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Expansion School p2

Jennifer rubbed at her nose. “You can’t be serious. My nose can’t be blue.”

Alise nodded her head. “It is as blue as the sky.”

Jennifer snorted. “Ya right. I think you are crazy.” She looked down at her teacher, who was still nothing more than a tiny lady bouncing on gigantic breasts. “Looks like you don’t know anything about your own craft.” She laughed as her face turned blue. “Odd. And I thought we would be the ones to come here to learn how to alter the sizes of our bodies. But instead, it seems you were the one who got a lesson, huh?” She snicked, not realizing that more and more of her body slowly changed in color. “Maybe we should take over this class full-time, right ladies?”

Martha gulped. “Umm. . .”

Jennifer sighed as she twirled her blue strands of hair. “Spit it out. I swear it isn’t about my nose still.” The other two ladies shook their heads. “Then pray, tell me what it is about.”  Gurrgle.  Jennifer blinked her eyes, her stomach sending massive tremors throughout her body. She looked down, finally noticing the blue coloration of her arms and legs. “What is happening?”

Gloria giggled. “Why you are going to get a first-hand experience in expansion, hun.

You did want to learn, didn’t you?”

Jennifer began to sweat, not exactly sure what the tiny little teacher meant. “Look, all you did was turn me blue. I did a better job. I mean, I shrank you and made your breasts and ass big. This is a joke.”  Gurrgle. She took a deep breath. She could feel her belly starting to feel full, her sides tightening. Jennifer gulped as her nipples slowly extended outward, and her pants tightened against her butt. She could feel her body slowly swelling. No filling up. Something inside of her was filling up.

The other two girls backed away, gasping as Jennifer’s boobs squeezed against her blouse and her ass against her jeans. “What did you do to her, Gloria?”

Gloria giggled. “Why don’t you girls like blueberries? I really enjoy my bratty students becoming blueberries. Speaking of. . .” Gloria took a deep breath as she looked at the other two girls. “Don’t think I forgot about you two.”

Martha gasped. “No.” She shook her head. “No, no, no!”

“One young lady came to learn but instead decided to laugh. She thinks big breasts are funny, so she shall see how big they can get. The other brat shall become fruity like her friend. But instead of being blue, she shall turn green, her ass swelling out of control like a pear.” Gloria smiled. “May you three have fun.”

The two young ladies looked at each other. “What did she mean by that?”

Alise shrugged. “I don’t know. But you are the one who will have her breasts swell widely out of control.”

Martha shook her head. “Me? What are you talking about?”

Alsie snorted. “Of course, something like that would have to happen to you. A timid thing like you. It is only appropriate.”

Martha snorted. “I don’t see how those two correlate. And I am not timid.”

Jennifer waved her hands. “Can I have some help?”  Shrippp.  She gulped as her swelling hips stretched out her pants. “This is getting serious here.”

Martha and Alise looked at Jennifer, realizing what was about to happen to them. “Screw it. I am out!” Martha rushed for the door. “I don’t think I want to take this class anymore.”

“You can’t just run out and expect the spell won’t affect you!”

“Watch me!” She flung the door open and rushed into the hallway, not noticing her breasts had gone up a cup size.

As Alise watched Jennifer, she scratched at her ass, her skin slowly turning green. “This is insane.”

Gloria could only laugh. “You girls are getting what you deserve!”

Jennifer snorted. “We were only having fun! This isn’t fair.”  Blort!

She gasped as a button snapped off her blouse. “Please. I am sorry. Make it stop! My boobs are so full.” Another button snapped off her blouse. “They keep rubbing against my blouse. It is hard to keep the blueberry juice in them.” She moaned. “Oh, so fucking hard.” Her blouse suddenly became wet. “Fuck! Fuck!”

Gloria laughed. “Well, it seems you are learning that expansion magic can be a bit juicy.” She waved her finger. “Now, to undo what you girls did to me.” She slowly began to increase in size. “I want to enjoy this.”

Alise gulped as she squeezed her ass. “I can feel my slacks tightening.” She turned and looked at Gloria as she slowly grew, returning to her original size. “Look, I have to pay for this outfit. Please. . .” She moaned as her pants tightened around her swelling ass. “Ugh fuck.”

Gloria crossed her arms against her squishy boobs.

“Sorry. You should have thought about that before you thought it was funny to torment your teacher.” She giggled. “I do look forward to having some cute fruit in class today, though.” She looked over at Jennifer as her pants snapped apart, juice leaking out of her pussy. “I mean, look at that cute blueberry.” She giggled as another button snapped off of Jennifer’s blouse. “All of that juice flowing inside, stretching out her boobs.”

Jennifer moaned. “Please. . . don’t remind me.” She tried her best not to think about her sensitive breasts as her blouse squeezed them like a vice. Blueberry juice dripped from her nipples. “I feel so full. . .” She wobbled around on her unsteady feet, her shoes becoming tighter by the second. “How much juice is going to. . . How big am I. . .” She moaned, her hips pushing a nearby desk backward. “I feel so juicy. It is so hard to contain. Please. . . oh fuck! Oh fuck!”

Blue sweat dripped down her neck. She had the growing urge that she needed to let this juice out, but how? How was she supposed to do that? She moaned as her blouse began to give way, the threads slowly ripping apart as her belly and breasts rubbed against one another. “Ohhh yes. . . fuck. . .”

Jennifer wobbled about, her outfit struggling to contain her swelling body until it finally gave way. In a shower of buttons, her blouse exploded, her massive blueberry boobs bouncing against each other before resting on her blimp of a belly. Steaks of juice ran down her body as she moaned. “I feel so. . .”

Gloria giggled as she walked over and put her hand on Jennifer’s shoulder. “You still have quite a way to swell, my young friend.”


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