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Surrendering to Desire p2

Karren pulled at her hair as Maddie’s head burst through the door. “I told you, didn’t I! Maddie is out of control!”

Maddie giggled. “I wouldn’t say that. I am just a little. . .” She pressed Bill, who was in the other room, nuzzled against her gigantic breasts and chest, against her body. “Larger than life right now. So, I thought I could. . .” She licked her lips as she looked at everyone in the room. “I could extend the fun I am having to everyone in the squad. I mean, Bill is quite happy.” She moaned as she felt him lick her breasts. “Very happy indeed.”

Karren shook her head. “Happy? How can anyone be happy when we have one of our officers growing out of control and. . . and. . .” She pointed at Maddie. “And bloody naked. With boobs the size of bleeding truck tires. This is insane!” Laughter rose up in the room. “See. The others agree with me.”

An officer named Jerry shook his head. “No, Karren, I think you are over-exaggerating.” He looked at Maddie as her shoulders pressed against the doorframe. “I mean, look at her. I don’t think she is doing anything wrong. And I would personally want to see these breasts that are, as you put it, the size of truck tires.”

“Ya. Let’s see if they are as big as you say, Karren.”

Jerry waved his hand about. “Wait. If Maddie has such big boobs, I have to wonder what her ass looks like.” Karren’s jaw dropped.

Maddie rubbed her big sensitive ass. “Well, it is rather big and lonesome. Maybe, some of you can squeeze through this doorway and see for yourself.”

Karren rushed forward and threw her arms wide, trying to act as a barrier between Maddie and the rest of the squad. “Am I the only one acting rationally here? What are we?” The other officers scratched at their chins. “We are police officers. We protect and serve the public. We don’t get off if one of our fellow officers starts growing and swelling out of control. What if there was a sudden bank robbery, and we were just thrusting our bodies against Maddie’s ever enlarging frame? Well?” She looked around at her fellow officers as their faces turned bright red. “Well? Speak up!”

Another officer by the name of James said, “I think the town can go an hour or two without us.” He began to unbuckle his belt. “Lighten up, Karren.”

Maddie laughed. “Maybe she just needs to experience this for herself. Ahhhh!” Maddie’s shoulders exploded into the room. “Experience her body slowly growing, your breasts expanding bit by bit. Oohhhh.”

Bill’s voice drifted out from the other room. “Another gigantic lady? Yes! Sign me up, please!” He rubbed his body against Maddie’s ballooning breasts.

Maddie rubbed Bill with her hand. “Such a little darling.” She moaned as she felt his dick press against her body. “Such a little and fierce darling. Ohhh.” She stretched her free arm into the room with her squad mates. “So, I know you all are dying to play with me. What are you waiting for?” She pressed her left foot against the ceiling. “An invitation?” She pushed herself up so they all could see her luscious round boobs. “Well, I think this should suffice.”


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