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Doll Escape.

Sarah tried to cross her arms as she was dropped into Ms. Everson’s purse. “Oh, you will look perfect when I get you into your new Alice outfit, darling.” She patted Sarah on the head. “You will just love it.”

Sarah tried to blink her eyes but failed, her body still like a stone slab. Just a few hours ago, she had been delivering a package for her boss only to find out it was to her crazy ex-boyfriend Matt. Not only that, but the whole thing had been a trap to shrink her and turn her into a doll. She had escaped from him but run into Ms. Everson, a creepy doll owner who thought of her as just another specimen for her collection. She wanted nothing more than the ability to move her limbs again and be able to escape this nightmare instead of having to go through another playtime with the other dolls. Ms. Everson made them way too realistic, almost to the point that Sarah questioned if she was the only one trapped in this limbo.

“Ahh, here we are, my little Alice.”

Sarah could see the sign to the store just out of the corner of the purse. “Potion’s R’Us? What kind of place is this?”

“Well, shouldn’t keep the good people inside waiting, should we?” Ms. Everson pushed the door open and walked inside.

A small man in a multi-colored outfit jumped in front of her. “Hello and welcome to Potion’s R Us. Oh, hello again, Ms. Everson.”

She smiled. “Hello, Eric. How are your kids?”

He laughed. “Great. Just great. They are growing at the rate I tell them to.” They both laughed. “So why are you here?”

She set her purse down on a nearby table and pulled Sarah out. “I am looking for something special for this little bugger here. I found her outside my apartment and well want something fitting with the theme. You know, some nice-looking clothes and what not.”

He crossed his arms. “Ms. Everson, we can help you with a great many things here and. . .” he lowered his voice, “even with your fascination with collecting dolls by any means necessary. But we can’t just give you extra clothes for an already made doll.”

She rolled her eyes. “Can’t you do something? I came here because you have helped me so much in the past.”

Eric sighed and put his hands into his blue and red pockets. “There is something I could do, but it doesn’t have anything to do with clothing. You will have to go to another store for that. But. . .” He held up his hand. “From the looks of it, this little darling is alive on some level. Not sure how you did this without our help but not going to judge. But since you are looking for an Alice in Wonderland theme, I can get you something to make it, so this doll is a bit more realistic.”

Ms. Everson raised an eyebrow. “What are you getting at? You know dolls can't be alive.”

"I was just. Never mind." Eric held up his hand. “Wait right here. I will be right back.” He turned around and dashed further back into the exotic store.

Once he was gone, Ms. Everson turned her attention to Sarah. “I wonder what surprise he could have for us, my darling.” She pulled at the side of her dress. “I can’t wait.” She squealed.

Sarah mentally groaned.  “I just hope that it will help me get out of there. I can’t go back to that creepy doll pad of yours.”

Ms. Everson twirled Sarah’s left leg around and around. “You are special, you know that. All of the others.” She threw her other hand over her head. “They just become pure dolls after I am done with them. But not you. I can see that ticking mind in those eyes. I don’t know what that stupid neighbor of mine did to you, but I love it. It makes things so wonderful.” She laughed. “And I hope that this surprise that is waiting for us will be just as great.”

“Ms. Everson.” Eric walked back into the room. “Here we are.” He walked up and set a vial with purple glowing liquid next to Sarah on the table. “This is our Wonderland Special. It will do what it says and bring a hit of Wonderland into the life of who drinks it.”

Ms. Everson clasped her hands together. “Oh, wonderful. It will surely spruce things up.” Her eyes narrowed as she twisted her head around when a car alarm started to blare. “Bah, what fool is playing around out there. My good sir, can you please watch my little darling?”

“Umm, sure.” She rushed towards the door.

Once she was gone, Eric bent over and whispered into Sarah’s ear. “Look, we here at Potion’s R’Us are no longer looking to associate with Ms. Everson. I am sorry for what happened to you and want to help. The potion she is looking to give you will also reverse the dollifcation effects on your body. But don’t squander your chance. That lady surely has left over potions of ours in her hidey-hole waiting to use on you once you begin to return to normal.”

Sarah wished she could say something in return; instead, she just stared up at him with a vacant smile on her face.  “I hope that whatever this guy is planning is working. I would hate that I get this potion; I turn back, and before I get two feet, that crazy lady turns me into a doll again.”

Ms. Everson shook her head. “Some idiot hit the side of my car. I will deal with it after I am done here.” She shook her head. “So let’s do this.” Ms. Everson reached into her purse. “How much for the potion?”

“Just five bucks.”

She handed him the bill. “There you are.” She smiled. “Thank you again. For everything today and everything you have done in the past.”

“Don’t mention it. I mean it.” Eric turned around. “Now, have a good rest of your day.” He made his way towards the back of the store.

Ms. Everson picked Sarah up and smiled. “Soon, we will have some fun, my darling.” She gently touched Sarah on her chest. “I can’t wait.” She slid Sarah back into her purse. “Oh, imagine if this causes my little Alice doll to grow. Instead of having her play with dolls, I could play with her instead.” She laughed. “Oh, what a wonderful world it could be.”

Sarah sighed mentally.  “The sooner I have that drink, the better. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Nor can I wait to be taken back to her creepy doll den.”

“Excuse me miss.” A strange man with a grey hood covering his head approached Ms. Everson. “Can I help you to your car?”

She shook her head. “No. I am good, thank you, though.”

The young man put his hands on her arms. “Please. I insist.”

She pulled away. “Get away from me, you creep, before I call for the police.” She hit him with her purse to reveal Matt’s face. “You!” She narrowed her eyes. “You are not getting the doll back.”

He grabbed at her purse. “Give her to me. You thief.”

Ms. Everson raised her voice. “Help, I am being robbed. Poli. . .” Matt hit her in the gut and snatched the purse out of her hand.

“Quiet.” He turned around. “Think of it as payback for yesterday.” He rushed off down the street.

Sarah felt some of her hopes dash as she bounced around inside Ms. Everson’s purse.  “What am I going to do now? The entire plan revolved around that creepy lady giving me the potion she just bought so the concoction Eric whipped up for me could take effect. If I know Matt, he will just throw me into a trunk, and I will never see the light of day again, or worse, he will see me to those Fredricks Fancy jerks. I need to do something.”  She tried to move her limbs, but all that she managed to do was vibrate her fingertips.  “Noo. It can’t end like this.”

Matt suddenly fell to the ground, and Ms. Everson’s voice filled the air. “You are not stealing from me, you piece of shit.”

He shook his head. “Me? Who stole from who?” He twisted onto his back. “This was my doll in the first place, and I am just taking back what is rightfully mine.”

Ms. Everson pushed him against the ground. “A brute like you doesn’t deserve to keep such a precious thing.” She brushed the dirt from Sarah’s hair. “Look at what damage you have inflicted upon her.”

“Oh, get over yourself.” He tried to sit up, but her heel kept him firmly in place. “If you knew what she really was, you wouldn’t be treating her that way.”

Venom flashed in her eyes. “I do know what she really is, you monster. Don’t make it, so you share her fate as well.” She spat on him. “I hate doll haters like you.” Ms. Everson slid Sarah back into her purse. “Always trying to hurt and destroy the precious little darlings who want nothing more than to live their special little lives.”

Matt shook his head. “What kind of nonsense are you talking about?”

“It doesn’t matter.” She began to walk away. “Just head back into whatever hole you crawled out of, you vermin.”

Matt snarled and then grabbed her legs, forcing her to fall over. “Uuufff.”

The purse flew out of her hands and onto the ground, where it slid forward. “Alice, my darling.”

Sarah twisted around in the purse, and her head banged against the side of the potion vial. The cap popped off, and the purple liquid began to pour out.  “Oh god, no.

I need that.”  Her body fell against the side of the vial, and she could feel the cool liquid pour over her plastic body.  “I need to force my mouth open before it’s too late!”  Slowly she could feel the latex in her head move, and just a few drops entered her mouth before the purse shook violently about.

“Oh god, the potion has tipped over.” Ms. Everson reached inside and put the cap back on the vial. “That was close.” She looked at Sarah. “Goodness. You have some loose potion justice covering your dress. I will get you cleaned off when we get back to my car.” She raised Sarah out of the purse for a moment, and she could see Matt out cold on the ground. “I can’t let you get all wet and soggy, now can I?”

Sarah felt a tingle ripple throughout her plastic body. Ms. Everson narrowed her eyes at Sarah. “Hey.” She shook Sarah in her hands. “Why do you suddenly feel all heavy and such, darling? You didn’t get too wet or something, did you?” She set Sarah into her purse and picked the potion bottle up. “Oh my, some of this is spilled.” She tapped her fingers on her chin. “Or maybe it leaked into your little mouth. That isn’t good. It is too early.” Ms. Everson looked down at Sarah again. “Either way, I can’t take any chances. I need to hurry home before things get out of control.”

She rushed over to her car. “I have to hurry on home.” She started the engine. “I have a rabbit hole to fall down.”

“Give me the doll.” Matt jumped onto the hood of the car. “You don’t know what is at stake here.”

“Oh goodness me. What was I thinking?” She pulled Sarah out and set her onto the seat. “Is this your doll? Well, too bad.” She slammed her foot onto the gas and sent Matt flying off the side of the vehicle. He twisted around until he grabbed a hold of the roof.

“You are not going to get rid of me.”

“Get lost, you creep.” Sarah felt her body begin to grow. “You are going to ruin my good time tonight.” She looked at Sarah as her growing head pushed its way out of the purse. “Fuck!”

Ms. Everson slammed on the breaks and sent Matt sliding onto the hood. He shook his head and looked through the windshield. “Ugh. My head.”

He looked at Sarah as her slow growth continued. “What? She can’t’ be growing! Not after everything I went through to turn her into a doll in the first place.”

Ms. Everson slammed on the gas and sent Matt flying off her vehicle's hood. “Oh, get off, you weirdo. I am making her into a much more fitting doll.” She shook her head. “Besides, you won't trick me into giving her to you.” Ms. Everson revered her engine. “Now get lost.”

Matt stood up. “You can’t do. . .” Ms. Everson drove a few feet towards Matt, and he jumped out of the way. “Fine. Fine.” He put his hands into his pockets.  “Crazy lady.”

Once he was gone, Ms. Everson turned her attention back towards Sarah, who was already a foot and a half tall. “I need to get you home quickly.” Sarah felt the tips of her fingers start to obey her mental commands once more. “I have no idea how much you will grow, and I am not going to risk losing out on this ride.” Finally, she turned her head back towards the road and sped away.

Sarah slowly continued to grow; as she did so, more and more of her body came back into her control.  “Whatever Eric did, it is really helping.”  She quivered her hands.  “I just hope it works quickly enough as right now I can only move my hands. I don’t want to get back to the crazy woman’s apartment, and I am still unable to move.”

A few minutes later, Ms. Everson pulled into the parking space to her building. “And here we are.” She reached over and picked up Sarah, who was now the size of a small child. “Let’s hurry and get you inside before you grow any larger.” She shook her head. “I don’t want all of this hard work ruined because I dropped you into the potion.” Ms. Everson narrowed her eyes as she pushed the car door open. “Or because that creep neighbor of mine got in my way again.”

Sarah shook her arms, and laughter erupted from Ms. Everson. “Ohh my god.”

She dropped Sarah off just before the front door to the apartment. “I think I might have the hebbi jebbies.” She scratched at her chest. “What in the world was that?”

As Sarah tried to pull herself along the pavement, the world went dark. “Where are you going, Alice?” Ms. Everson looked down at her. “I can’t have you just floating away on me.” She bent over and picked Sarah back up. “Now, let’s get inside.” She pushed the door open and rushed inside.

Sarah gulped as she was set on the side of the elevator. “Ok, my darling Alice. We are almost there.” Ms. Everson turned around and pressed the button for the second floor. “Just another minute or so.” Sarah flexed her arms while her captor looked the other way, and the elevator began to move. “It will be so fun. Just wait, my darling.”

Sarah felt her back press against the elevator wall as her growth suddenly accelerated.  “Umm, what is going on?”  Her head quickly neared the ceiling of the small room.  “I need to move now.”  She vibrated her body, but only her arms answered her mental call. “No, this is bad. The potion isn’t working fast enough.”  Her head squeaked against the top of the elevator as her feet pushed against Ms. Everson.

“Hey!” Sarah's growing plastic leg’s knocked Ms. Everson onto her ass, causing a massive squeaking noise. Ms. Everson shook her head as she was slowly lifted up from Sarah’s growing and inflating body. “Ugh. Oh my.” She looked up as Sarah began to fill up the elevator.

“Goodness. We have to get you out of here before you pop.”

Sarah gulped.  “I don’t want to pop, especially when I can only move my arms. That potion dealer should have gotten me a better damn potion. This thing is taking so long to help me.”

The elevator doors opened, and Ms. Everson cried out in joy. “Perfect timing. My inflating darling here won’t be the end of us.” She slid out and grabbed Sarah by the chest. “Now, let’s get out before you pop.”

“I can’t pop. Not right before I get control over my body back.”  The front half of her body was yanked through the elevator doorway.  “Oww. That hurts. I wish I could move my mouth right now to tell her to stop this nonsense.”  She felt slight movement in her legs as Ms. Everson pulled her entirely out of the elevator and into the hallway.  “Slowly but surely, I am getting my old self back.”

Ms. Everson smiled. “Ok, almost back home finally.” She pulled Sarah down the hallway. “Hope you are ready, my Alice darling.” She looked at Sarah as she began to fill up the hallway. “Oh, my, we may not get to my room after all.” Ms. Everson crossed her arms. “You are getting quite a bit larger than I had wanted. I need to get on the phone with that Eric chap.” She pulled out her cellphone. “He needs to have an answer for why you are growing out of control. I wanted the Wonderland experience, not an out of control experience.”

Sarah kicked out with her right leg, her foot striking Ms. Everson in the ass. She screamed as she flew across the hallway, and Sarah smiled mentally.  “Yes.

That was perfect.”

Ms. Everson scratched at her head. “Where did that come from? That doll shouldn’t be able to move.” She turned around to see Sarah moving her limbs. “What in the world?” She jumped onto Sarah. “Alice. Stop this instant.” Ms. Everson narrowed her eyes. “Don’t make me pop you.”

Sarah struggled to move her lips as her growing body pressed the crazed doll owner against the ceiling. After a few failed attempts, she finally opened her plastic mouth and squeaked, “You wouldn’t dare pop me. And my name isn’t Alice. It is Sarah.”

Ms. Everson put her hands over Sarah’s mouth.

“Quiet you.” She shook her head. “God, you are getting too big. Fuck.”

She twisted over onto her back and pushed against the ceiling. “This is a fine mess, that is for sure.”

Sarah used her expanding body to try and throw the crazed woman off of her, but instead, Ms. Everson was pressed between Sarah and the ceiling. She pressed down on Sarah’s inflating body. “Hey, stop this at once.” She fell forward as Sarah’s massive rear end popped up and down the other end of the hall, hitting Matt in the face as he climbed the final flight of stairs.

Sarah shook her head as her body continued to inflate. “I need to do something.” She flexed her arms as her plastic skin continued to press against the hallway walls. “Before I get too big for my own good. Or worse. I start to turn back to normal and lose my elasticity.” She stretched her arms out in front of her and used them to pull her down the hallway and away from the crazed doll owner. “I am out of here.”

Ms. Everson flipped over Sarah’s body and bounced on her rubbery skin before finally landing on Matt as he once again tried to enter the hallway. “Fuck!” She shook her head and pushed off his body. “What are you doing here?”

He looked up at her as Sarah slid down the corridor. “I am getting my merchandise back.” He pushed her off her body. “Now, get out of my way.”

Sarah took the chance to twist her body around the corner of the corridor while they were fighting. “I have to get out of here.” Her plastic face lit up. “An open window at the end of the hall. If I can just get to it in time.” She groaned as her body grew again. “Fuck people who think it’s funny to make me change in size like this.”

She pulled her way along the ground until she neared the windowsill. As her hand grasped the ledge, she felt pressure on the lower half of her body.

“Just where do you think you are going?”

Sarah slowly pulled herself towards the window as she felt her fingertips harden. “I am getting out of here.” She groaned. “You can’t keep me here.”

Ms. Everson pulled on her legs. “Alice, don’t you want to have a wonderfully mad time? Come on.” She took a deep breath. “Just how are you coming to life anyways? Tell me!”

Sarah kicked the crazed woman in the face with her squeaky foot. “I was never a doll in the first place.”

Matt suddenly jumped onto her midsection. “I will make sure that is rectified.”

Ms. Everson stood up and crossed her arms. “Wait, are you saying this young lady was human beforehand?”

Matt nodded his head. “Yes, now let’s stop her from growing, escaping, and such.”

He shook his head as Sarah elbowed him in the face with her now fleshy arm. “Why are you just standing there?”

Ms. Everson suddenly grabbed Matt by the collar of his shirt and pulled him off of Sarah. “You brute. What kind of monster are you.”

“Wait, what?” He blinked his eyes in confusion.

“I may have my shortcomings, but I would never harm a real person.” She pinned Matt against the wall. “At least without knowing what I am doing.” She turned her attention towards Sarah. “If I had known my dear. . .”

Sarah shook her head as she pulled her massive body through the window. “Just stay away from me, you creepy doll lady.” She squeezed through the frame. Her voice trailed out as she wormed her way out through the window. “And you, Matt. If you ever try anything like this again, I will have more than just words to deal with you.”

“I umm. . .” Matt sighed. “Whatever.”

Sarah squeezed her way out onto the grass below.

Her body slowly grew, and her skin continued to change from plastic to flesh. Finally, she stretched out in joy. “I am free. Finally.” She jumped up and landed on her squeaky feet. “The doll nightmare is finally over with.”



Love it! Is there any chance of seeing a "Bad End" version of this?


As Sarah is one of my main protagonists in my extended world I don't want anything truly bad to happen to her yet. That and this story thread has closed. I have been working on different story arch's with Sarah for at least two years now. Though I could possibly do a non-cannon version of the story for the all access tier in the future as it would be a more fetish story. Or have it happen to someone else to make it cannon in the extended story world. I have some other stories in the immediate pipeline so I will think about it.