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Doll Factory.

“Why are we here again, Nic?” Martha crossed her arms as she looked around a darkened parking lot. “What was so important that we couldn’t wait until morning?”

He turned his head and blinked his green eyes. “I am going to get what is rightfully mine.” He snorted and turned his pale head around. “I was on a tour of this stupid place today, and that damn person Red said I would be getting a fancy reward at the end.” He spat.

“And nothing. You hear me.” He thrust his calloused hand into the air. “I wasted two hours of my life for nothing.” He walked up to the massive iron-bound gate. “Well, I am going to get whatever it is they were hiding from me.”

Martha sighed. “So, do you even know what you were supposed to get?” She hugged herself. “God, it is freezing out here.” She ran her hands up and down her dark skin.

Nic climbed the iron gates. “Hey, it doesn’t matter what I was supposed to get, only that it was a reward. When someone promises you a reward in life, you should get it.”

“Is that why we are breaking into the factory at night?” Martha walked up to the gate. “Why can’t you just handle this in the morning like a normal person?”

Nic landed on the other side of the wall. “Because I am getting my just dues now and moving on with my life. Now come on. Let’s get this over with so we can meet up with Claire later tonight and see that movie.”

Martha sighed. “Fine.” She grabbed onto the metal poles. “But only to make sure you don’t get yourself into trouble. I don’t need to explain to Claire why you are spending a night in jail. She would kill me.” She pulled herself up and over the gate. “Now, let’s get this over with.” Martha landed with a thump on the other side.”

Nic turned around. “Now, let’s hurry.” He rushed across the pavement. “The factory entrance is over here.”

Martha scanned the tall looming buildings as she followed her friend. “I hope you know what you are doing.” She blinked her amber eyes. “This place is creepy.”

He reached the small grey doorway. “Don’t worry. We will be in and out before you know it.” He pulled a small card out of his pocket. “Just wait while I get the door open.”

Martha rolled her eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

Nice turned around. “How else do you want me to break the lock?”

“I don’t know. With some serious tools?”

He threw his arms to the side, his elbow hitting the door handle. “Well, I am sorry I am the discount door breaker. I am doing the best I can here.” The door slowly creaked open, and they both turned their heads. “Hey, it’s open.”

She laughed. “Who the hell leaves a factory door unlocked?”

Nic shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, and I don’t care.” He pushed his way inside. “Let’s just go in already.”

Martha took a deep breath and followed him inside. The only light came in from the open doorway. “This place is creepy. Let’s just find what you are looking for and get out.”

“I think the guest shop is this way. Come on.”

She jumped as she heard a strange sound behind them. “What was that?”

“Who cares? Now come on. We need to get going. Stop wasting time.”

“I’m not wasting time.” Martha turned around only to see she was alone. “Nic?” No one answered. “Nic! Hey! Where the hell did you go?” She took a few tentative steps forward. “This isn’t funny. Come on out here already.”

A hand appeared out of the darkness and grabbed her arm. Martha let out a scream, and another hand covered her mouth. “Calm down; it’s just me. Jesus.” Nic handed her a flashlight. “Happy now?”

She sighed and turned on the device. “Yes. Don’t rush off again.” She looked around. “This place is spooky enough as it is.”

He sighed. “Now come on.”

They passed by inactive conveyor belts and multiple wooden boxes. Martha slowly scanned the room. “It looks like we found our way into the main factory area.” She spotted what looked like strange plastic on the floor. “I wonder what they make here?”

Nic stepped over a box that had fallen onto the floor. “From what I know, this is some kind of toy factory or something like that. I think I remember the tour guide saying something about dolls, but I tuned the man out. He just went on and on about plastics. It was way too boring. Who wants to listen to some drone go on for an hour about plastic?”

Martha lifted her foot after smashing a glass bottle.

“No, I couldn’t say I would want to.” She rubbed the loose glass off her boot. “Let’s just get out of here.”

Nic turned around and laughed. “What? You don’t like this place in the dead of night?”

She shook her head. “Why did you have to use that word?” She shivered. “This place is creepy enough as it is?” Martha raised her flashlight and spotted what looked like half of a human-sized doll suspended from the rafters. “Are you sure this place is even active?”

“Of course I am.” Nic reached the door and opened it. “I was here this afternoon, wasn’t I?”

Martha hugged herself as she walked through the open door. “Then why does this part of the factory look abandoned?”

“I don’t know. Maybe they just don’t clean up after they shut things off for the night?

Let’s go.”

They entered a long musty corridor. Martha put her hand on Nic’s shoulder for reassurance as she scanned the walls. “There are so many doors. Why do they have numbers on them?”

“Maybe so the workers can keep them all straight? How should I know?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Well, you should at least know where you are going?”

He whirled around. “Hey, this isn’t an exact science. We would have gone in the front, but they have a big nasty dog there.” He shook his head. “So, we have to do some exploring, ok. Bear with me.”

Martha turned her head and looked at the door with a giant nine. “Well, I am going to pick the direction before you get us any more lost, ok.” She grabbed the round doorknob. “Hey, it’s unlocked.”

Nic shook his head. “No way. We are going to continue down this corridor.”

She pushed the door open. “You will just get us lost.” She used her flashlight to illuminate the room. “Look, it’s an office of some kind. We can figure out where we are.” She walked inside.

Nic stood in the doorway. “I am just going to stand here until you come on.” He tapped his foot on the ground. “You hear me.”

Martha ignored him and walked over to the desk. “Let’s see here.” She tried to pull a drawer open but found it stuck. “Damn thing won’t budge. Hey, can you get in here and give me a hand?”

Nic shook his head. “Oh, no way. I said I would stay out here, remember.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Fine.” She put both hands on the handle and pulled. “Come on. Ughhh.” Finally, the drawer came free, and a strange mist burst forth. “Hey.” She coughed and waved away the odd gas. “What the hell is this stuff.”

Nic slowly walked inside. “What are you doing in here playing around?”

Martha slowly stood up. “I wasn’t playing around.” She coughed. “There was some weird stuff in that drawer.”

“Right?” He pointed his flashlight at the open drawer. “There isn’t anything in here. This was a waste of time.”

“What are you talking about? There has to be something. Documents. A map.

Anything to tell us where we are.”

He shook his head and walked back to the door. “Nope. Nothing but your stupid little dust show. Now let’s get on.”

Her cheeks turned red. “Hey, my idea wasn’t any dumber than you leading us around blindly.” Martha put her hand on her head. “Whoh.” She sat down on the edge of the desk.

“I feel kind of funny all of a sudden.”

“What are you talking about? Let’s get going.” He walked down the hallway.

She stood up and put her hand on her chest. “Ugh, my belly feels weird.” Martha made her way towards the door. “Nic, wait up.” She looked down the corridor. “Nic? Hey, where did you go?” She couldn’t see him in the darkened hallway. “Blast it. That jerk left me.

Bah,” She rubbed her stomach. “Whatever is going on, I can feel it spreading. Ohhh.” She groaned. “It is starting to feel somewhat pleasurable. Ahhh.” Martha smiled as she felt warmth surge inside her breasts. “Yes, I think it is starting to feel really nice.” She took a deep breath. “Still, I need to find that jerk, Nic.” She began to walk down the corridor. “He can’t just leave me here.”

“Nic!” She checked each door as she walked down the hallway. “Hey, where did you go.” Martha took a deep breath as her trek into the darkness continued. “I wish he wasn’t so impatient.” She wiped the sweat from her brow. “And wow, I am starting to get really hot.” She pulled at her jacket. “Everything feels kind of heavy. My breasts, especially. I don’t know what is going on. Phew.” She blinked her eyes. “Oh hey, I think I see a door. This one is open. Nic must come this way.”

As she walked through the doorway, she felt a jolt rush through her body. “Oh god.”

She leaned against the doorway for support as tremors rocked her body. “What is happening to me?” Her nipples pressed against her jacket and her breasts began to expand outward. Martha looked down in surprise. “What in the world? My breasts are swelling like melons.”

She took a deep breath. “This isn’t possible. It has to be in my head, right?” Martha walked into the next room. “Nic! Where are you? We need to get out here.” Her foot pressed down onto a switch, and a light suddenly turned on. “What is going on now?”

Her attention turned to the far end of the room as a movie projector began to play. “I am sorry, but we are going to have to shut everything down.” She took a few steps forward as she examined a strange-looking man in a suit on the screen. “Things have just gotten out of control. The factory and the dolls. We thought that making some living dolls for the kids would be fun but. . .” He shook his head. “We can’t risk anyone entering the facility. We don’t know what might happen. Some workers have run away, talking about someone or something trying to turn them into a toy.”

“Effective tomorrow, the only part of the factory that will be open to the public will be the tours. And that will be shut off from the rest of the factory. We can’t let these accidents get out into the public. This never happened.”

The tape suddenly ended, and Martha walked forward. “When the hell was this?” She scratched at her head. “The factory has been making dolls for years, and I just now hear of this?” She screamed as she heard a noise behind her. “Ahhhhhh!” She turned around to see a kitty cat doll fall onto the ground in the doorway.

“Oh my.” She put her hand on her swollen chest. “You scared me, you little devil.” Martha walked over and picked up the little kitty. “I can put you back up on the ledge here.”

The cat shrieked and lashed out. “What in the world?” Martha dropped the weird creature as it landed on the ground, hissed at her, and dashed off into the darkness. “That thing. It was real.” She hugged herself. “It was a living doll cat. Its fur felt more like pine needles than real cat’s fur.” She shivered. “What is going on around here?”

“Ah, there you are.” She turned her head at Nic’s voice. “I wondered where you ran off to.”

She dashed over and hugged him. “I am so glad you are here.” She groaned as she soaked in his sent. “You smell nice.”

“Ya you to?” He pushed her away. “Did you grow or something?” He looked at her chest. “Something seems a little different.”

“Nevermind that. Look, we need to get out of here.”

“Not until I get what is owed me.”

She grabbed onto his arm. “I mean it. There is something wrong with this place.”

“Oh, like what?”

Martha pointed to her chest. “What do you think happened to my breasts? The factory is trying to turn us into dolls. We have to get out of here before it’s too late.”

Nic laughed. “Are you serious? Turn us into dolls? Ya right? You probably slid something under your shirt to try and scare me. Or maybe you are coming on to me?”

“I am serious. I saw some freaky living toy cat. Also, since when would you think I am interested in you?”

Nic shook his head. “Whatever. Look, can you not abandon me again.” He sighed as his face began to glisten in the dim light. “I don’t’ want to have to chase you down again.”


“What?” He narrowed his eyes as they began to glaze over. “Why are you staring at me?”

She took a few steps back. “You umm. . .” She fought to find the words. “Your face.”

He crossed his arms. “Yes, I know my face is red with anger.” Round perfectly red circles formed on his face. “Now, let’s get to finding my prize.” He stopped. “It’s getting. . . harder for me. . . to open my mouth.” He touched his lips. “Huh?” Nic pulled out his phone, clicked a button, and screamed. “What is going on?” Nic dropped his flashlight.

Martha shook her head. “I fucking told you. You are turning into a doll. What did you do while I was gone?”

He spun around, his arms flailing about. “All I did was try some candy I found lying about.” He slapped himself on the sides of his body. “I thought it was the same kind of candy they had in the tour area. It tasted the same. Oh, I feel so funny.”

She grabbed him by the shoulders and slapped him. “Calm down.”

Nic slowly nodded his head. “Ok.”

Martha took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Let’s think.” She looked at Nic, whose body was slowly changing. His shirt was melding into his chest, and she could see thick muscles growing out of his torso. Nic’s arms were also turning to plastic.

“Whatever you do, do it fast. I am feeling very fuzzy.” He scratched at his head. “Are you my mistress?”

“Hell no.”

He laughed. “Of course not. You would need a whip for that.” He blinked his eyes. “Why did I say that? What is going on?”

Martha put her hands on his shoulders. “It’s ok. We just have to find our way out of this crazy place. Ok?”

He nodded his head. “Right. Right.” He looked at her legs. “Hey, your legs. They are gleaning in the light.”

Martha looked down to see her legs turning to plastic. “No.” She grabbed her ankles and caused a squeaking sound. “Stop it.” She suddenly giggled as the pressure on her plastic body sent odd shockwaves throughout her system. “Ohhh fuck stop it.” Martha fell to her knees, giggling. “Fuck.”

“Hey, are you alright?”

She looked up at him, giggling. “Of course I am. I just. . . Oh god. I just need a moment.” She slammed her hand down on the table. “Oh man, my shoes are so tight now.” Martha moved to a sitting position. “Damn things.” She slowly slid one shoe off after the other. “Ugh, I still don’t feel right. It must be these socks.”

“Umm, Martha?”

She held up her hand to silence Nic. “We will find a way out of here once I am feeling in tip-top shape. Got it?”

He looked down as more of his own body began to change. “Well, hurry. I am starting to feel really funky here.”

She tore off a sock. “Just a moment.” She took a deep breath. “I am already feeling much better.” Martha threw off the other sock. “Ahh.” She held up her plastic feet in the air.

“I can breathe. Also, wow, my feet have inflated by quite a bit.” She made her way to her feet. “It is almost hard to stand. Whohhh.” Martha put her hand on the nearby table to stabilize herself. “Ok, let’s get going, Nic. Nic?”

She looked down to see him on the floor, almost his entire body now covered in shiny plastic. He had an eternal smile on his face, and his pants were slowly shrinking into his body. She could also see a bulge forming in his jeans. Martha took a few steps back. “Oh god. He’s.

He’s. . .”

Suddenly Nic’s body vibrated. His still limbs moved, and he sat up. He looked at her and gave her a creepy smile. “Embrace the doll inside of you, Martha.

It’s fun.”

That was all she needed to hear. She turned around and ran. She didn’t care where or the fact that she had forgotten or flashlight. She just needed to get out of this crazy place.  I can’t let the transformation finish. I need to get out of here before I turn into a dolly. A fun-loving dolly who will bring this joy to the outside world. Oh, how fun that sounds.  She shook her head.  What kind of craziness am I thinking?

After a few minutes of running, Martha found herself in the room with the desk and the dust. “Yes, I must be getting close to the exit.” She turned towards the door and fell onto her knees. “Ugh, but my legs feel so light. So hard to move.”

She held her hand in front of her face as her fingers became round and shiny. “Noo.”

They started to move with minds of their own, separating out from each other almost perfectly. “I can’t move my fingers. My hands.”

She took a deep breath. “Oh, I feel so light. Dolly wants to lie down, yes?” She began to lean backward. “Yes, that sounds good. A good dolly who will just lie down for a bit.” Martha closed her eyes. “I don’t have to worry. Dollies don’t have to worry about such foolish nonsense, now do they.”

She shook her head. “No, wait.” She looked to see her rubber hands slipping off her pants. “What am I doing?” She giggled. “Just getting these foolish clothes off. Dolly doesn’t wear such things.” She kicked the clothes off her body. “Not this dolly.”

Martha slammed her rubbery hand down. “No, I am not a dolly. I am not a part of this messed up factory.” She looked at her plastic vagina. “I need to figure out a way to fix this. If only I could stand up.” She closed her eyes. “Everything is so fuzzy.”

Her hands slowly slid her shirt off. “Dolly doesn’t need to worry about fuzzy. Fuzzy is good.” She tossed the shirt to the side and giggled. “That feels so much better.” She sighed as she felt her body inflate and become hard. “Time to have some fun.” She slowly stood up and bounced on her rubber feet. “Need to spread the love to others.”

The doll cat jumped onto her shoulders and purred. “Yes, little one, I left the door to the factory open. So we can get out and share the dolly love. Go and tell the others.” The kitty purred before jumping off her shoulder and running into the dark corridors of the factory. “Yes, we will share this love with the world.”


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