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Bikini world chapter 6

Alice moaned as the gigantic lady’s hand slowly squeezed around her, more juice seeping from her body. “Ughhh.”

The massive woman narrowed her eyes. “Will you stop it with that?” She looked at Alice. “I can’t take hearing you moan and groan every thirty seconds.”

Hazel snorted, her big blue boobs bouncing against one another. “Well, maybe if you didn’t squeeze your hand against—”

The giantess raised Hazel in front of her face, shaking the blueberry magi. “I didn’t say I wanted to hear from you. Now quiet. I need to find a nice place to squeeze you two.”

Greg tried to worm his way out of the giantess’s breasts. “Hey. What about me. I can go right.”

The giant lady smacked the side of her right breast using the hand she held Alice with. “No. Not until I figure out just what is going on here. I don’t like the smell of blueberries coming from you.” She snorted. “Now, will you three just calm down. We are almost there.”

Greg gulped. “Almost where?”

“To your new home if you are unlucky.” The giantess smirked. “And most of the time, the people I catch are unlucky.” The gigantic lady made her way into a small town, the inhabitants rushing into their homes as she approached. “Here we are. Frontier Town. I am guessing you can tell why it’s named that, right?”

Hazel crossed her arms. “No. Not really.”

The giantess raised Hazel up to her face. “Aww. Come on now. It isn’t that hard to figure out. Even a blueberry like you could guess.” Hazel snorted. “Now, there is no need to be rude. It is called Frontier Town, as this is as far as we have come into this wild, untamed wilderness. Think of it as an outpost for us to work on taming the rest of this filthy land. I mean, the world does need a giantess touch don’t you think?”

“Not everyone needs to be a giantess.”

“And not everyone needs to be a blueberry, so there. I know you think you are soo righteous for trying to fight against us giant bitches, but you fail to see the harm you do. Ohhh me, oh my.” She giggled as she sat down in the middle of the square. “Alex! Where are you? We have some blueberries to juice. Alex! I won’t say it again!”

A young man rushed out into the square. “Sorry, Jess. I am coming.”

Jess tapped her fingers against Alice’s blue body. “What took you so long?”

He gulped. “I was just tidying up the meats you were going to have for dinner, mistress.”

Jess slammed the hand which held Alice onto the ground, causing juice to shoot out from Alice’s nipples. “I don’t care about my dinner right now! I caught some blueberries while out on patrol. And I have a possible new prisoner as well.” She looked at her boobs. “So, I want you to be on standby for when I am done juicing them.”


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