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Carien’s Juicing.

Dex grunted as he rolled Carien towards her vehicle. “You are very, very heavy.” He groaned.

“Thank you for doing this, Dex.” She moaned as her breasts swelled, bouncing on her massive blueberry body. “I really appreciate it.”

He rolled her up to her vehicle, only stopping to wipe the sweat from his forehead. “I will do anything my mistress asks of me. Just like I threw her husband out on the street. If she wills it, I will do it.” He sighed. “Now, let’s get you into this car.”

“Umm. . .” Carien gulped. “Am I even going to fit into my vehicle? I mean. . .”

She waved her arms about. “Look at me. I am a big blueberry filled to the brim with juice. My breasts look like two massive juicy balloons that someone might use to advertise their business, and my ass is so fucking big that it envelops most of my legs. I think I am a bit too much for my car to handle right now.” She sighed as she rubbed her sensitive breasts. “And I mean, I am somehow still swelling. What did that blueberry pie do to me?”

Dex shrugged his shoulders as he walked over to her vehicle and opened the back door. “I don’t know. I never really understood Lester’s fascination with blueberries, so I know little about what is happening to you right now. But what I do know is the mistress’s orders to bring you to your girlfriend. And the fastest way is to drive you.” He walked back around and pressed himself against her blue body. “So, I have to get you into this vehicle no matter what happens. Ughh.”

Carien moaned as she was squeezed into the back seat of her car. “Hey. I don’t. . .” Blort.  Juice squirted out from her nipples as she inched into the back seat. “Oh fuck. FUCK!”

“Don’t worry. I know what I am doing. I will have you in there in just a moment.”

Her nipples scratched along the doorway as her massive boobs inched their way into the vehicle. “Oh god. This is. . .” She squeezed the side of her blue body. “Ohh. . .” The experience was almost too much for her to bear, blueberry juice oozing out of her pussy as her sensitive boobs rubbed against the car seats and the ceiling. “Ohh, yes. Yes!” She suddenly popped through the doorway, bouncing about in the back of the vehicle. “Oh my.”

Dex wiped the blueberry juice on the side of the vehicle. “Ok, so where do you live?” He arched an eyebrow as Carien moaned. “Excuse me.” He tapped her enlarged booty. “Carien?”

“Oh. Oh right. Jefferson Street. Look for the gigantic lady.”

Dex crossed his arms. “Look for the gigantic lady?” He shrugged and turned around. “Kids these days.”

As Dex slid his way into the driver’s seat of the car, Carien licked her lips. “If it felt that good just squeezing into the car, I can’t wait until I feel Sarah’s giant hands rubbing all over my big blue body.” She moaned as the vehicle started up. “I hope she enjoys my juicy surprise. I just. . . I just need to contain myself until I get home.” She began to swell into her surroundings, her breasts pressing against the back seat of the vehicle. Carien moaned as her hard nipples pressed against the cold leather car seat. “Ohh fuck. Easier said than done.” Blueberry juice dripped from her nipples. “Sarah. Where are you? Ohhhh fuck!”

Dex made sure to speed his way through the streets, realizing that Carien was slowly swelling out of control in the back seat of the vehicle. It only took him ten minutes to reach Jefferson Street. Still, in that time, Carien had swelled to fill up the entire back seat, and her breasts were slowly inching into the front of the car, her juices seeping out of her body as she fought back moans and giggles. “We are here.” He looked at her. “Now, can you tell me where your. . .” He looked at the fifty-foot lady lounging on the side of the road. “Oh.”

Dex pulled the car into the driveway. As he shut off the engines, the vehicle creaked before a massive dent appeared under Carien. She giggled as her body forced the two car seats forward. “Oh fuck.”

Dex jumped out and yelled at the gigantic lady. “Hey! Your girlfriend is in here and needs help.”

Sarah rubbed her eyes and looked down at the man. “Huh? Who are you?”

“Who am I isn’t vital to the situation. Carien is inside and was brought here by my mistress’ orders. She is waiting to have a very fun time with you.” He straightened his tie. “Now, have a good day.” He walked towards the road.

Sarah scratched at her chin. “What in the world?” She looked down at the car. “Why do I smell blueberries?” Her curiosity getting the best of her, Sarah lifted the vehicle and looked inside. “Holy crap. Carien?” She raised the car to her face. “How did you become a giant blueberry?”

Carien moaned. “It’s a long story, Sarah. But I would love for you to juice me. My lovely giantess. Please. Juice me, baby.”


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