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Hello before we get into the story, I want to say something.  This story is going to be dark.  This is the start of a new era for my short story world.  I wouldn't say a dark era, but more so things are going to come together more.  I have been inspired to write more.  I get lost in my head so much easier and such.  I can see this world and my characters futures, their lives and such not weeks, not months but years ahead.  It swims in my mind as music flows through my veins.  It has honestly been a long time since I have had this inspiration, so I am excited.  The fun fetish stuff will always remain, but now raw emotion and other stuff is going to enter as well.  It is going to become a more vibrant world of giantesses, blueberries and more.

Revolution p2.

Marry landed on the floor, blood dripping from her nose as her husband shouted at her. “You did what?”

“I was fired.” She snorted as she struggled to stand. “I told you my boss had it out for me.” She had been dreading this. She knew Vector would flip out even though his lazy ass couldn’t be bothered to do anything other than get off the couch to get another beer.

He put his foot on her back. “You good for nothing. What are we supposed to do now?”

“Maybe you could try getting a job for once.” She cried out as he slammed his foot into her. She knew she should have kept her mouth shut, but she was just sick of this. For years, she had been abused. They had gotten married when they were in high school. He was a completely different person back then. Loving. Caring. But years can change a person.

She had thought about leaving so many times, but where would she go. She had no friends or family. No one wanted to come anywhere near Martinsville. Not with all of the giantesses that seemed to pop up around here and, especially not with the lunatics that lived up in the mountains. Marry felt bad for the gigantic ladies who were carted off like animals every few months. What did they do? It wasn’t fair. She always thought that instead of being treated like vermin, they should be given a chance to live their own lives. It wasn’t a view that anyone else in her hometown shared, that was for sure.

Vector snorted as he looked down at her. “Where did you grow a spine all of a sudden?”

He swayed back and forth. “You little. . . guh.” She could tell he was drunk. “Like, why do you think you can talk back to me?”

Well, there was a reason for that. She felt a pang of courage she hadn’t felt in years.

Someone had managed to find her. Marry didn’t know how, but they got to talking about her interest in giantesses. One thing led to another, and she eventually learned there was a way to become one. Not only that, but they wanted to create a place for giantesses to be themselves. Marry wanted nothing more than to be a part of this.

So, as she stared at her drunk husband, her thoughts were not on how he was going to hurt her but on how she would become reborn. Her voice slowly gained an edge in it as she rose to her feet. “I have been taking your shit for almost seven years now. I am sick and tired of it.”

His eyes went wide. “What are you talking about?”

She narrowed her eyes. “I am talking about this is over. You are going to have to get out!”

He laughed, swaying back and forth. “Me?” He burped. “You do realize you are nothing without me. Besides, where would you go?” He put his hand on her shoulder. “Your family abandoned you, remember? I am all you have.” He laughed. “So why don’t you apologize to me while I am in a good mood.”

Marry wiped the blood from her nose. “Why don’t you get out before it’s too late.” She turned around and walked to the window. “Because I am sick and tired of your abuse.” She rolled down the shades, the super moon washing over her, invigorating her. “For seven long years, I have held my tongue because I thought it was what I had to. I thought I had to listen to you. Maybe I thought you were right. Maybe I was a wretch.” She took deep breaths. “Maybe I was a horrible person, nothing.”

Vector stumbled about. “What are you doing?” He blinked his eyes as she slowly started to grow. “Huh?” He looked at the beer bottle on the table. “I. . .”

Marry turned around, her eyes filled with rage. “You made me feel so insignificant.

You made me feel like it was my lot to be abused by you.” She formed her hand into a fist and slammed it into him, sending Vector flying into the next room. “You. . .”

He gulped, realizing what was happening through the haze of the booze. “You. . . where are the giantess hunters when you need them.” He ran for the door.

Marry fell onto her hands and knees as her back pressed against the ceiling. “There isn’t going to be anyone to hunt me down. Not anymore.” She groaned as the growth enveloped her body.


Cries rose up from the town of Martinsville as multiple gigantic forms descended upon the town. Karren watched the others go, her thoughts to herself as the chaos started.

She knew that tonight would change all their lives for the better. But she still couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pain as she heard the screams of the people below as they were chased out of their homes.

“We are doing this, so we have a place to live free. Remember that.”

She sighed. She had tried to give as many of them a chance as she could. Most of them ignored her. It was a town that hated not only giantesses but those who had hunted them. It was the perfect place to establish their settlement as these people had to go. They would eventually come to harm Karren and her friends.

She narrowed her eyes as another giantess named Heather tried to step on a group of people who were trapped in an alleyway. Karren quickly moved to stop her. “What are you doing?”

Heather looked at Karren, confused. “What? You said we were to take the town for ourselves. Besides, these people are nothing but giantess-hating freaks.”

Karren pulled Heather to the side, letting the people below run. “I also said not to hurt anyone who didn’t pose us any harm. We are not trying to show people that we are monsters. We are trying to make a life for ourselves.”

Heather narrowed her eyes. “Whatever.” She walked away, slamming her hand into the side of a building, causing the foundation to crumble.

Karren sighed and looked at the sky. Maybe she was a monster. She wanted to do nothing more than help people like her despite all of the horrible things that had happened. Experimentation, being locked up like animals. And what was she doing? Forcing people out of their homes under the threat of violence.  “But I am doing this so giantesses can have a place to live free.”  She gripped her hands into a fist.  “This is so we can have a better future.”

Karren suddenly cried out in pain. She turned her head as two small tanks rolled up to her. She recognized the design. They were old giantess hunter models.  “These fools must have found them.”  Karren snorted. “I will give you one chance to get out of those if you—” She cried out as the next shot hit her in the knee, causing her to fall to the ground and crush an apartment complex.

“We won’t let you freaks destroy our town.”

Karren took a deep breath as blood oozed out of the wound. She hadn’t felt this kind of pain since she had been experimented on by Fredrick. The painful memories flooded back to her, filling her eyes with tears. Before she knew what she was doing, she was on her feet and picked up the nearest tank, throwing it into the night. As she looked down at the other, the crew panicked, backing their vehicle up, but it was too late. Karren brought her hands around the war machine and flipped it onto its back. She then rolled it down the street, not caring what would happen to the people inside.

She then sat down, taking long breaths as she held her hand over her knee. She ignored the cries that rose into the night. She had been afraid she would have to do something like this. Actually, hurt someone.  “I had hoped they would understand. But I see they won’t. No one will ever see what it is like for us.”  She gripped her hurt leg tighter.  “No matter what, I will do what I have to so my fellow giantesses are protected.”


Fredrick held the man outside the window, hundreds of feet over the pavement. “How the hell did you let this happen? Years of research lost!”

Zach gulped as she clutched onto Fredrick’s arms. “Sir, I don’t know. Please!”

“I want answers. Do you hear me!”

“Sir. I. . . all we know is it has to do with some lady called Luna. But she shouldn’t have had access to those servers. I. . .”

Fredick loosened his grip. “So, you let this woman just make off with my research. Someone who shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”

“I. . .” Zach gasped. “Sir! Look?”

Fredrick turned his gaze to the television in his office. “What in the world?” He threw Zach inside the building and walked inside to investigate; the giantess surrounded by fires immediately catching his attention.

“Now, make sure you catch all this. I don’t want to send your little news chopper falling to the ground.”

Fredrick’s eyes widened. He recognized the giantess at once. “Karren.”

Zach straightened his suit. “Who, sir?”

“A bitch who tried to crush me in broad daylight.”

Karren smiled as her face filled the entire screen. “Now then. Hello world. My name is Karren. And behind me is the town of Martinsville. For years, people have mistreated giantesses for one reason or another. To use us for your research. To lock us up as you think us nothing more than dangerous animals. Well, we are here now giving you a message.”

Karren moved the news chopper so the viewers could see the town filled with other giantesses.  “This is our home. If you leave us alone, there won’t be any issues. Any other giantesses are welcome. And well, if you want to hang out, we don’t mind that either. But to those who wish us ill will, we won’t waste time crushing you underneath our heels. The days that we will take abuse are over. This is your one and only warning.”

“And to those across the world that want a place where you can be yourself. A place that you won’t be judged on your size. This is your home. We will fight to make it happen. No matter the cost.”

Karren laughed.  “And I have one last message before I end this broadcast. The owner of Fredrick’s Fancy has been experimenting with size-altering products for years. I am his prized result. A giantess made from giantess blood.”  Fredrick’s eyes widened with rage.  “Don’t trust Fredrick’s Fancy unless you want to accidentally become fifty feet tall or as small as a doll. Or maybe you do and have a home here. I won’t judge. And Fredrick.” She looked directly at the camera. “I know you are watching. Thank you for making this all possible.”

Fredrick picked up a chair and threw it at the television. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” He took deep breaths. “That bitch. That fucking bitch.”

Zach gulped and took a few steps back. “I umm. . . sir?”

“Get out!” Zach blinked his eyes. “GET OUT!” He didn’t wait to be told again, rushing out of the room. Fredrick slumped down into a nearby chair, rubbing his brow. “Karren, you. . . this isn’t the end this. I swear it!”


The sniping spy

Now Karen has to protect her territory


Not only that but it might have major repercussions on the wider world.