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The Juicing Station.

Christen sat in her kitchen and tapped her blue hand on the table. It had been a whole week since her blueberry transformation. In that time, she had experienced on and off swelling. Beyond that, there had been one other time she had swelled into a blueberry. Her now ex-boyfriend Greg had tied a massive rope around her and pulled her out of her house like a giant blue bouncy ball. He was lucky she couldn’t sue him for blueberry-related injuries. But maybe that is a good thing because she caused her neighbor Margret to become a blueberry and roll away to parts unknown.

After that day, it has been pretty quiet. Christen stood up, her extra large belly swaying with her movement. “At least I am not too big right now.” She tapped her blue belly. “I wonder how others live like this.”

She had seen the news. Giant blueberries were popping up all over the city; even on a broadcast the other night, one of the reporters turned into a giant blueberry. The town was quite literally becoming one big blue blueberry patch one person at a time.

Christen sat down and turned on the television. She knew that eventually, she would have to get back out there. She had a job to do classes to attend, but how could she face everyone like this? She ran her hands over her swollen blue body, the blueberry juice oozing from her skin. “I can’t go out like this. Besides the fact that I could swell back into a full-on blueberry, I haven’t been able to put on clothes in three days besides my bras.” She scratched at her breasts. “Everything else just won’t stretch with my changing body anymore.” She sighed. “I am sure everyone would just love to see me on campus.”

She laughed as her waistline expanded outward another foot, and she let out a blueberry-filled burp. “Opps.” She held her hand over her mouth. “I am producing juice again.” She took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling as the feeling passed. “Ok.” She closed her eyes. “Phew. No need to get too excited. You know what happens.”

“Are you now a blueberry, or do you know someone who is, and do you need help?”

Christen looked up. “Huh?”

“Do you have new and sudden plant-like urges that need to be let out? Do you have so much juice inside of your body, and it won’t go away?”  Christen sat up, crossed her swollen arms, and looked at the television.  “Well, do we have great news for you. Today is the grand opening of Handy Pal’s Juicing Station. We are servicing the growing demand of the human blueberries around us.”  She watched as a man in blue makeup walked across the screen.  “We understand that the last week or so has been rough, and we want to make it better. While we can't undo what has been done to you, we can make life much better for you.”

The background behind him lit up.  “With our special juicing station, it is everything a blueberry person could want. Massive industry heating lights, specialists who will use our special mineral water to coat your body, so you don’t try out. Oh, and the best part.”  The camera panned to a massive piece of machinery.  “This juicing station. If you are looking to spend the day not a giant swollen blueberry or even just filled with blueberry juice, then this machine will pump all of the juice out of your body where we can sell it, and you even get a cut of the profits. What a deal.”

Christen looked down at her perfectly round chest. “Be able to go out in public for a day?”

“So, what are you waiting for? Come on down and experience the blueberry treatment you deserve at Handy Pal’s Juicing Station on Romance Road today.  The commercial ended there.

Christen blinked her eyes. “What in the world did I just see?” She rested her right elbow on her squishy blue body and then put her head in her hand. “And I thought when I saw the newscaster pop on live television, I had seen it all.” She sighed. “Though could they really help me? It would be better than what I have been doing, letting all of the juice just umm. . .” She tapped her finger on her chin. “I don’t even know what is going on, absorb into my body? Seep through my skin? She lifted her left arm. “I do find a lot of juice around the house. Ugh. I don’t want to think about it anymore.”

Christen pushed herself off the couch. “Ughhh. I guess I should give the place a try. It is better than sitting around here all day. Besides, my classes resume tomorrow. I can’t show up like this.” She slapped her hands on the side of her pear-shaped body. “Last thing I need is to show up on campus looking all big, blue, and round.” She shrugged. “I can’t imagine how many people are going to get on me for my massive hips, sheesh.”

She walked into the next room. “At least Romance Road isn’t that far away. I just go and get the car started, and I should be there in five minutes.” Christen stretched her arms. “Though maybe I should put something on besides a bra.” She cracked a small smile. “If I am going out in public, I umm. . .” She rubbed massive hips. “Everything is exposed down there. I can’t just walk out in public like this.”

She turned around and walked towards the stairs. “I think I have some leggings still.”

She put her foot on the first step, the wood crying out in agony under the weight of her body. “Why did I have put my bedroom on the second floor to the house?” She shook her head as she climbed the steps. “I am going to call someone when I get back from this juicing station to help me move my bedroom downstairs.”

She reached the second floor and crossed the hall to her bedroom. A few moments later, she stood before her dresser. “Ok, I can do this.” She put her hands on the top of the polished piece of wood. “Just bend over enough and don’t fall over.” Christen took a deep breath and reached for the pants drawer. “Ugh.” She shook her head as she opened the drawer. “I should wash these sometime soon.” She pulled a pair of jeans out and threw them to the side. “I think the blueberry scent in the house is starting to seep into them.”

Her hands grasped a blue pair of leggings. “Perfect.” She pulled them free of her dresser and slowly stood back up, careful not to fall onto her back. “They are already blue. So I won’t have to worry about staining them with my juice.” Christen shook her shoulders, the vibrations slowly traveling to her feet. “Ok, I can get these on. You can do this.” She rolled her head. “Let’s go.”

Christen closed her eyes and slipped one pudgy leg into her pants. Once that was secure, she slipped the other and pulled her leggings up. “Ugh, come on. This is like trying to fit a pool toy into a jacket. Fuck.” She took a deep breath as the leggings squeezed her legs and hips together, the juice inside her body crawling up towards her chest and pushing her stomach out.

With one more pull and a triumphant snap, the leggings were in place. “Finally.”

Christen put her hand on her round belly. “That could have gone much worse.”

She turned around. “Now to head to this juicing station.”


Later that day, Christen found herself on Romance Road. “Wow, they really went all out with this blueberry marketing.” She looked at the giant blueberry balloon floating above her head. “Surprised with everything going on that they have this stuff out.” She lowered her head to see a giant blueberry woman being rolled along the street.  “Wow. I guess I am in the right place.”

She followed the giant rolling blueberry to a building with colossal berry balloons at the end of the street. Christen raised an eyebrow as she approached the purple-colored door. “What a strange place.”

A young man in a blue and red jumpsuit stood before her. “Hello, miss. I see you are here for our juicing station services.” He put his hand onto Christen’s round belly.

“Hey!” She slapped his hand. “Watch what you are doing.”

“Sorry. It is just my job to inspect new arrivals.”

Christen took a deep breath. “I don’t know if I am a new arrival yet or not. I just saw you’re commercial and thought I would check the place out.”

He smiled, his white teeth gleaming between his outfit and dark skin. “Well, I think you are going to like it here. My name is Red.”


“Yep. So I am guessing that you are slowly becoming a blueberry like her.” He pointed behind him at the giant blueberry woman that some other employees were trying to fit through the front door of the building.

Christen shook her hands. “No. This happened to me a week ago.” She shrugged her shoulders. “All before any of this nonsense really began. It is a long story.”

“Oh, I am so sorry. I wish we could have helped you sooner. Well, if you would follow me inside, I can show you around. I am sure you will love it. We can service your berry needs.”

Christen laughed. “I just want this juice out of me like was advertised on the commercial so I can go to my college classes. Last thing I need is them laughing at me for being so umm swollen.”

“Well, we can help with that.” He turned around. “Just have to wait until they get her inside.”

“Popular place, I am guessing?”

Red nodded his head. “Considering no one else has figured out how to help these people yet, yes. We get at least twelve blueberries a day.” Christen’s eyes went wide. “It is a sad thing. We have to tell them to try and stay calm as freaking out only causes more juice to flood their system, and they will swell even more.”

“I know.” She tapped her belly. “Had a whole week to figure that one out.”

“Well, looks like the way is clear now.” He waved his hand as the other blueberry woman rolled through the doorway. “Shall we?”

She followed Red into the building and shuddered.

“Ohh my, that is nice. Ohhhh.”

“You like it?” He turned around. “We have the building temperature in here at forty-five degrees.” He hugged himself. “It is a bit cold. . .”

“It is lovely.” Christen’s cheeks turned purple. “Just heavenly.”

Red smiled. “Well, we do the best for our clients. This way, miss.” He led her past multiple giant blueberry women and into the next room. “This is our specially made sun lamp. Think of it as a giant spa.”

“I don’t need a spa day.” She took a deep breath. “I need to get this juice out of my body so I can go to my classes tomorrow.”

He turned around. “Our juicing station is currently in use, so you will have to wait.

You don’t just want to sit around and twiddle those big blue thumbs of yours, do you?”



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