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Halloween Honking.

Ding dong.  Jessel rubbed her eyes as she slowly walked to the door. “One second.” She yawned. “I will be right there.” Ding, dong. “I said I will be right there.” Jessel thrust open her apartment door. “Hello?”

A young man in a UPS outfit tipped his hat. “Good morning.” He arched an eyebrow as he noticed a lack of pants. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

She used the towel to cover her breasts. “I am about to jump in the shower. I just got up.”

“Well, this won’t take but a moment. Sorry I am running early, but well, it’s the last day before my vacation. I well. . .”

Jessel smiled. “I understand.”

He handed her a package. “Here you are.”

“Is this what I think it is?”


She sighed. “Oh, sorry. I am going to a costume thing later this week. This should be my outfit. I was dying with anticipation for it to arrive. I can’t wait.”

“Oh, really. Well, I hope your Halloween thing will be fun then.” He handed her another package. “You also have this.”

“I do?” Jessel scratched at her head. “I wasn’t expecting anything else.”

“Well, it is addressed to you.” He tipped his hat. “I do hope you have a good rest of your day.” He smiled as he backed into the hallway. “Now, if you excuse me, I am going to try and earn my vacation.”

“Ok. Have a nice day.” She sighed as she looked at the strange package. “Who the hell sent this to me? There isn’t a return address on this thing. Huh. Well, I guess I should cut this thing open and check it out.” She set the package down and let her towel drop to the floor as she made her way into the next room. Now that she was alone, she didn’t need to cover herself. “Now, where is that stupid knife?” She scratched at her head. “I swore I left it in here. Ah, here it is.”

Jessel pulled the box cutter from the drawer and returned to the other room. “Ok, let’s see here.” She held the box in place as she slit the package open. “Hmm.” She narrowed her hazel eyes. “A key? Seriously?” She put her hands on her hips. “Who the hell would just send me a key? Like seriously, what does this thing even go to? Oww!” She recoiled after the key shocked her. “Stupid little thing.” She shook her hand. “That hurt.” She moaned as she felt a strange tingle permeate her body. “Ugh fuck. I think I should go take my shower now.

Fucking weird ass package and weird ass key.”


As the days passed, Jessel couldn’t help but feel something was off. She would wake in the morning to find oil staining her bed, and during the day, she felt an irresistible urge to take the strange key with her wherever she went. Not to mention, her body felt very warm and tingly all the time. It took almost all of her energy to avoid scratching at herself, especially her more sensitive areas. She didn’t want to answer any weird questions from her co-workers on why she was acting so odd. Jessel didn’t really understand it herself. Why was her body suddenly so sensitive? Why did she feel the need to carry that damn key around with her everywhere?

It just didn’t make sense.

But the day of the Halloween parade finally came, and Jessel rejoiced. She didn’t have to deal with going into work and could just lounge around the house all day. Which was fine by her. She was happy to have a day off, watching television as she clutched the strange key between her breasts. Oddly her boobs had gone up a cup size in the night, adding to her confusion. Something weird was happening to her, but she had no idea what it was.

But then the hour came for her to dress up. She gleefully went into her bedroom and undressed, her enlarged breasts bouncing against one another. She then slid on her nurse’s outfit. It was tight around the chest due to her strange increase in breast size, but it couldn’t be helped. It was far too late to alter the garment size. Once dressed, Jessel walked over to the mirror and examined herself. “Man, I do look cute. I am going to kill it tonight.” She slapped her ass. “They are just going to eat me up.”

She giggled. “Time to head out.” As she walked to the door, her eyes fell upon the strange key sitting on her nightstand. “No! I am not taking it. Not tonight.”

She tried to leave, but her feet stayed rooted in place. “I. . . why the fuck can’t I. . .” She started to sweat, panic building up in her. “I shouldn’t bring that key. It is a costume event, and I won’t have anywhere to put it. Why am I freaking out so much that I won’t have it?


Jessel gripped her hands into fists before yelling, “Fuck it all.” She grabbed the key and slid it in between her boobs. For some odd reason, it felt comfy there; the jagged edges of the key didn’t bother her at all. “There. I am taking it. Happy?” She spoke to whatever invisible force had been blocking her. “I am going now.”

Jessel walked out of her apartment and towards the elevator. “Well, now that it has passed, I can focus on having fun.” She smiled as she hit the down button. “I will not let any weird occurrences like this stop me. No sir.”

The elevator door opened, and Jessel stepped onto the elevator. She raised an eyebrow as the contraption groaned. “That is strange?” She scratched at the side of her head. “I wonder what it would do that?” She hit the button for the ground floor. “Maybe they need to look into this. I don’t want to be trapped in here.”

She tapped her feet as the elevator slowly went downward. “Hmm, is it just me, or do my breasts feel a bit full. Like really fucking full.” She moaned. “Like I need anything else strange happening tonight.” She adjusted her bra. “I just want a fun-filled Halloween night. Not any nonsense.”

Once the elevator reached the ground floor and the doors opened, Jessel made her way across the lobby and out into the chill night air. “Ahh, that feels nice.” She held her arms out wide. “Perfect weather for a costume parade.” She looked up, noticing that the sky was darkened by clouds. “Though I think the weather could be just a bit nicer. We are supposed to have a beautiful starry sky and a full moon tonight. That better not be ruined.”

Jessel walked the short distance to where the parade route started. There, she could see almost a hundred people all in costume buzzing about as many more gathered, waiting for the night’s event to start. “I am not too late.” She smiled as she walked up. “Things have yet to begin.”

“Hello there.” A young man in a jester’s outfit waved to her. “Welcome, welcome. Just find a spot, any old spot, and you can show yourself off to the town.”

Jessel nodded. “Thank you. I was here last year.” She sighed. “It is a shame the stars aren’t out yet, though.”

He laughed. “It should be clearing up here soon. Don’t worry. We are set to have the most perfect parade yet.” He danced off.

Jessel looked up at the sky. “Well, I hope so. I have been looking forward to this all year.” She narrowed her eyes. “Wait, I think. . .” She could just see the moon poking out from between the clouds. “Yes, I see the moon.”

Suddenly, the key between her breasts warmed up, almost burning her skin. “Owwwww!” She clutched her chest as her insides began to heat up. “Fuck.

Fuck.” Jessel fell to her knees, her entire body tensing up. “What is happening.” She took long, deep breaths. “I. . . I. . .”

Jessel slowly stood up, her body shaking. “Everything feels so hard. Ughh.” She rubbed her breasts, her nipples slowly pressing against her bra. “Fuck.” Sweat began to drip down her neck as her pants started to tighten. She looked down and noticed her butt was swelling. “Ughh.

This isn’t possible. It can’t be.” She squeezed her ass. “No, it is.”

Jessel looked around. “I need a place to hide. I don’t want people staring at me if I am going to be swelling up.” She moaned, the warmth inside of her growing. “Ughh.” She managed to duck behind a hot dog truck as the transformation took hold, but not before a few young lads saw her.

“Look at that!” Jessel blushed as her breasts pressed tightly against her costume, more people crowding around and pointing at her. “She is blowing up by the second.”

“No, I wouldn’t call that blowing up. Maybe expanding but not blowing up.”

“What is the difference, sherlock?”

“What? I don’t see why it matters so much.” Jessel’s breasts ripped through her clothing. “The lady is clearly suffering from a case of expansion. You are just plain wrong, sir.”

Jessel moaned. “Can you please help me instead of gawking at me?” She tried to cover her massive squishy boobs. “I . . . Something is very wrong here.” Her ass tore through her pants, leaving her naked. “This isn’t the time to stare.” She suddenly found the strength to stand up despite her enormous breasts and ass. “Do you hear me?”

The young men gasped as she made her way towards them. “How is she standing?”

Jessel narrowed her eyes. “Why won’t you do something you pervs!” She slammed one of the young men to the ground with her breasts. “Well. Well?” She winced. “Ugh my hands.” She held them up in front of her face, using her right hand to hold the other in place.

“Ughh.” Suddenly, they hardened into a circle, turning black as they grew.

Jessel cried out, “What the hell is this!” She suddenly wobbled around, unsteady on her feet. “Ahh, ahhh!” She then fell forward, landing on her hands. When she turned her head, she realized her feet had become the same wheel-like appearance. No, they weren’t wheel-like; they were actual wheels.

Jessel took long, deep breaths as she rolled back and forth on her new appendages. “This is crazy. I must be dreaming. I must be dreaming.” She moaned as her breasts swelled once again. “Ughh. Fuck.” She licked her lips. She realized she was starting to enjoy this. “Oh god.” Jessel took long deep breaths as she felt her boobs slid across the ground. “Why does this feel so good?”

“Hey lady, I don’t think they let vehicles on the parade route” Jessel looked up. “If you are turning into a car or something, you should leave.” The boys who had been taunting her before laughed. She felt a primal urge building inside of her to run them over.

“Ya. So why don’t you just roll yourself towards the nearest parking lot.” He held his hand over his chest. “I don’t care how big your ass and breasts get. If you are becoming a car, you can’t participate in the parade.”

Her body vibrated, almost as if she was revving an engine. “That isn’t funny.” She moaned ass, her ass ballooned outward, swelling out beyond her rear wheels. “Ughhh.” Sweat dripped down her neck as she felt her body slowly harden. “I am. . . not becoming a car!” Despite her saying the words, she knew they were false. She could feel her body changing by the second. She could feel herself wanting the change. Enjoying it. As Jessel’s ass slid across her sleek body, it caused her great pleasure. Her breasts slid out, scratching across the ground as they formed the bottom of her car form, pushing her upward. Her back was swelling to form the roof of her vehicle. Every moment was pure bliss. She could even see the boys who had been making fun of her start to become a bit worried.

“Well, umm, you should. . .” They scratched at their heads, unsure of what to do as the lady before them turned more and more into an exotic pink sports car, her breasts filling out more of her vehicle’s interior. The top of her massive boobs transformed into chairs, the steering wheel and more.

“I umm. . .”

One of the young men gulped. “You know, I always thought you would make a lovely car. That is a beautiful shade of pink you have miss. I mean, I think anyone would enjoy driving you. Including myself.”

Jessel snorted. “I don’t need anyone to drive me. I can drive myself.” She snapped her seatbelt about as if to warn the boys as she turned her head about. “I am much more than you all can handle. “She moaned as she felt her tailpipe slid out of her hardening rear end. “Oh ya, baby.” She licked her lips as her head slowly began to expand.”

The young men looked at each other. “I am out of here.” They backed away as Jessel’s face hardened into a shiny pink hood, her eyes becoming bright headlights.

“Ya.” They all ran off into the night as Jessel turned her wheels back and forth, her headlights flicking on and off.

“Oh, this feels amazing.” She looked around. “Screw that stupid nurse’s outfit. This is so much better.” She drove up to the parade route. “I am going to show off my cute little body and then go for a wonderful midnight drive. It will be so perfect.”

The man in the jester outfit who had welcomed her before walked up to her, tapping Jessel on her hood. “Hello? Anyone in there. Vehicles are permitted on the parade route.” He looked inside and saw no one was inside. “What the hell?”

Jessel turned her radio on. “I am going to be a part of this parade whether you like it or not.” She flashed her lights in his face, causing him to stand back. “Now get out of my way. I have to show off this sleek body of mine.”

The jester rubbed his eyes. “What the hell? Is that car alive?”


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