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This was the request story for Hellllllllllo.  This is the last request story of the year.

A Spicy Night.

Cathrine paced back and forth in her living room as she waited for Scarlet to return. It was their anniversary, and she had no idea what was in store for her. “Hmm, what should I do?” She thumbed through the book of spells. “No.” She shook her head as she looked over the spell of breast inflation. “Too tame. Did that last week. Ugh, no.” She sighed. “What can I do that will surprise Scarlet?” She tapped her finger on her chin. “Hmm. . .”

Cathrine shut the book as the phone rang. “Crap.” She gulped and grabbed the phone off the wooden counter. “Hello?”

“Hey, honey. I am done with work and heading home.”

“Oh, you are. I was just thinking about you.”

“Oh, don’t tell me you were thinking about trying to blow me up.”

“What?” Cathrine slid the book of inflation magic under some other books. “Nooooo. Of course not. What gives you that idea.”

“Hey, I want our anniversary to be special. So, let’s do something special together. I will be home in about an hour, and I have a big surprise for you. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Cathrine smiled. “See you soon.” She hung up and sighed. “A big surprise? She can’t mean. . . no, I doubt it.” She pulled the book out from its hiding place. “I have the only copy of inflation magic in the house. She would need this. Scarlett must mean something else. Anyways. . .” She began to thumb through the book once more. “I have to find something fitting for such a glorious occasion. Something that will blow her mind.” She blinked her eyes. “Of course.” Her finger fell upon the spell. “Oh, she will love this.” Cathrine giggled as she imagined how big and sticky her girlfriend would get. “Oh, how she will love this. I can’t wait until she gets home.”


A half-hour later, Scarlett burst into the house, her long red hair bouncing on her shoulders. “Cathrine. I am home.” She sniffed the air. “Ahh, is that a pie I smell?”


She shut the door behind her with her round hips and entered the house. “I was thinking about you all day. Thinking about the present I was going to give you.” She giggled. “So, where are you?”

“Oh, you know where I am.”

Scarlett put her hands on her hips. “Well, you are not in the kitchen.”

“Follow your nose.”

Scarlett laughed as she made her way into the hallway. “You know I don’t like this game, Cathrine.” She looked at the pictures on the wall as she made her way through the corridor. “Now, why don’t you come out and make things easier on yourself.”

“Oh. Is that how it is?”

She entered the living room. “Yes. That is how it is.” Scarlett narrowed her green eyes. “Do you really want to spend our anniversary hiding from me? I spent a long day at work, and I came all this way just to see you.” She smiled, thinking about what she would do to her girlfriend. “Now, why don’t you come out where I can see you.” She crept up to the door. “I promise I won’t bite.” Scarlett jumped at the doorway, but there was no one there.”

“But biting is fun.”

“Fine, I will bite then. But you have to come out first.”

“I said you have to find me.”

Scarlett began to creep up the stairs to the second floor of the house. “Well, I am stumped. You are just too hard to find. I guess I will just have to give up.” She slowly clutched her hand around the bedroom doorknob. “Oh well.”

Thrusting it open, she jumped into the room, immediately spotting Cathrine. Before her girlfriend could react, Scarlett knocked her to the bed and pinned her. “Ahh, I got you.”


“Oh no, you don’t. I know what you are up to!”

“Oh, do you now?”

Scarlett giggled. “You want to use some kind of spell on me.”

“And you don’t.”

Scarlett laughed. “How can you even think of such a thing?” She smirked as she tried to remember the spell in her mind. “I would never do such a thing.”

“Uh-huh. Then why won’t you let me get up?”

Scarlett pushed her beloved down on the bed, kissing her against the velvet sheets. “Because I just want to show you how much I love and adore you. That is all. Now, just hold still.” She took a deep breath. “I just need a moment.”

“Oh ya. Now you need to. . .”

“Your breasts need. . .”

“. . . inflate and become. .”

“. . .harden for me and. . .”

“. . . become my. . .”

“. . . my loveable. . .”

They both went flying as magic flared. Scarlett rubbed her chin as she felt a strange warmth run through her body. “Ugh. What did you just do?”

“Me?” Cathrine blinked her eyes. “I wasn’t the only one using a spell there.” She jumped to her feet. “Now tell me what you did!”

Scarlett turned her head with a giant smirk on her face. “Nope! I think it’s better if you wait and see as the spell takes effect.”

“But. . .” Cathrine’s face turned red. “That isn’t how this is supposed to work. I was supposed to surprise you. Not the other way around.” She slammed her foot on the ground. “Now, how are we supposed to have fun if we are both going to blow up!”

“Who said anything about blowing up?” She giggled. “I had a surprise, and I was going to do something interesting. Why, what did you do to me?”

“Umm. . .” Cathrine rubbed the back of her head. “Nothing.”

Scarlett’s belly suddenly rumbled. “Umm, that doesn’t sound like nothing.” She blinked her eyes as her skin began to turn pink. “Wait, you didn’t. . .”

Cathrine giggled. “Yes, I did. You are going to be my bubble gum girl today.”

Scarlett laughed, her cheeks turning bright pink. “Oh my god.” She tossed her clothing off in delight. “You know me so well, don’t you.” She slowly walked over to Cathrine as she gradually became more and more sticky. “Well, okay. I will become your bubble gum girl.

I will blow up for you. On one condition.”

“What is that?”

She pulled Cathrine close, her hands sticking against her girlfriend’s body. “I get to drive you.”


Scarlett giggled. “Well, I am turning you into a generously inflated car. I want to press my sticky body. . .” She rubbed her pink torso against Cathrine. “All over you.”

Cathrine moaned as the spell took hold of her body. “Of course, you would want me to be a big car for you.” Her breasts stretched out her shirt. “You always wanted to be inside me.” She moaned as Scarlett rubbed her hands along her body. “Ohh god!” Suddenly her boobs burst through her shirt. “We better take this outside. I don’t want to ruin the bedroom.”

“Oh, we can clean up afterwords. We always do.”

Cathrine fell to the ground, moaning as her body throbbed. “But what if we break the bed? I will need a lot of space.” She took a deep breath, her pants already starting to stretch outward. “And I know I want that space. Oh fuck. . .”

Scarlett rubbed her sticky hand along Cathrine’s back.

“Okay, hun. We can head on down to the backyard. How does that sound to you?” Cathrine revved her body. “I thought so.” She giggled. “Now, let’s go before you get too big to handle.” Gurrgle. “Oh my. You know you better hurry up and transform before I start swelling.

I want to blow up inside of you.”

They made their way out of the bedroom, Cathrine’s body vibrating as her body struggled to contain the swelling car inside of her. Her breasts continued their growth, stretching out her shirt more and more as her ass created rips and tears in her pants. “Oh. I loved these pants.”

“I will get you new ones.”

“Well, you better.” She moaned as they walked down the stairs, the steps creaking under Cathrine’s weight. “But I guess it’s a good thing. You would have just gotten them all sticky anyways.”

Scarlett giggled. “That I would have. I am a growing bubble gum girl.”

When they reached the ground floor, Cathrine’s pants burst apart, the button on her jeans shooting clear into the living room. “Oh fuck!” A tailpipe slid out of her ass. “I. . . I don’t know how long I can hold this in Scarlet.”

“The door is right there.”

Her breasts suddenly grew an entire cup size. “But I. . .”

Taking the initiative, Scarlett rushed behind Cathrine and pressed against her back. “You are going to get out there; you hear me.” She realized her body was sticking against her girlfriend, but she didn’t care. “Even if I have to roll you out there myself.” Cathrine moaned as they inched towards the door, her hands morphing into wheels. “Just a little further.” Cathrine’s ass swelled into Scarlett’s. “We are at the door!”

Cathrine lunged through the sliding glass door, landing on her wheels. “Ugh.”

Her clothing ripped apart as her body continued its metamorphosis. Her back expanded to become the roof of her new car form as her breasts filled out the interior of the frame. Her ass quickly grew, forming the trunk, and her chest became her vehicle’s bottom. Scarlett smiled as she watched her baby transform, rubbing her sticky hand along Cathrine. “You look wonderful, honey.” She smiled as her head slowly morphed into a sleek hood. “I can’t wait to crawl inside of you.”

When the transformation finally came to an end, Scarlett smiled, opening the door to her beloved and slipping inside. She made sure to rub her round sticky ass long the seats and pressed her breasts against the steering wheel, especially after seeing how round the wheel was. “Well, now.” Her body began to bubble. “I think the fun is about to start. Don’t you?”

Unable to hold her own inflation back anymore, she began to inflate, her ass pressing into the seat as her boobs and belly swelled into the dashboard. Her body bubbled as she felt herself fill up. She closed the door to make sure her gooey goodness stayed inside, rubbing against the interior of her beloved. More and more, she swelled, overtaking every inch of her girlfriend. Parts of her gooey, stretchy frame even inched into the air conditioning. Scarlet moaned as she swelled, her breasts pressing tightly against the air conditioner. “Oh god!” Her nipples rubbed back and forth as her ass was forced into the back seat.

“Oh, Cathrine, I love you so much. So. . . so fucking much.”

Scarlet blinked her eyes, realizing that she couldn’t move.

“Umm. . .” She gulped, her big bubble gum body so full and bloated that she had nowhere to go. “What are we supposed to do now?” She knew that there would be no response from Cathrine as her sticky body was covering her girlfriend’s radio. “Crap.” She blinked her eyes, realizing that her sticky body was also gunking up Cathrine’s steering, so they were really stuck. Even if she could get herself started, they couldn’t get far. “Oh god. We are stuck together.” She moaned. “Stuck together in a lovely embrace.” She tried to lick her partner, but there was just too much bubble gum mass.”


Scarlett blinked her eyes. “Olivia? Oh crap, I forgot she was coming over to wish us a happy anniversary. Fuck.”

“Hey, where are you two?” She walked about in the living room. “Just what happened in here?”

Scarlett attempted to clear her throat but only managed to make her body bubble. The action caused Cathrine to rev her engine. “Olivia! Out here. Olivia! Let me out! Hey! HEY!”

Olivia eventually turned her head and gasped. “Oh my god!” She rolled her amber eyes. “Not again.” She put her hands on her hips and walked outside. “Don’t tell me one of you two is the car?” She tried to open the door, but it was stuck tight. “Oh my god.”

Scarlett laughed. “I can explain.”

“I am sure you can.” She put her foot on the side of the car. “God, this is stuck tight. Are you sure it isn’t locked?”

“Well, I am—”

The door suddenly shot open, sending Olivia flying across the backyard. “Ouff.”

She rubbed her head and snorted as she watched bubble gum drip from the car door. “I have no idea how I am going to get you out of there.”

“It is simple. Just pop me.”


“I am a bubble gum girl. It is how it works. You pop the excess gum so I can go back to normal.”

Olivia shook her head. “That isn’t how it works. You are crazy.”

“Look, the time you are spending arguing is time you could spend getting me unstuck. Chop chop.”

Olivia turned around and snorted. “Sometimes I think you two call me over just to get you out of these hijinks. Part of me feels I should leave you to your sticky mess.” She sighed. “Give me a minute, and I will find something to pop you, Scarlett.”

“Thank you.” She gulped as she felt her body bubble. “And hurry.

I might inflate even more.” About three minutes later, Olivia returned with what appeared to be an ordinary pipe. “What is that?”

“Huh? You wanted me to get something to pop you with. I found something.”

“But. . .” Scarlett gulped. “I wanted something soft. That looks rough and jagged.”

“Look, I am not here to be a part of your little game. You want something done, and I am going to do it. Now get ready.”

“But. . .”

Olivia pressed the pipe against her gooey skin.

“Here we go.”

Scarlett moaned as the pipe pressed more and more against her body. “But what if I was wrong. Maybe you should go and look for something else. Olivia.” Her body bubbled. “Wait!”


Olivia was sent flying, her body striking the side of the house as Scarlett’s bubble gum body popped. After a few moments, Scarlett blinked her eyes and looked around.

“That worked.” She smiled, rubbing the side of her face. “That really worked.” She laughed as she looked at all of the gum covering the interior of the car and the lawn. “Oh my god.

What a mess.” She looked over at Olivia, who was covered head to toe in purple gum. “Hey, are you alright?”

Olivia tried to wipe herself off but could barely move. “Get this stuff off me.”

Scarlett laughed as she tried to jump out of the car but found herself stuck. “Ugh.”

She laughed. “Looks like neither of us are going anywhere anytime soon.”

Olivia narrowed her eyes. “You are going to pay for this. Both of you.”

Scarlett laughed. “You know you love this.” She rubbed her hand along Cathrine’s dashboard. “You know I just realized we never got that pie you were baking. But it doesn’t matter. Love you, honey. Happy anniversary.”


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