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Fruity Enhancement.

Luna opened her locker, wiping the sweat from her face. “Ugh, Emily is insane. Just because the girls from Hallenscraft are rated the best cheer team in the state, she is working us to the bone before our teams face off. I can’t take it.” She sighed. “All for what? To feed her obsession of becoming the best cheer squad in the state? I swear if we have to do another drill today, I will. . .”

Luna blinked her green eyes as she spotted something unusual behind her bottled water. “What is this?” She pushed the water to the side, her curiosity taking hold despite her exhaustion and thirst. “How did a package get into my locker?” She looked around, suddenly a bit concerned. “This is a bit creepy. Who the hell was able to get in here?” She gulped and looked down at the package. “I do wonder what it is, though.”

Luna tore open the package to find seven small vials and a note. “Hmm.”

She picked up the note and set the package on the bench.

“Dear reader. I understand that you and your teammates are struggling to become the best cheer squad you can be.” Luna arched an eyebrow. “And I am sure you don’t want to run any more exhausting drills either. So, the good folks at Red’s.” The next word was scratched out. “Emporium want to help. There is one vial for you and your teammates. They will help give you energy and stand out. Don’t worry about a thing. They are free of charge. We just want to help as we think the good people at Galensburg should be the best team in the world. May good tidings come to you.”

Luna set the note down and picked up one of the vials, examining the blue swirling liquid within it. “Hmm. This is a bit odd. But what if it could stop Emily from making us do all of these insane drills?” She sighed. “I guess it’s worth a try. But how would I get the others to drink these?” Luna looked at the water bottle in her locker, an idea sparking to mind.


An hour later, after another grueling workout, Luna snorted as she set her water on the bench, sweat dripping from her forehead. “Good for nothing vials. I spiked everyone’s water and nothing. The workout has been just as intense, if not more.” She looked at Sophia, who was about to collapse. “And what was this about giving us energy? A bunch of bull crap if you ask me.”

“What are you all doing sitting around? We have to keep going! Keep practicing!” Emily slammed her foot on the ground. “We can’t stop now!”

Chole sighed as she wrung out her long red hair. “You are kidding, right? I am tapped out.”

Avery nodded her head, rubbing her swollen dark heels. “Ya. I am running on fumes, and my sister isn’t doing much better.” She pointed at Layla. “Enough is enough, Emily.”

Emily’s face darkened with rage. “You can’t quit. You do realize we are going against the top cheer squad in the next few days. I won’t have us be shown up.”

Avery snorted. “So what? We are just cheerleaders for the football team. You are taking this too seriously.”

Emily dashed forward so she was standing a few inches from Avery’s face, her amber eyes staring into Avery’s soul. “Yes. We are cheerleaders. We are the people who inspire those brave souls on the football field to do their job. And if the girls on the other team do better than us, then our team will lose. Do you want that? Huh? Huh!? Answer me!”

The last girl on the squad, Ivy, jumped out and stood between the two girls. “Now come on. There is no point for us to fight each other. Save that kind of energy for the game on Friday.”

Emily snorted as she took a few steps back. “Fine. Fine.

But I still want us to go again. We have another fifteen minutes.”

Luna pointed at Sophine. “Can’t you see we are all exhausted? That you are. . .” Luna blinked her eyes in surprise as Sophine suddenly jumped up and bounced around on her heels. “What the hell?”

Sophine licked her lips. “I don’t know where it came from, but I suddenly have a second wind. Let’s do this.” She ran around the gym. “Whooo!” Luna raised an eyebrow before Chloe jumped up and then Avery. Suddenly, everyone was bouncing around, including her.

Emily smiled. “See, I told you all we could keep going.” She blinked her eyes. “Whoh.

Talk about energy.” She giggled. “This is intense.”

Luna nodded her head. “Ya, I have never felt anything like this. I think those strange vials must finally be kicking in. It is making my entire body tingle.”

Ivy gasped and pointed at Luna. “Oh my god. I think your breasts just swelled.”

Luna raised her eyebrow. “What?”

“I am serious Luna. They are bigger than before. They are even bouncing.”

All eyes fell upon Luna, causing her to cover her chest.

“Hey.” Her face went red. “What has gotten into you all? Why are you suddenly so interested in my breast size?”

Emily laughed. “Well, I mean, if your boobs magically swelled, I want to know.”

Luna snorted. “Such things are not possible.” She arched an eyebrow as she felt them squish against her arms. “That is strange. They never did that before. Maybe I should check.” Luna pulled her arms away and gasped. “Holy crap. I went up two cup sizes!”

All the other girls laughed. “Well, you certainly are going to stand out on the field,” said Layla.

“What? I don’t know how I feel about this. I mean, boobs don’t just grow.”

Emily smiled and put her arm around Luna. “Count it as a blessing.”


“I mean, now, when you cheer, you will get more attention on the field.”

Luna snorted. “You can’t be that shallow.”

“Hey, I just want every advantage I can get. I am looking for us to win, remember?” She bopped Luna on the nose. “And I will make that happen at any cost.”

Luna sighed. “Right. Look, Emily, do you think we can cut down on practice a bit. I mean we. . .” Her eyes widened as she felt her shorts tighten around her butt. “Ughhh. . .”

Sophine pointed at Luna. “I can see her ass swelling.”

Avery giggled. “We are going to have to get her a new outfit.”

Luna slammed her foot onto the ground. “This isn’t funny. Why is this only happening to me? I spiked everyone’s drinks!”

Everyone went silent as they looked at Luna with stunned faces. “You did what?” Sophine demanded.

Luna shrugged. “Hey, I just wanted these painful drills to end. The message on the package said it would just give us energy.” She narrowed her eyes. “And make sure we would win our game and not have to put up with these silly drills, I guess.” She sighed. “Look, I don’t know why I am the only one that is being affected by this, but you should be happy, right?” Her eyes widened as she watched Sophine’s breasts swell, filling out her uniform. “Uh oh.”

Sophine gasped. “Oh my god!” She grabbed her boobs. “I can’t have E-cup boobs. Everyone in my dorm is going to make fun of how they jiggle.” She moaned as her boobs bounced around. “Oh god, how do they jiggle.”

As more of the girl’s breasts began to expand, Emily laughed. “Hey, I think we should all take a moment to thank Luna.”

Avery’s dark face flared with rage as she covered her chest, her nipples pressing against her arms. “Thank her? I have two melons on my chest because of her.” She moaned. “Two sensitive melons. Fuck.”

Emily giggled. “But doing our job is going to be much easier now.” She bounced around, letting her enlarged boobs jiggle about. “We get free breast and ass touch up, ladies. It is like a hidden weapon, all thanks to Luna.” She winked in Luna’s direction. “We are about to show the bitches in Hallenscraft that we will do anything to win. In fact, thanks to Luna’s generous gift, I am calling practice off early.”

Clohe gasped. “Really? We can go home?”

Emily nodded her head. “Yup. And this is the last practice day before the big day on Friday.” She winked. “So, rest up and get ready to show our lads the support they need to win, win, win!” She jumped about, her breasts bouncing against one another. “Let’s go, team!”


Later that evening, Luna stood in her dorm room, examining herself. “Strange.

I would have never thought that strange little vial would have caused me to get such a great figure.” She rubbed her ass. “And I have energy for days to boot.” She giggled. “I mean, it wasn’t exactly the intended outcome, but I do enjoy it.” She gently cupped her breasts and jiggled them about. “I mean, look at me. I look so cute.”

Luna blinked her eyes. “Huh? What was that?” She jiggled her boobs about, feeling a strange liquid slosh about inside. “What in the world?” She took a deep breath and rubbed her breasts. “I don’t get how there can be fluid in my breasts. Maybe I should see a doctor.” She rubbed her nose. “Also, why do I smell blueberries? I haven’t had any kind of blueberries in at least a year.” She sighed. “I think the stress of today is catching up to me.” She slid her shorts to the ground. “I should get some rest. I have a few days to myself until Friday. I am going to live it up.”


The next few days passed in a very routine way. Luna spent time visiting Sophine and Chloe in between her part-time job. Her boss Mark had questions about her new breast implants, but Luna didn’t really have any answers. She didn’t think he would believe her that she took a strange potion, and it caused her boobs to grow. As the days passed, the stench of blueberries slowly increased, and her boobs slowly felt fuller. Talking to Sophine and Chloe, they told her they had similar experiences, though Chole told Luna her house reeked of cherries.

Then, the sunlight poured through Luna’s window on Friday morning, giving her an early wake-up call. “Ughh.” She rubbed her eyes as she slowly sat up, her blanket falling to the side. “Well, today is the big day.” She yawned. “Man, my dream last night was crazy. I felt as if I was swimming in a sea of blueberry juice.” She rolled her shoulders. “It was the strangest dream I have had in a long time. What the hell?”

Luna ran her hands along her sheets. “Why are they wet?” She jumped to her feet. “I didn’t. . .” She gulped, blue juice dripping from her nipples. “What the hell happened last night?” She looked down at her breasts. “What is this stuff?” She squeezed some of the blue liquid from her nipples. “It is starting to make my breasts blue.” She gulped. “I umm. . .”

She turned her head as the phone rang. “Huh?” She walked over to the dresser. “Who would be calling me at this time of day?” She picked up the phone. “Hello?”

Sophine’s voice came over the phone. “Luna, what the hell did you do to me! My breasts are bright blue.” Luna blinked her eyes. “Whatever you gave us is clearly having adverse effects on our bodies. I want you to tell me how to stop this now! For god’s sake, before anything else happens!”

Luna gulped. “I don’t know. This was just supposed to give us energy.” She looked down at the blue spots on her ass. “This wasn’t in the packaging, I swear.”

“You are lucky our outfits cover up this mess. Well mostly. But after tonight, I am going to make you figure out how to reverse this or else. You hear me?


“I umm. . . I will get on that as soon as possible.” She shivered as she hung up. “What the hell am I going to do? I have no idea why this stuff is happening.” She scratched at her nose. “Ugh, that smell of blueberries is getting worse. I can’t think when all I can smell is blueberries. Maybe I should go and take a shower.”

Luna threw her nightshirt on the floor and turned on the shower. “This is going to feel nice.” She waited until the water was nice and warm before jumping in pulling the glass door behind her.

She stretched her shoulders as the hot water poured down on her body. “Ahh, this feels so nice.” She turned to face the showerhead. “Ahhhh. I could spend the entire day in here.

Avoiding answering questions on why I and the others are turning blue. Not having to show my blue breasts off to people.” She looked at her butt. “And ass if this spreads.”

Gurrggle.  Luna blinked her eyes. “What was that?” She rubbed her belly. “My stomach vibrated like a hot tub.” She looked down. “I feel funny.” Gurrggle. “Ugh, what is happening to me.” She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. “Whatever it is, I hope it waits until after the game. Emily will kill me if we don’t deliver tonight.” She sighed. “This is going to be one long night, isn’t it.”

She quickly dried herself and walked out into the bedroom. “Strange.

My breasts don’t feel like they have liquid sloshing around anymore.” She rubbed her boobs. “But they feel very fucking full now.” She sighed. “This is a weird day.” She started to get dressed, first by putting her bra on. “Ugh, this thing is tight, tighter than it was yesterday.” Luna shook her head. “I do hope my cheerleading outfit covers these blue breasts of mine.”

She then pulled out her gold cheerleading outfit and set it on the bed as her wet hair dripped on the carpet. “Fuck. My bra.” She gasped as it turned bright blue. “I just put this thing on.” She moaned as more liquid poured out of her breasts. “Ugh, it reeks of blueberries. What the hell is it?”

Curiosity getting the best of her, Luna took her finger and rubbed it in the strange fluid before raising it to her mouth. “It tastes like blueberries.” Her eyes widened. “Why is blueberry juice coming out of my nipples.” Gurrgle.  She held her hand over her stomach. “Ughh, what is happening to me?” She sat on the bed as she, her stomach in knots. “I feel so weird. Like I have so much energy inside of me, but at the same time, I feel so full.” She moaned. “And my breasts are starting to get very sensitive as well. . . ughhh. . .”

Not wanting to waste any more time, she had some breakfast. As she munched on her waffles, she couldn’t help but taste blueberries in the back of her mouth. “Am I coming down with something? No, I can’t be. There is nothing that I know of that would cause me to taste and smell blueberries like this. I just don’t get it.” She sighed as she tossed her disposable plate in the trash. “Then what is going on? Maybe I shouldn’t go to the game today. But if I don’t, I won’t hear the end of it from Emily. Maybe when I get there, I can talk her into getting the team to take a break or something, as Sophine seems to be having issues as well. Ya, I think I will do that.”


Luna tried her best to avoid others while in class. Her body started to reek of blueberries, and she didn’t want others to notice. Not to mention, her breasts were to the point that they were almost bulging out of her shirt. She was on the verge of a g cup, and her outfits did not like it. Her boobs were causing rips in her blouse as she walked through the halls. “I thought they would stop swelling. This is insane.” Her ass wasn’t doing much better. She was having a hard time keeping her pants up. Luna was worried about how well her cheerleading outfit was going to fit.

Still, despite her best efforts, people did notice her. She had to answer awkward questions about why her body was constantly increasing in size. Was she doing this to impress people? Why was the cheerleading squad all getting boob and ass jobs? It was becoming embarrassing. Not to mention all of the horny men hitting on her. Even though she made a conscious effort to sit in the back of the class, all the men seemed to flock to her, ignoring the professor. Even the overwhelming stench of blueberries didn’t drive them away.

Luan was almost thankful when it came time for the game. She arrived at the locker room, letting out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god. I can’t take another minute with everyone gawking over me.” She raised her head as the other girls on the squad walked up to her.

“Oh, hi, everyone.”

Avery snorted. “What did you do to us?”


“Luna, our bodies won’t stop swelling!”

Chloe nodded her head. “Ya. And we all are getting weird fruity issues.” She scratched at her breasts, which were abnormally large. “Red liquid was dripping out of my boobs this morning.”

Sophine nodded her head. “Quite a few of us had what seemed like blueberry juice as well. Something seems very off. You better tell us just what is going on!”

Luna shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Emily hummed as she walked in. “Hi everyone.” She blinked her eyes. “What is going on? Why do you all look upset?”

Ivy turned to look at Emily. “We think the stuff Luna gave us is causing some weird fruity reactions.”

Emily laughed. “What? Just because our breasts and asses have been swelling? I think you all are going a bit nuts.” Her tone changed. “Now get into your outfits and get out onto that field. Do you hear me!”

Luna gulped. “But—”

“No buts! This is the most important game of our college careers. I won’t have it ruined because you all are worried about some strange body growth. Now get ready.” She turned around. “Anyways, you should thank Luna. She made you all have such great figures. Remember?” She laughed as she walked away.”

Luna sighed as she grabbed her outfit. “Why do I have the feeling this is going to be a game to remember?” She began to undress, her pants sliding down her body. She then slid her blouse off and let out a sigh of relief as her boobs bounced against one another. “It is so nice to let my babies breathe.” She danced back and forth, letting her boobs bounce around. “This does feel nice.” She blinked her eyes as more blue liquid oozed out of her nipples.  Gurrgle. “Ugh, the pressure is really starting to increase.”

Luna moaned as she slipped her cheerleading outfit on. “Ugh, so fucking tight.” She wobbled towards the door. “So full. Why do I feel so full?” She rubbed her belly. “I just need to get through this game. It won’t take that long.” Luna walked outside, her boobs slowly bouncing against one another. As the massive lights hit her eyes, she didn’t notice her nose starting to turn blue. “Ok, I can do this.” She raised her pom poms.”

With her teammates, she began to cheer. Her face slowly turned blue as she bounced up and down, and her breasts bounced all around. “Ugh, it is really hard to do this with these massive boobs.” Gurrgle. “Ughhh fuck! My belly is getting tight.” Her cheeks turned bright blue as she noticed everyone was looking at her. “I am guessing they are looking at my enlarged boobs. Well, I am putting on a show. A juicy show.”

Luna blinked her eyes. She had no idea where that thought came from. But before she could think about it, she realized her boobs were slowly becoming heavier. “No, I can’t think about that. I need to focus on my routine. I need to. . .” She moaned, her entire body becoming tight. “I feel so juicy. . .” She noticed her arms were blue as they flew past her face. “What in the living hell?”

She took a moment to stop and examine herself. “What the hell? I am blue!” She looked down, noticing her breasts were massive. “What is happening to me?” She looked at her teammates and gasped as a similar situation happened to them. “Oh my god.” Luna stepped back, moaning as her outfit pressed tightly against her body. “Fuck!


The crowd and football team stopped to look at the cheerleaders as they slowly took on their fruity appearance. “They are all staring!” She moaned as her cheerleading outfit struggled to cover her swelling blue breasts. “No, they are just blue. They are blueberries. I am turning into a juicy blueberry.” She moaned. “No wonder I have been smelling blueberries.” Her pants suddenly slipped in between her butt cheeks. “Fuck!” She turned her head and gasped at how big her hips had become.

Emily suddenly waddled forward, her hands on her massive blue hips. “Everyone gaze upon us. We are the first ever blueberry and cherry cheerleading team.” She thrust her body about, her boobs bouncing against her round belly. “We are the best cheer team in the world.”

Luna wanted to protest, but she agreed. “Yes!” She began to thrust her own body as her belly and hips swelled. “We are blueberries. So very juice blueberries.” She widened her stance as her ass bounced and jigged about. “There is no cheer team like us.” She smiled as blueberry juice dripped from her nipples. Fruity thoughts were invading her mind. But she didn’t care. She was enjoying every minute. She could tell the others were as they all jiggled about. The berry side of life was infectious.

Then her top burst off, her massive boobs causing her to sway back and forth. Luna giggled, the juice inside of her bubbling. It was getting hard for her to move as she continued to swell. “Oh my god. Maybe someone will have to roll me. Or even juice me. Oh, what a thought.” She laughed. “Wait, do I really want to be a blueberry?” She tried to widen her stance again, but her legs gave out instead, and she plopped down in place. “Maybe I do.” She rubbed her body in plain view of everyone, overcome by her juiciness. “I love this. I love this!”

A voice came over the loudspeaker. “Due to unforeseen issues, the game has been postponed until we can roll these giant fruits from the field.”

Luna giggled. “Oh my.” Multiple young men walked up to her. “Well, hello there.” She moaned as they pressed their hands against her body. “Just where are you taking me?”

A young lad that she knew by the name of Josh blushed. “We got a letter this morning. If any giant blueberry women appeared, we were to take them to Red’s Blueberry Emporium.”

Luna moaned. “Sounds fun!”


Late in the night, Luna found herself in the Blueberry Emporium. It was nothing short of paradise. Men and women were there to pleasure her at every turn. Blueberry women worked the place. And she even was slated to be juiced. She was assured that the process was to be one of the most pleasurable experiences in her life. She couldn’t wait. Luna didn’t know what happened to her teammates, but at this point, she didn’t care. She was a blueberry, and she intended to stay this way. She found her paradise, and the only cost was giving up her juice occasionally to the owner. “Such a small price to pay. I love being a blueberry.”


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