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The Maid.

Carien took a deep breath. “Ok. Today is going to be the day.” She grabbed the newspaper. “Today is going to be the day that I get a new job. No more slacking about. I can do this. If Sarah can have a job as a giantess, then I can get one too.” She held the paper in front of her eyes. “Ok, let’s see here.” Carien slowly scanned the help wanted section. “Not really much is there. Ughhh. I have no plumbing experience, so that is a no. Maybe I could work at the pizza place. That is a possibility. Huh, what is this?” She pulled the paper closer to her face so she could read it. “Looking for a new maid to take care of me in my mansion. Will pay generously.”

Carien smiled. “Well, I don’t mind doing some housework. It has to be better than working for that jackass Gregory.” She ripped out the ad. “Hey, Sarah. I am going to be out for the day. Going to check out a job offer. Hopefully, I can get back out there after walking out on Gregory.” She turned around. “Sarah?” Carien crossed her arms as she realized her giantess girlfriend and soon-to-be wife was fast asleep. “Hugh. Well, I am not going to try and wake her up. She might accidentally swat me like a fly.” She walked up and kissed Sarah on the cheek. “Well, I will see you later anyways. Love you.”

Carien turned around and walked towards the car. “Though I do find it a bit strange.

Why would they just want lady maids for this job.” She shrugged. “Ahh, well. People who have mansions, I guess, can afford to be weird.”


About an hour later, Carrien arrived at her destination. “Holy crap. I knew this was supposed to be well. . .” She waved her hand about. “Grand and all, but this is insane.” She parked her car in front of a golden gate and stared at the most enormous lawn she had seen in her life, hedges and shrubs dotting the landscape. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they had one of those mazes you see in the movie.” She scratched at her head. “How the hell am I supposed to let them know I am here?” She noticed a small buzzer at the far end of the gate. “Oh. I guess I should have driven up over there.”

Carien opened her door and walked over to the buzzer. Moments later, a scruffy-sounding voice drifted from the monitor. “Hello?”

“Hi. My name is Carien. I am—”

“Sorry. We don’t know anyone by that name. We don’t accept solicitations or let young kids run about our grounds. I would ask that you leave.”

“Wait! I saw that you are looking for a new maid. I am here for the job offer!”

“Are you now? Hmm. Well, you can come in if that is the case.” Sarah jumped back as the gate slowly creaked open.

“Well, time to put my best foot forward for this interview.” She smiled and opened the door of her car. “It would be really cool to work in a place like this.” She slowly drove down the driveway, the gate closing behind her. As she drove along the driveway, she peered across the majestic lawn. “This person sure has a taste for the lavish lifestyle.” She laughed as she spotted a naked stone statue in the middle of a pond. “I can’t believe I have never seen this place before. I would have thought I would have noticed it sometime growing up.”

Eventually, she came to the mansion itself. It was a massive five-story building with multiple wings and balconies. She could only gasp in awe as she pulled her vehicle to a halt in the driveway. “This is just. . . insane.”

A man in a black and white suit walked out of the massive building, down the shimmering blue steps, and towards Carien. “I will take it you are our new potential maid?”

Carien opened the door. “Yes, I am. And you are?”

“Dexter. You can just call me Dex. I am the one who runs everything in this house for Mistress Ashely.” He looked Carien over. “Hmm, you will do. Come with me.”

Carien snorted. “I will do? What does that mean?”

“I said come with me. Chop, chop.” He clapped his hands together as he walked up the steps. “You want the job or not?”

Carien gulped. “Yes, sir.” She followed Dexter into a massive hall. “Oh, my god.”

She slowly spun around as she closed the door behind her, looking at the massive chandelier above her head. The floor beneath her feet was a black and white checkboard pattern. In the middle of the room stood an enormous spiral staircase leading to the other mansion’s other levels. “This place is amazing.”

“Well, I hope you like it, as you might have to get used to tidying up every inch of the premises.” He turned around to face her. “First things first. We need to get you changed.”

Carien blinked her eyes. “What?”

Dexter turned around. “Follow me. Your new clothes are this way.”

Carien raised her hand. “What do you mean get changed. Hey!” She ran to catch up with him. “Isn’t my outfit good enough?”

“Everyone who works for the mistress has to wear a specific outfit tailored to the job they do.” He pointed to himself. “Like I am the mistress's butler and right-hand man. So, I wear this suit.” He pushed open a door and walked into a small room filled with outfits. “Meanwhile, you as the house's one and only maid.” He handed her an outfit that was little more than a tight skirt, blouse, and apron. “Will wear this.”

“But. . .” Carien examined the garments. “This is far less clothing than I have on now.”

“You want the job, don’t you?”

Carien gulped. “Ok, ok.” She narrowed her eyes. “Well, you are going to give me some privacy, aren’t you.”

Dexter rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. “I will be waiting outside until you are changed.”

Carien sighed as she held the garments up in front of her face. “I will say something. Whoever lives here is a bit eccentric.” She sighed. “I just hope the pay is good.”

She undressed herself. “As I have to wear a skimpy outfit that looks like it is part of some sexy Halloween set. Ughh.” She moaned. “It presses so tightly against my ass. God. Ugh.”

Once she was changed, Carien walked over to the mirror. “Wow.” She grabbed her breasts as she examined her new look. “This thing really does make my boobs stand out.” She pulled at the blue fabric. “I wonder why anyone would design a maid’s outfit this tight?”

She turned her head as there was a knock at the door. “Everything ok in there?”

Carien set her clothing on the nearby table. “Everything is going swimmingly.”

She opened the door. “This is rather a tight fit.”

Dex nodded his head. “Well, mistress Ashely wants you to look your best while you work. Now follow me, and I can introduce you to her.” He turned around. “This way.”

Carien pulled at her mini skirt. “Ok. I am coming.”

She sighed as she followed him. Dexter led her up the stairwell and down the west wing. He pushed a door open at the end of the hallway and led Carien inside a small but elegant bedroom. There, a young woman sat on a lavish bed with silken sheets as she toyed with her long golden hair. “Mistress Ashely. We have a new candidate for the maid position.”

Ashely jumped to her feet, clapping her hands together. “Oh my, you are just gorgeous.” She rushed forward and hugged Carien. “I love you already.” Carien gulped as Ashely’s enormous breasts pressed against her body. “Yes, I think you will be perfect.” Ashely pushed herself away and looked at Dexter. “Ok, that will do. Leave us.”

Dexter bowed. “Of course, my lady.” He turned around and walked out of the room.

Once he was gone, Ashely turned towards Carien. “Ok, darling. So, are you ready to hear about your quaint little job here?”

“I just clean up here, right?”

“Wrong!” Carien gulped as Ashely waved her finger about. “I will give you that one slip-up for free, darling. You didn’t know any better.” Ashely crossed her arms, her long golden dress dragging across the floor as she paced back and forth. “You are going to attend to my every whim. And if you do something wrong, well. . .” Ashely smirked. “Adjustments shall be made.”

Carien arched her right eyebrow. “Adjustments? What are you talking about?”

Ashely smiled, and with a flick of her finger, Carien felt the maid outfit tighten around her body. “My outfit has special properties, darling.” Carien gulped as she felt a strange sensation course through her body. “And well. . . if you work for me, you should accept that you will have to be a part of my vision.”

Carien shook her head. “No. This is getting too weird. It is. . .” She blinked as she felt a warmth spread throughout her body, the greatest intensity in her breasts. “Ahhhh!”

“Oh my.” Ashely shook her head. “It seems we have some breaking in to do. Such a shame.” Carien gasped as her breasts slowly swelled, her already tight outfit becoming tighter.

“Well, I guess it’s all good.” She smiled as she looked at Carien. “You will just look cuter anyways.”

Carien blushed in embarrassment. “What do you mean? What is this?” She turned her body, trying to hide her enlarged breasts, her new giant melons squishing against one another. “What did you do to me?”

Ashely giggled. “Why darling, didn’t you read my ad?”

“I did. It said nothing about this.”

“It didn’t?” Ashely blinked her eyes. “Well, I will have to have a talk with Dexter about this. That silly man can be so absent-minded sometimes.” She giggled. “Anyways, that outfit you are wearing taps into your bloodstream. With a little bit of love and magic, I can twist your body anyway I like.” She sighed. “My last maid ran off when I started altering her. . . sensitive areas. Such a poor dear. Wasn’t ready for such a fun job.” She shook her head. “We could have had such a long and wonderful time together too.”

Carien rubbed her forehead. “So, what you are trying to say is you can alter my look at a whim. Like not my outfit but my body shape?”

Ashely nodded her head. “Yuppers. I do it so you will not make any silly mistakes when I ask for stuff. I mean. . .” She rubbed her hand against Carien’s right breast. “You don’t want these to get too big, do you. I would like to see them bigger, but oh, how embarrassing that could be. Especially as you might have to drive me someplace. Oh my.”

“Wait. I thought I was just going to be your maid.”

Ashely giggled. “Well, that is just your title.” She leaned in and whispered. “You are my personal servant. You shall do whatever I ask.” She rolled her eyes. “And I guess if my silly husband shows up. Like he ever gets to play. Such a silly, silly man.”

Carien gulped. “What did I get myself into?”

Ashely stepped back to sit back on the bed. “Now then.” She placed her hands in her dress. “I have a sudden urge for some seaside ice cream. I know of a wonderful little place in Love’s Haven. You know, on Lake Michigan.”

Carien gasped. “You want me to drive all the way out to Lake Michigan for ice cream?”

She moaned as her maid outfit tightened, her boobs slowly swelling. “Ughhhh. Fuck!” Her nipples hardened as the outfit slowly slid down her chest, exposing more of her swollen breasts. “Ok, ok. I can go get the ice cream.” Her cheeks turned bright red. “Fuck!”

Ashely giggled. “My, oh my, your breasts are getting big already. They are just bigger than a g cup. Hmm, I wonder what would happen if you slip up again.” She sighed. “Anyways, I am coming with you.” She jumped to her feet. “Now, only do I want the wonderful frozen treat as cold as possible, but. . .” She squeezed Carien’s ass. “I need to make sure my lovely maid does her job right. So, let’s go, darling.”

Carien turned around. “Yes, mistress.”

As they walked around the room, Ashely asked, “Have you ever driven a limo before?”

Carien shook her head. “No. I haven’t had the pleasure to even be in one.” She tried to adjust her outfit. “God, this thing is really getting tight around the chest. Ughh, it is pressing hard against my boobs. I can’t imagine what will happen if she tries and makes them swell any bigger. Ughh.”

Ashely patted Carien on the shoulder. “Well, this should be a good learning experience for you, then. The garage is this way.”

“What about my car? What do you want me to do with that?”

“Oh, that? You can just leave that where it is until the end of the day.”

“Oh.” Carien sighed as Ashely hummed along. “This is getting weirder by the moment. But it can’t be all that bad, right? Just do whatever this lady asks for some easy money. What is some personal humiliation for financial security?” Carien gulped. “Oh god, this better be a good-paying job.”

Ashely led her down to the ground level of the mansion and into the garage. Carien gasped as there was not one, not two, not three, but fifteen vehicles waiting to be driven. “Not all of these are mine. Some of them belong to my husband. And well, one is for Dex. I mean, he has to get around somehow.”

Carien blinked as she followed Ashely, eyes drifting from one exotic sports car to another. “This is crazy.”

Ashely tossed Carien a set of keys. “Here you go.” Carien tried to catch them, fumbling them about in her hands until the keys fell into her cleavage. Ashely giggled as Carien fished the keys out from between her boobs. “Now, we will be taking the limo here.” She put her hand on the bright blue limo behind her. “The windows shall be down at all times. Music shall be classical or rock. No exceptions. And whatever I ask during the drive, you shall do.” She smirked. “Unless you want things to get interesting.”

Carien gulped. “Yes, ma’am.”

Ashely waved her finger back and forth. “Ah, ah, ah.” Carien gasped as her breasts swelled outward by another inch. “You will either call me Ashely or mistress.

Do I make myself clear?”

Carien took deep breaths. “Yes, mistress.” Her face was bright red. Her outfit was now pressing very tightly against her breasts. “This outfit is so very tight. Can I please swap it out for a new one?” She moaned as her boobs swelled another inch. “Ahhhh!” She looked down at her enormous boobs. “I... I. . .”

“No, you cannot take that outfit off. It is special, you hear me.” Ashely giggled. “Now stop asking silly questions; otherwise, your boobs will press against the steering wheel. Let’s get going already.”

Carien walked around to the driver's side of the vehicle, her face bright red. “This is all, so I have a job. This is all, so I have a job.” She opened the door. “She is rich, so I will get paid a lot.” She slid into the vehicle and started the engine. “Ok. Let’s go have some fun, shall we?”

Carien tapped a button, causing the garage doors to open. She then lowered all the windows and tuned the radio to a classic music station. “Ok, everything is the way my new boss likes it. Nothing can go wrong.” As she drove down the driveway, she shifted her breasts back and forth. “Damn, these things are heavy. Heavy and squishy. And my nipples keep rubbing against the steering wheel.” She moaned. “This is going to be one long drive. I. . .” Carien took a deep breath. “I am having such a hard time trying not to get turned on by all of this. My breasts are constantly getting squeezed, and now my nipples are. . .” She shook her head. “I swear this job is going to make me like getting embarrassed.”

The drive to Love’s Haven took just over an hour. Thankfully Ashely spent most of the trip humming along to the music or throwing her head out the side of the vehicle.

Still, Carien struggled as her breasts pressed against her arms with every turn, or just leaning forward a tiny bit would cause her nipples to rub against the steering wheel. By the time they reached their destination, Carien was panting, her breasts throbbing from the constant rubbing she had given them.

“Oh my, we are here.” Ashely jumped towards the front of the limo. “We are finally in Love’s Haven. Hurry up.” She looked at Carien. “Why are you so sweaty? It is only sixty out today.”

Carien took a deep breath. “I am just. . . a bit over excited mistress. It has been a long drive, is all. Ohhhhh.” She moaned as she turned the corner, her boobs squishing against one another. “Where exactly is this ice cream place?”

“Oh.” Ashely sat back in her seat. “It is just a few blocks down. Look for the giant ice cream man billboard thing, darling. You can’t miss it.”

Carien turned her head. “What? I need more than that to—” She moaned as her boobs swelled, pressing against the steering wheel. “Ohh fuck!”

“Now, don’t talk back to me. And while you are at it, you should adjust your seat. I can’t have my maid honking the horn all the time. It isn’t professional. Besides, I can’t hear my music anymore.”

Carien’s face turned bright red as she noticed everyone on the sidewalk was staring at her. “Oh fuck!” She reached down and forced her seat back, ending the horn’s blaring roar.

Carien then waved at the people on the sidewalk. “Hi.”

A young man blushed before holding his hand over his pants. “Hello there.

I umm. . .” He then rushed down the sidewalk.

Carien’s face turned bright red. “Shit. I have turned into lewd eye candy.” Eventually, after roaming the city, Carien found the small ice cream shop in question. She parked the limo in front of the establishment and exited the vehicle, her boobs bouncing against one another like giant water balloons. “Everyone is staring at me.” She gulped as she walked around the limo to where Ashely sat. “Just ignore their eyes staring at you. Their eyes leering at your massive squishy breasts. It isn’t like I will mess up again and make them swell again, letting everyone see my boobs slowly grow. Nor does anyone know that can happen. Everything will work out fine.”

Carien took a deep breath. “Mistress, we are here.”

Ashely smiled. “Good. Now go inside and get me a rocky mountain fudge sundae with mint and lemon sprinkles.” She sat back with her hands behind her head. “It is the only place around that has such a dish. So, chop, chop.”

Carien sighed. “Yes, mistress.” She turned around and walked towards the entrance of the ice cream parlor. Carien’s breasts squished against the door as she tried to enter the building, causing a moan to escape her lips. “I really hope I can get back without any more slip-ups.”

Cool air greeted Carien inside. Thankfully there was no line as she walked up to the counter. “Hello there.”

The man’s eyes widened as she looked up from the register. “Holy crap.” He laughed as he looked at her breasts. “I know some people like to have some surgery done to. . . well, you know, but. . .”

Carien narrowed her eyes. “This isn’t surgery.” She tapped her fingers on the counter. “I will have you know this is a very unique circumstance, sir.” Her outfit slid down her chest, exposing more of her breasts. “Ughh.”

“Well, I don’t care what it is. Next time you come in here, please wear something that isn’t so revealing with your generous body. Ahem. What can I get you?”

Carien sighed, her boobs rubbing against one another. “A rocky mountain fudge sundae with mint and lemon sprinkles.” She rubbed at the sides of her breasts, feeling the sweat drip down between her boobs.

“I am sorry, but we stopped carrying that two months ago.”

Carien gulped. “You did.”

“Is there anything else I can get you?”

She turned around. “No, no.” She shivered as she made her way toward the door. “That will be quite alright. Quite alright indeed.” The man scratched at his head as she exited the building, her breasts pressing against the glass door.

Once outside, she slowly approached the open window where Ashely was waiting. “Back already?” She scratched at her chin. “Where is my beloved summer treat?”

“They ughh. . .” Carien gulped, already feeling the tingle of her boobs swelling. “They don’t carry it anymore, mistress.”

“They don’t?” Ashely crossed her arms. “Hmm. . . you wouldn’t be lying to me now, would you?” She flicked her finger, causing Carien to cry out as her boobs and ass swelled. “Because I don’t want you to lie to me.

Carien shook her head. “No, mistress.” She moaned as her boobs pressed against the side of the limo. “I wouldn’t lie. They don’t carry it.” She moaned as her body continued to swell. “They haven’t carried it in two years. Ugh, my breasts are getting so heavy.”

Ashey sighed, causing the growth to stop. A few onlookers walked up, staring at Carien. “Ahh, well. I guess I can find a new ice cream place sometime in the future.” She looked at Carien. “As for you, I think we better get you back. Any more mess ups, and you won’t be able to drive.” She looked at Carien’s ass. “Though I do have to say that adjustment fit’s you nicely.”

“Yes, mistress.”

As Carien walked around, her massive boobs swaying back and forth, Ashey called out to her. “Oh, and when we get back, we can discuss your pay. I do love working with you.” She giggled. “You are so very lovely. And while you still have some breaking in, I think you have a bright future here.” Ashely sighed. “A bright future indeed.”

Carien sighed as she slid into the driver's seat. She had to hug the steering wheel with her boobs, and her ass was now so big that parts of it carried over into the cup holders. “I am glad you want to keep me around, mistress.” She started up the engine. “What did I get myself into?”


Once they were back at the mansion, Ashely took Carien up to her bedroom to explain the financial details of the job. “So, I know what you are going to ask.” Ashly was lying on her stomach, her feet dangling in the air. “How much am I going to get paid right?”

Carien nodded, her boobs rubbing against one another as she tried to hold them upright.

“Well, the job is fifteen thousand a week.” Carien’s jaw dropped. “I know it is quite a bit, but. . .” Ashely giggled. “I just see it fitting for what my little maid has to do.”

“Fifteen thousand a week? That would more than make up for everything I have to do.”

“I also know what else you are thinking. How long do I have to keep this figure?”

Ashely pushed herself up. “Well, don’t worry. You will return to normal when you go to sleep. So, I hope you can fall asleep easy enough with those gigantic boobs of yours.” She giggled.

Carien sighed. “Well, that is good. I don’t stay this way, at least.”

“You will work for me Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and weekends. I also reserve the right to call you at my whim. Oh, and one more thing. When my icky husband does eventually return, you will have to listen to him as well.” She lowered her voice. “You might have to get used to him. You see, he has a thing for blueberries. He is the reason why our last maid ran away.”

Carien’s eyes went wide. “Blueberries? Oh no!”