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Blueberry Magi Initiation.

Hazel removed the blindfold from Jewel’s eyes. “Welcome, sister, to your new life.”

Jewel gasped as she gazed upon half a dozen nude blue ladies with enormous boobs and round asses, blueberry juice dripping from their nipples.

“I just. . .” Jewel took a deep breath. “I just can’t. . .” She gulped, fighting not to stumble over her words. “This is all just overwhelming.”

Hazel rubbed Jewel’s back. “Don’t worry. It will be ok. Remember, this is for a greater purpose. Right? To fight against those giantess fools who hand out their so-called justice with a cold and oppressive stomp of the foot.” Hazel’s features darkened. “That is why we all take the blueberry oath. To remind those gigantic fools that they can’t just push us around. We can fight back.”

A woman with long, flowing blue hair crossed her arms. “Hazel.”

Hazel turned her head and gulped. “Yes, matriarch?”

“Why don’t we have the young lady explain to us why she is seeking to become a blueberry magi before we get the ritual started.”

Hazel threw her arms out to the side. “But matriarch, I don’t think opening old wounds will—”

“The young lady is clearly distressed that is true. But we need her to focus on the ritual.

So we need to remind her why she came to us in the first place.” The elder blueberry magi took a step forward, her massive blue boobs bouncing against one another. “Let the fire within her burn away her distress so she is ready to take the plunge.”

Hazel turned her head and looked at Jewel. “Ok then. Tell us.”

Jewel gulped. “Well, I. . .” She closed her eyes as she tried to remember painful memories coming back. “When I was younger, my family worked for the newly formed giantess government. It was fine at first until my parents couldn’t pay up. They had skyrocketed the rent from the previous administration. And well, when we couldn’t pay, they flattened my dad and said they would do the same to my mom if she didn’t take a potion to become a giantess and force me to become one as well. My mom refused, and I. . .” Jewel tightened her hands into fists. “I just barely got away, squeezing my way through the old sewers that those who specialized in shrinking potions used to use.”

Jewel began to tremble. “I came here because I wanted to get back at them for everything they had done. They took my family. I. . . I can’t let that stand. I heard that those who remained from the blueberry empire might be able to help. If I could harness their magic, I could. . . I could stand up to those titan ladies.” Jewel lifted her head. “So, it’s why I came here. I am looking to show them I am not afraid. I will do whatever it takes to give them what is coming to them.”

The blueberry matriarch slowly clapped. “That is what I wanted to hear, young one. It is time then for the ritual to begin.” She turned to another one of the young blue women in the underground cellar. “Lorali. Get the bowl if you please.”

Lorali bowed. “Yes, my lady.” She turned around and headed down a hallway.

The matriarch then turned her attention back to Jewel. “My dear.

This process will change you inside and out. Once it is over, you can never go back to being who you once were.”

Jewel slammed her foot on the ground. “I don’t care. I want to be a blueberry magi. Now and forever.”

“Good.” Lorali returned with a bowel of purple liquid. “First things first. You must drink this bowl of blueberry juice. It is the richest blueberry juice in the world.” She held her fist in the air. “One mere drop can cause one to swell out of control, juice expanding in their body until they burst. But drinking this bowl whole will change you inside and out. You will be human no more. You will be a blueberry.” The matriarch took a deep breath. “Are you ready to become the new you? To enter a world of juicy wonder?”

Jewel took a deep breath. “I am.” Loreli walked forward, handing the bowel over to Jewel. “I will make my family proud.” She closed her eyes and drank from the bowel; the moment the liquid touched her lips, she felt her insides churn. But that didn’t stop her. Jewel kept going until she drank every last drop, throwing the ceremonial bowl to the side. “There. I did it. I. . .” She moaned as she felt her insides bubble.  Gurrrgle. Blort. “I. . .” She blinked her eyes, her vision starting to go blue. “Ughhh.”

Hazel put her hand on Jewel’s shoulder. “Now calm yourself as the transformation begins.” Hazel pressed her body against Jewel. “Welcome to the sisterhood.”

The matriarch clapped her hands together. “Ok, ladies. You all know what to do.”

The other blueberry magi moved in close, rubbing their blue bodies against Jewel while two of the magi vanished. Jewel took deep breaths as her body quickly turned bright blue, blueberry juice swelling within her. “We have to keep our new sister happy.”

They rubbed their naked bodies against her. “We have to make sure she has a. . . fun transformation.” Another one of the women licked Jewel’s neck as her big blue nipples pressed against her skin. “All of those juices bubbling within. It must be an... experience.”

Jewel moaned as her body began to expand and contract. One moment her belly was over four times its original size, and the next, it looked like she hadn’t eaten in weeks. One moment her boobs were almost double of the ladies around her, and the next, they were so tiny she could hardly feel them. Her body was a raging river of blueberry juice. “Ohhhh.” All the while, multiple blue ladies pressed their bodies against her, their big blue boobs rubbing against Jewel as they licked her body.

Hazel whispered into her ear. “Focus, young blueberry. Control that current raging inside your body.” Jewel took a deep breath. “Make it your own.” Hazel squeezed Jewel’s ass. “Don’t let it control you.”

Two massive blueberry ladies were rolled into the room. The matriarch smiled. “Ok.

Let’s start the next phase.” She closed her eyes. “Sisters.” The two magi who had rolled in the giant blueberries nodded their heads. “With this offering from our blueberry batteries, you will become the blueberry magi you seek.” With a flick of the wrist, blueberry juice flowed from their nipples before rushing to the giant blueberry ladies they had rolled into the room. It then spun around them faster and faster before drawing the juice out from their pussies and forcing it toward Jewel. “With this offering, the chaotic juices in your body shall become stable.” The others took a step back as the juices wrapped around Jewel, soaking into her skin. “Become one with the blueberry.”

Jewel cried out, feeling the juice intertwine with her being. Her body slowly stabilized, her frame slowly returning to normal outside of her boobs and ass, which swelled to enormous sizes. She could feel a new warmth inside of her, the blueberry juice wrapping around her senses, altering her from the inside out. As she slowly opened her eyes, Jewel realized that she was no longer the person she had been before but something else. Juice dripped from her nipples as she said, “I feel renewed. I feel. . . happy. Juicy.” She spun around, her boobs bouncing against one another. “This feels wonderful.”

Hazel put her hand on Jewel’s shoulder. “Welcome, my sister.”

The matriarch clapped her hands. “Congratulations Jewel. You are now an honorary blueberry magi. It will take some time getting used to manipulating the juices inside your body into what others call magic. But I do have to warn you. You are a blueberry, though, and through. If you lose too much of your juices, you can dry out.” Jewel gasped. “It is why we cause others to become what we call blueberry batteries.”

Loreli pointed at the big round blueberry ladies in the corners of the chamber. “These followers.” She giggled. “While they can’t move much anymore, they give to our cause in other ways. They are constantly filling with juice that we thankfully take from them.” She laughed. “Not only so we can keep going but to make sure we can use our spells. But don’t worry. They love it when we juice them. Right?” One of the giant blueberries moaned. “See. They just love it when we extract juices out of them.”

The matriarch narrowed her eyes. “Now that you are one of us, it is time that you took your first test.”


“Yes. We ever strive to take back the capital. To do that, we need to know you can topple one of the giantesses.” She snorted. “So, are you ready to get some juicy revenge?”

Jewel smiled, blueberry juice oozing from her nipples. “I have been waiting all my life for that.”


A few weeks later, Jewel stood at the top of a ridge with Hazel and some of the other blueberry magi. “Why did I have to roll the blueberry battery all the way up here?”

Jewel narrowed her eyes. “I get that you are trying to teach me how to use my magic, but one of you could have helped with the workload.”

Hazel laughed. “It isn’t like that is a hard thing to do when you use your juices to roll that poll, lad.”

Jewel snorted. “That isn’t what I meant. Sure, it’s easy. And a little bit fun.” She let out a moan as she thought about her juices rubbing against the giant blueberry. “But you can help out a little.”

Hazel rubbed her big blue boobs against Jewel. “Ohh, come now, our little magi in training. You have to pass this test first before we share our workload with you.” She breathed a hot blueberry breath onto Jewel’s body. “You do want to pass this test, right?”

Jewel giggled before kissing Hazel. “Of course, I do. And I will pass it with flying, juicy colors. That is if we can even find a giantess out here.” She sighed and crossed her arms. “Like, why are we even looking for one of these behemoths out here? This is the middle of nowhere. Shouldn’t we be closer to the capital?”

Another one of the ladies named Noel snorted. “There are hundreds of giantesses at the capital. With our numbers, we don’t stand a chance of getting close without being juiced.”

Noel turned around. “Do you know what it’s like for a giantess to juice you?

In our state, it would be the most pleasurable and painful experience in your life. You would feel the juices coursing through your very veins, pressing against your pussy and nipples, slowly oozing out of your body.” Jewel slowly moaned at the thought. “But as the pleasure increases, you slowly realize that your life-giving juices are being drained and drained.” Jewel gulped. “Until there is nothing left. Nothing!”

Hazel narrowed her eyes at Noel. “No need to scare Jewel.”

Noel sighed. “She needs to know what can happen if we are juiced. There is a difference between us and those we turn into batteries.” She pointed at the swollen lad overflowing with juice. “If he was juiced, for instance, he would just return to his normal life. But we need blueberry juice to live. We are blueberries, after all. Jewel needs to know this. Especially if we are going to take on a giantess here soon who views blueberries as nothing more than. . .”

The ground suddenly shook. “Quiet.” Hazel looked around. “Listen.”

Silence filled the air as the blueberry ladies looked around, which was broken a moment later by a thunderous stomp. “Everyone hide now. Get ready.”

Jewel hid under the branches of a nearby tree as the deafening sound became louder, the ground shaking more and more. Hazel made some last-minute hand gestures from her position under a nearby tree.

Then suddenly Jewel could see it, a giant naked lady strutting over the forest, her massive breasts bouncing against one another. Jewel could even see multiple people trapped in between her breasts, most likely captives of the giantess. As the giantess came overhead the other head, her legs stretched out so Jewel could see the woman’s pussy, the blueberry magi struck.

Juice flowed out from their nipples before shooting out like ropes to tangle up the giant ladies’ legs. She cried out in confusion before falling down to the ground. That is when Jewel and the others rushed into action. Drawing blueberry juice from her own breasts, she made a strong sticky rope, tying the giantess’s right arm down as the others handled the left.

The gigantic lady turned her head, focusing on Jewel. “You!

You think you blueberry whelps will. . .” The giantess uttered a few muffled words as Hazel put a sticky blueberry coating over her mouth.

“There. We don’t need you yapping at us.” She walked over to Jewel. “Nice job.

Now why don’t you head over to that blueberry battery we brought along and recharge some of your juices.”

Jewel smiled. “Of course.” She looked at the gigantic lady. “What do we do with her?”

Hazel smiled. “We keep her tied up here for now. We have to get in contact with those who deal with shrinking people. Don’t worry; the matriarch will handle all of this. The negotiations are a tad dangerous. I mean, we don’t want any of us to be shrunken. But they usually jump at the chance to have another giantess shrunken all the way down to the size of a doll.” Hazel rubbed Jewel’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. You did good for your first time out.

Now all we have to do is wait. Good job, sister.”


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