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To Win a Blueberry Competition.

“So, how is our little project coming along?” Alexa asked.

Terry glanced over. “I just can’t get these little devils to grow.” She crossed her arms. “I don’t know what else to try, and the local stage of the competition is tomorrow.”

Alexa shrugged her shoulders. “So what.” She sat down in the swivel chair. “If we don’t get this done by tomorrow, there is next year.” She picked up a blueberry and threw it into her mouth. “Nice test subjects, though. Very juicy.”

Terry slapped Alexa’s pale hand. “Hey, we need those blueberries for testing. No eating them.”

“But I am hungry. I skipped lunch to rush over and help you.” She narrowed her green eyes. “What kind of friend makes me work on the weekend anyway?”

“The kind of friend that will get that sports car reward this year. That is why we will get this figured out by tomorrow. I just need to find the exact formula to get these blueberries to grow.”

Alexa sighed. “Why can’t we be like everyone else and just grow giant blueberries.

That is the theme of the competition.” She stood up and shrugged. “Or can’t you invest as much time and energy into that kind of crazy stuff?”

Terry shook her head. “I told you months ago. I have better things to do than deal with some pain in the butt blueberry growing apparatus. I can just inject these devils and. . .” She stuck a syringe into one of them, and it vibrated before exploding in her face. “Fuck.”

Alexa laughed. “Well, there is always next year.”

“Next year doesn’t have my car, damnit.”

Alexa picked up one of the syringes. “Hey, what is in this stuff anyways?”

“Just some growth hormones I brought home from work mixed with some blueberries. Perfectly safe stuff.” Terry shrugged. “I thought it would help these devils grow like mad.”

Alexa rolled her eyes. “Shows how much you know about science.”

Terry slammed her pale hand down on the table and narrowed her blue eyes. “I know more about science than you do. Who is the college dropout here?”

Alexa turned around. “No need for name-calling. Look, I am going to order a pizza. Do you want something?”

Terry grabbed a syringe as she stood up. “Umm, sure.” She crept towards Alexa with a grin on her face. “Pineapple.”

Alexa gagged. “Are you kidding? Since when do you want that?”

Terry moved closer to Alexa. “I want to try it. Come on, be adventurous.” She raised the needle. “You have to learn to try things.”

“But Pineapple? There are limits to. . .” Her eyes went wide. “Ouch.” She twisted around, and the syringe flew out of her arm. “What are you doing?”

Terry smirked and shrugged her shoulders. “Umm, science?”

Alexa rubbed her arm and used her other hand to hit Terry. “I am not a test subject.” She looked at her shoulder. “Look, I am already getting a bruise. Wait, why would I get a bruise from a needle? Terry, why is my skin turning blue?” She watched as her shoulder slowly turned blue. “Terry, what is going on?”

Terry shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, I don’t’ know. To be honest, I didn’t think anything would even happen.” She giggled. “I am pleasantly surprised, I have to say.”

Alexa grabbed her friend as her arm turned blue. “You have to be kidding me.” She held her violet-colored hand out in front of her. “I have a date with Norman tomorrow. He can’t see me like this.”

“Calm down, Alexa. You are overreacting. I am sure this is nothing but a measly skin rash.”

Alexa watched as her other hand changed color. “This doesn’t feel like a rash. I can feel something moving underneath my skin Terry.” She grabbed Terry by the shoulders. “You hear me? Moving!”

Terry pulled away and straightened her jacket. “Look, I am going to go into the next room and order us that pizza.”


Terry turned around as the rest of Alexa’s body turned blue. “Look, you need time to let this sink in.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Literally. I will just get us some pepperoni pizzas. Then, after dinner, we can figure out how to deal with your skin rash. K?”

Alexa slammed her hand down on the table. “No, it’s not ok.” Terry walked out of the room. “Hey, come back here.” She rushed towards the door only to have it slam in her face. “Terry.” She grabbed the doorknob. “Unlock this door. Hey!” She took a deep breath. “I am clam. Really I am.”

After a few moments, Terry’s voice drifted from the other side of the door. “Pizza will be here in twenty minutes. So just sit tight there, Alexa.”

Alexa turned around and snorted. “Great.” She crossed her arms. “What am I supposed to do now? My skin is completely blue, and I am stuck in here.” She threw her arms up. “Norman is going to flip when he sees me like this. And all because Terry is obsessed with a contest that we are way, way too late to enter. Ugh, my shirt is even tight.” She scratched at her belly. “That is strange. I don’t remember wearing one of my tight blouses today.”

Alexa looked down to see her stomach slowly pushing outward. “Oh my god, what is happening?” She grabbed the sides of her stomach. “I feel so full?” She swayed her body back and forth. “It feels like I have some kind of liquid in there.” Alexa shook her head. “But that is crazy. How could I have any liquid in my stomach?” She lifted her shirt up and pressed on her belly. Suddenly her belly button pushed outward, and blue goo squirted out of her belly button. “What in the world?”

Alexa walked over and touched the strange goo. “What is this.” Against her better judgment, she lifted it to her mouth and tasted it. “Blueberries?” She licked her lips. “Why blueberries.” She looked down at her massive round belly. “This is way too weird.” Alexa turned around, her blue stomach knocking a mug off the table. “Hey, Terry. Can you please come in here? I am experiencing some swelling, and I need some help.”

“Alexa, I told you to just stay calm. We can figure out your skin rash when the food gets here.”

She looked down as the blueberry juice forced her hips to grow, her jeans sliding down her legs. “Please come in here. I am having serious swelling issues.” The button on her pants popped off of her body and hit a picture in the room. “So get in here and help me before things get out of hand.”

As Alexa pushed on the sides of her expanding hips to try and keep herself from expanding, she heard music turn up in the next room. “Terry?” Her cheeks turned violet and filled with juice. “You can’t just drown me out. I need help. Whoh.” She suddenly lost her balance, the front half of her body much heavier than the back. “Shit, shit, shit.”

Alexa fell forward and bounced on her round body. “Ouff.” She tried to push herself back onto her feet, but she couldn’t reach the floor due to her inflating body. “Oh, come on.

This isn’t happening.” Her pants snapped off her body. “Ugh, it can.” She looked down to see her dough-like legs shrinking into her circular body. “I just keep growing and growing.” Her shirt slid up towards her head as her torso continued to swell. Alexa tried to push down on her chest, but her arms were shrinking fast into her blue body. “Terry.” She took a deep blueberry-scented breath. “Get in here and help me.” Her arms moved to the sides of her body as her body took on a spherical shape.


Terry pushed the door open with a pizza box in her hand. “What?” She looked at Alexa and gasped. “Oh my god. What happened?”

Alexa shook her head. “You left me to turn into this. . . this blueberry.”

Terry walked over and set the pizza container on the table.

“Amazing.” She gently touched Alexa’s body. “That injection I gave you turned you into a human-sized blueberry.”

“It isn’t amazing. I can feel blueberry juice swimming around all over my body.” She clenched her hands into fists. “And I can’t move.”

Terry tapped Alexa and caused her to wobble. “Hey, just be happy you are not swelling anymore. Imagine if you were still growing.” She giggled. “That would be amazing, wouldn’t it?”

Alexa narrowed her blue eyes. “No! This is bad enough.” She turned her head. “What if I never turn back?”

Terry turned around and grabbed a slice of pizza. “Well, there is the first round of the competition tomorrow. We can enter you in that.”

“Are you nuts? I have hands, feet, and a human head. They would never treat me as a real blueberry.”

Terry took a bite out of the pizza and walked over to Alexa. “Not with that attitude.” She wiped her greasy fingers over Alexa’s body. “We just have to get creative and cover up your human parts and easy win.”

Alexa shook her head. “I won’t do it. This is immoral.”

“Oh, come on. You help me get my car. I help you out of this situation. Win-win.”

Alexa sighed. “Fine.” She rolled her eyes. “Now, can I please have some food? I am still hungry.”

“What do you want me to do about it?”

Alexa narrowed her eyes. “I can’t move, remember.”

Terry rolled her eyes. “Oh, alright.” She grabbed a slice of pizza. “I guess it will be worth it for the car.”


Alexa opened her eyes to bright rays of sunlight. “Ughh.” She raised her arm to block out the light. “What happened?” She slowly stood up and looked around. “All I remember is going to sleep looking like a giant big blueberry. What a crazy nightmare.” She stretched her arms. “But at least it’s over now.” She blinked her eyes and looked down at her body, and screamed. “Oh no.” Her body was covered in tiny blue spots. “What is this? Why am I naked? Where are my clothes? And why am I not in my own house?”

Terry rushed into the room. “Alexa, you are awake?” She looked at her. “Oh, and you are back to normal.”

Alexa grabbed a nearby towel and used it to cover herself. “What happened here? That blueberry nonsense from last night. It was real, wasn’t it?”

Terry shook her head. “Of course, it was real. Why do you think you spent the night here?”

Alexa shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I just hoped that I imagined yesterday and all of that blueberry nonsense.” She sighed. “Well, it is over now. I can borrow some of your clothes and meet up with Norman.” She looked at the blue splotches on her arm. “I don’t think he will notice these.”

Terry shook her head. “No way. I need you downtown today at the contest.” Terry grabbed Alexa by the arm. “You are my ticket for the sports car. We win today, and eventually, we will win the whole thing.”

Alexa pulled away. “Are you nuts? I am not turning into a blueberry again. What happens if I don’t turn back? Or worse, I grow out of control?”

“I know what I am doing. Now just wait here while I get another batch of growth hormones mixed up for you.”

Alexa rushed for the door. “Oh hell no. I am not going to be your giant berry. I have a date that I have to make.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Besides, I think there is a lesson about not cheating or something to be had here.”

She smirked and ran upstairs.

“Don’t you dare talk to me about cheating. Now just hold on while I get this formal mixed up. Alexa!”

She rummaged through the drawers. “Ahh, here we are.” She pulled out a blue dress. “I am sure she won’t mind. I do have a date after all.”

Terry banged on the door. “Hey, let me in there. Alexa, we have a competition to win. Come on.”

Alexa slipped the dress on. “Sorry. I am sure you can find someone else for your little experiments.” She grabbed some heels out of Terry’s closet. “Have fun today.”

“Hey, I can’t just do this to any random person. I could go to jail. Alexa, get back here.”

She rushed over to the window and slid it open. Oh wow, talk about a jump.  She took a deep breath.  But it’s better than being turned into a blueberry again. She closed her eyes and leapt from the window, landing on the wet grass below a few moments later. “Ouch.” Alexa rolled to her feet. “I should have waited to put these damn heels on until after I jumped out of the window.

The front door suddenly opened. “Alexa. You will take this medicine, and you will like it. I am getting that sports car.”

Alexa rushed over to where her car was and opened the door. “Good thing I left the keys in here last night. Can’t believe a stupid mistake would pay off.” She started the engine and locked the door as Terry pounded on the door. “Oh, what is that? I can’t hear you?” She shifted the car into reverse, sped out of the driveway, and drove towards Norman’s house.

“Finally.” She turned the radio on. “Terry is going nuts over this competition. It is just a fancy car. I don’t get what the fuss is about. I am sure there will be a nice enough reward next year.” She pulled into Norman’s driveway. “I will have to make it up to her, though. Preferably after she has calmed down from this berry nonsense.”

She shut off the engine and slid the keys into her pocket. “I wish my dresses had pockets.” She laughed as she opened the door. “And this time, I will remember to lock my door.” Alexa walked up the small brick path as she pulled on the dress sleeves. “I just need to keep this thing from showing my blue skin rash, and I will be good.”

“Alexa! You made it.”

She looked up to see Norman holding a bouquet of flowers in his tan hands. He smiled and walked forward. “Wow, it’s great to see you. You won’t believe the night I have had Norman.” She smiled. “Are these for me?”

He handed her the flowers. “Yes. Violets for my sweetheart.”

Alexa blushed. “Thank you. They are lovely. So shall we go inside?”

“I thought we would go out for our date today.”


He smiled and scratched at his sandy hair. “Yes. You don’t mind, do you?” He blinked his brown eyes. “I just want to take you to the fair.”

“The fair?”

“Yes. I thought it would be fun.” He took her hand in his. “The fun yearly talent competitions. We can play some games together. It will be a hoot.”

She slowly nodded her head.  Yes, and the blueberry competition. There is just no escaping this. Well, at least I won’t have to deal with Terry, I guess.  Alexa smiled. “Sure, why not. We will have a lovely time.”

Norman nodded his head. “Yes, that is the spirit. Now, wait here while I go and get my jacket.” He shivered as he turned around. “It is a bit brisk out today.”

Alexa sighed as he walked inside. “Well, I guess this will be ok. We can just avoid the blueberry competition.” She shivered. “Just the thought of swelling up again is making my insides quiver. All of that juice swimming inside of my body.”

“Swimming? You want to go to the beach inside?” Norman slipped his hand through his jacket sleeve as he walked back outside.

“Oh no. I was just talking a bit of nonsense.” She laughed. “Never mind. Let’s get going.”

He shrugged his broad shoulders. “Ok then. Let’s be on our way.”


Alexa and Norman found themselves at the fairgrounds about a half-hour later. “So, my dear, what do you think?”

Alexa’s eyes widened as she watched a giant blueberry rolled in front of them. “I think some people go to any lengths to win a contest.”

Norman laughed. “Ya. Want to see who wins that later?”

She crossed her arms. “Not particularly.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Umm, are you alright?”

She shrugged. “Yes. I just umm. . .” Alexa scanned the fairgrounds. “Want to go and check out the talent show. Yes, let’s go check that out.” She grabbed Norman by the arm and dragged him. “Now come on.”

“Hey now. You don’t have to be so forceful.”

“Forceful? Who is forceful?” She pulled him towards the crowd which surrounded the stage. “All I want to do is see this little contest.”

“I um. . . ugh, never mind.”

Alexa felt a pinch on her shoulder as the stage came into view. “Oww. What was that?”

“Alexa. It is so good to see you again. I thought you weren’t coming.” She turned to see Terry. “But I am happy all the same.”

Alexa tightened her grip on Norman’s arm. “Look, Terry. This isn’t a good time.”

Norman pulled away from Alexa. “Hey, why don’t you introduce me to your friend.”

Terry held out her hand. “Terry Garden. Weird name, I know, but what can you do?” She laughed.

Norman chucked. “Ya, I guess so. What did you come here for?”

“I am entered in one of the competitions. The blueberry competition.”

“Oh? I want to go see that, but I don’t think Alexa here is very interested.” He rubbed Alexa on her back. “We are going to work it out eventually, though.”

“Oh, I hope you do. It will be a blast.” Terry turned around. “But don’t worry too much about not seeing the show. I think Alexa will come around.”

Alexa shook her head.  Fat chance. I am not going anywhere near those giant blueberries again. Not after what happened. Being all blue.  She looked at her hands.  At least it is all over.  Her eyes widened as she noticed her hands turning blue once more. “Oh my god. My hands are turning blue again.”

Norman turned around. “What did you say?”

Alexa hid her hands behind her back. “Umm, I said, oh my god, I am blue without your touch?”

He blushed. “Well, if you want a kiss so bad, don’t beat around the bush.” He reached over and kissed her. “But maybe next time, don’t announce things so loudly to the world?”

“Oh yes. Right.” She blushed, her cheeks turning a dark reddish-blue. “Umm, do you mind getting Terry and me something to eat real quick?”

“Alexa I. . .”

“Norman, I would really appreciate it.” She turned her head to see her arms completely blue. “Please hurry.”

Terry smiled. “I would like a giant pretzel if you would please.”

He turned around and scratched at the back of his head. “Fine. Whatever. I will be right back.”

Once he was gone, Alexa whirled around and grabbed Terry. “What are you doing? Why are you doing this to me?” She threw her blue arms in the air. “I can’t have this happen. Not now. What is Norman going to say when he sees me all blue.” Her face turned blue as if someone had switched a light switch on. “Oh god. What happens when he sees me start to swell up. Oh, no, no, no.”

Terry laughed. “Wow, look at you. The stress is causing blueberry juice to flood your system.”

Alexa narrowed her eyes and grabbed Terry by the arms. “You need to find me a place to hide and hurry. Not just before Norman gets back but before this crowd realizes that they have a human blueberry in their midst.”

Terry laughed. “Ok, calm down. We will just go to my station while your “ehem” changes occur. It will all work out.”

Alexa crossed her arms. “None of this would have had to happen if you didn’t inject me with your crap in the first place.”

“Hey, you are going to help me get that car. What can I say?” Terry grabbed Alexa’s arm. “Now come on. You don’t want the whole world to know your blueberry secret, do you?”

Alexa used her free hand to press on her stomach and feel a growing pressure inside. “Let’s get this over with. I hope you lose.”

Terry pulled Alexa into a small tent. “Now that isn’t nice to say to your best friend, now is it?” She grabbed some blue paint as Alexa’s belly began to expand outward.

“What is that for? My body is already completely blue.”

“Well, I have to cover up your face and hands.” She feverously painted Alexa’s body. “Make you seem more real after the swelling is done.”

Alexa put her hands on her massive hips as her dress stretched outward. “You do know that this silly paint isn’t going to help with covering up my human hands, feet, or head.” She tapped her foot on the ground as Terry continued to paint away at her left hand. “But if you lose, you lose. Then we don’t have to move on to the next stage, and all of this nonsense ends.” Alexa dropped her pants and threw them against the wall.

“Don’t’ say that. Also, what are you doing? Why are you taking your clothes off?”

Alexa sighed as she tried to slip her dress off. “Because I don’t want my expanding body to rip these clothes apart. That is why. Ugh.” She pulled at her dress, but it wouldn’t slip over her massive belly. “Come on. Get off of me.” She took a deep breath as the dress pressed against her skin. “That doesn’t feel right. It is pushing the blueberry juice into some weird places.”

Terry tapped Alexa on the back. “It will be fine. Just hurry up and swell. You are on stage here in a few minutes.”

“I umm.” She sat down, her legs melding together. “My boobs feel funny. This didn’t happen last time.”

Terry turned around. “Quiet, the contest is starting.”

“But Terry.” Alexa looked down as her breasts began to expand. “I can feel the blueberry juice swimming around in my boobs, and my nipples are becoming very sensitive. I need to get this dress off before it’s too late.”

She turned her head around with a darkened face. “I said quiet. Swell up like the blueberry you are so we can win that car already.”

Alexa snorted as she fell backward onto her round berry butt. “Fine. I hope my giant blueberry breasts make you lose the contest.” She crossed her arms and tried to remove the dress from her body once more. “This damn thing is cutting me in two. Fuck.” She took a deep breath as the lower half of her body swelled into a round spherical shape while the top half struggled to fit into the dress. “God, why won’t you just rip apart?” She groaned as more and more juice surged into her boobs. “They are so full.” She felt her bra press against her body. “If it wasn’t for this fucking dress, they would be huge right now.” Alexa shook her head. “Oh god, I don’t want to know what is going to happen when this thing finally snaps apart.”

Terry turned around. “What the hell? You don’t have that stupid dress off yet? We are up in ten minutes.”

Alexa slammed her right hand on the side of her body as the dress began to rip apart. “It’s your fault that this thing is so well made.” She took a deep breath. “Besides, I don’t think you are going to like it when I burst this thing apart.”

Terry climbed up on Alexa’s torso and clawed at the blueberry-stained garment. “I don’t care what you look like under there. Just get it off so we can move on in this contest. I want that car, and I want it now.”

The dress burst off of Alexa’s body, and the pent-up blueberry juice filled her body, sending Terry skyward. “Help!” She hit the top of the tent and landed on Alexa’s massive blueberry-filled breasts. “Ouch.” The blueberry juice which had been pent up in Alexa’s body forced her to grow rapidly until she was almost twice her original size.

Alexa shook her head. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. My boobs are so huge they almost obscure my vision. What am I going to do?”

Terry shook her head and pushed herself up. “Holy hell. You look like a giant blueberry with two smaller blueberries growing out of you.” She stumbled backward onto Alexa’s right nipple. “This is insane.”

“Fuck.” Alexa groaned. “Can you get off of me?” Blueberry juice dripped out of her nipples. “Everything is so sensitive I can’t. . .”

Terry slid off of Alexa’s body. “Shesh.” She ran her hand through her hair. “How am I going to explain this to the judges?”

“Oh no, you can’t roll me out there.” She took a deep breath. “I am staying right here until I return to normal.”

A young man entered the tent. “Terry, you are on.”

She smiled. “Ok.” She turned toward Alexa. “Well, time to get you out there.”

Alexa turned her head. “Fat chance. No way you can roll me out there on your own. I am so huge that I am not going anywhere.”

Terry walked behind Alexa. “Oh, don’t worry. You will get out onto that stage.” She pushed on a set of handlebars. “Lucky for me, you swelled on one of the carts around here and didn’t move off of it because you were so concerned with turning into a blueberry.”

“What?” Alexa tried to look down, but all she could see was her blueberry body, breasts, and the tent. “You tricked me again.”

Terry pushed her onto the stage. “I am going to get that car no matter what. Now hush up. Blueberries don’t’ talk.”

“Next up, we have Terry Garden, and wow, ladies and gents, does she have a whopper of a blueberry.” A young man walked up to Terry. “Tell us, how did you grow such a monster of a blueberry? It even looks like there are some smaller blueberries growing off the top of this thing?”

Terry giggled. “Oh, just blood, sweat, and hard work. You know the usual.”

Alexa snorted, blueberry juice dripping from her nose.  Ya, right, you lair.

“Well, the crowd seems to love you.” The tiny little crowd cheered. “But what do the judges have to say?”

Alexa watched as the table of judges conversed. A few moments later, an elderly man in a grey suit stood up. “Ms. Garden. I believe your unique creation has won first prize here today, and you will be going on to regionals.”

Terry jumped into the air. “Oh yes. Thank you, oh thank you.”

“Do you want us to preserve your fantastic-looking blueberry?”

She held up her hands. “Oh no, that is fine.” She ran around to the dolly handles. “I can manage that on my own. Thank you.” She wheeled Alexa off the stage.

“Do you hear that? Regionals. One step closer to my car.”

Alexa narrowed her eyes. “Great. That means I will have to go through this again.” She took a deep breath. Now can me out of here and get this juice out of me. I am so fucking full; I think I am going to bust.” Blueberry juice seeped out of her nipples. “Oh fuck.”


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