wet.


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